Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mark Faber Is Still Making A Lot Of Sense..... Enjoy!

One of my "favourites"...... After listening to the interview or visiting my
post on Faber you know why.... ;-)

Einer meiner absoluten "Favoriten"...... Spätestens nachdem Ihr das Interview bzw meine früheren Posts zu Faber gesehen habt wisst Ihr warum..... ;-)


Faber: Gloom, Boom or Doom? Credit Writedowns

Brit Bashes Bozos ZH ( No Faber but another person making sense!)

A New Bubble Of the Fed's Creation WaPo

Reflections on "The Last Bear Standing" Mish


While i agree with several of Faber´s viewpoints i´m "less optimistic" on the markets than Faber ( see here & here ) and will finish with a quote from yesterdays post....

Obwohl ich mit fast allen was Faber zum Besten gibt übereinstimme bin ich im Vergleich doch "weniger optimistisch" im Hinblick auf die Märkte ( siehe here & here ) und kann mir nicht verkneifen ein gestriges Zitat erneut zu wiederholen

Bob, ‘The Bear’, Janjuah via FT Alphaville

I think balance sheets and sustainability - govt, central bank AND private sector, MATTER

If they no longer matter, I will be WRONG, and I will have to accept that the policy of ‘Print/Borrow/Spend on Rubbish we don’t Need’ is a limitless phenomena, without consequences, which means there should never be a bear market ever again….

I hope this sounds as ridiculous to you reading as it did to me when writing…..

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