Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Investors Are More Enthusiastic About The Industry's Future Than Bank Executives Are.....

With insider buying at ZERO this is quite an understatement..... But it is definitely good news for the taxpayer....... Let´s hope that not too many pension funds got involved in the latest offerings.....This is especially true when you see some other ( now former ) "strategic" investors are slashing their holdings ( see here & here )......

Wenn man bedenkt das kein einziger Bankinsider seit dem Stresstest eine einzige Aktie gekauft hat dürfte die Überschrift gelinde gesagt ne kleine Untertreibung sein..... Immerhin sind das gigantische Nachrichten für den arg gebeutelten Steuerzahler..... Bleibt nur zu hoffen das nicht allzu viele Pensionskassen an den letzten Aktienemissionen teilgenommen haben.... Das gilt umso mehr wenn man bedenkt das ehemalige Ankerinvestoren Ihre Bankenbeteiligungen im großem Stil auf den Markt schmeissen ( siehe hier & hier )......


Banks are having an easy time dialing for dollars.

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, American Express Co. and regional bank KeyCorp said Tuesday they sold a combined $8.7 billion in common stock. That pushed the total value of shares sold by the 19 financial firms that were stress-tested by the government to at least $65 billion since the results were announced May 7.

At the 15 stress-tested banks that have raised capital by selling stock to the public, no senior executives have recently reported buying shares themselves

I have to repeat what i have said in early May...

Let´s hope that the banks that have passed the test are able to attract as much "smart money" as fast ( window of opportunity probably short lived ) as possible...The taxpayer needs a break.....

Kann nur meinen Kommentar vo Anfang Mai wiederholen.....

Bleibt zu hoffen das zumindest die Banken die den Test bestanden haben in der Lage sind genügend "Smart Money" schnell genug ( befürchte das die Bedingungen nicht dauerhaft so gut sein werden ) einszusammeln.... Der Steuerzahler kann dringend etwas Hilfe gebrauchen .......

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