Tuesday, May 27, 2008

CDO Watch: Ratings Shopping

Oh boy, unfortunately no late "Fools Day Joke"....... "Dead CDO´s Walking"......Got Gold ?

Selbstverständlich kein verspäteter Arpilscherz, sondern nur der ganz normale Wahnsinn......Warum nicht gleich so.... Einfach das nicht genehme Rating kurz vorm Downgrade eliminieren und die Welt ist wieder in Ordnung..... Bin mir sicher das dieser Trend an Fahrt gewinnen wird......

CDO watch: ratings shopping FT Alphaville !!
Several CDOs are going into liquidation on Tuesday - a sign, perhaps, that senior noteholders are losing their nerve amid more signs of deterioration in MBS fundamentals, as reported by the rating agencies this week.
But something slightly more interesting is happening with a CDO called Palladium II. As filed today with the Irish Stock Exchange:

REQUEST FOR NOTEHOLDER CONSENT26 May 2008 Omega Capital Investments II p.l.c.…Notice is hereby given that it is proposed to request that Fitch Ratings Limited withdraws the rating which it has assigned to each class of the Notes so that the Notes will be rated solely by Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, a division of McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
The reason? Surely something to do with this announcement, issued on Friday:
Fitch Ratings-London-23 May 2008: Fitch Ratings has today placed Omega Capital Investment II Plc’s Palladium CDO II (Palladium II) secured floating- and fixed-rate notes due in December 2014 on Rating Watch Negative (RWN), as listed below. The RWN actions reflect Fitch’s view on the credit risk of the rated notes following the release of its new Corporate CDO rating criteria.
Fitch goes on to detail the likely downgrades to the various tranches of Palladium, with the triple-A seniors looking to be cut five notches to single A, and the subordinate tranches moving to BBB.

The reason then, that Palladium’s managers, Omega Capital Investments (BNP Paribas), are so keen to get the Fitch ratings removed before the downgrades occur, is because downgrades would trigger a default.

As FT Alphaville reported on Friday (from Total Securitisation), rating downgrades have been the primary cause of CDO defaults in almost all cases so far.

Palladium II, it appears, isn’t the only CDO withdrawing Fitch ratings. There’s also Taberna (Fitch ratings withdrawn Friday).

Ratings shopping in action? Certainly a clear sign that the market incentivises looser rating standards. Unwelcome downgrades mean you lose your business.

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