Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Sovereign Misery Index

One important reason why i like gold long term regardless of the US$ direction ( especially when you take a look at the "off balance sheet chart" )........

Einer der Hauptgründe die leider noch auf lange Zeit unabhängig von der Entwicklung des US$ für Gold sprechen ( gilt erst Recht wenn man sich den "Off Balance Sheet Chart" und die damit verbundene Aussage genauer ansieht ) .....

Anothery misery index - Moody's

FT Alphaville

Moody’s has compiled a 1970s-style ‘Misery’ index. But instead of showing inflation and unemployment rates, it shows the fiscal deficit and the unemployment rate.
Theme 1 Aaa countries will probably not have the luxury of waiting for the recovery to be secured before announcing credible fiscal consolidation plans.

Theme 4 Most governments cannot afford another financial crisis. Attempting to ring-fence balance sheets from contingent liabilities will keep policy makers busy.

Theme 5 Very large public debt and low economic vitality will prompt unprecedented questions about how governments can discharge their obligations without changing the rules of the game.

One way of looking at this is to realize that governments are more willing to default on social obligations – such as changing the retirement age – than on financial obligations

Theme 10 Debt hang-hover will test social and political cohesiveness.

In several countries – including some highly advanced ones like Iceland or Ireland, but also Latvia or Hungary, as well as in some much poorer countries like Jamaica – a great sacrifice is required from the respective populations. Cohesive and/or very enduring societies like the Baltic countries, Iceland or Ireland have accepted sacrifices (salary cuts, public spending cuts, etc.) that would have seemed unimaginable a few years ago and continue to seem hardly replicable in comparable societies.
Moodys Sovereign

At least some "Enron-esque characteristics" are difficult to deny......

Böswillig könnte bzw. müßte man sagen das "Enron-esque characteristics" nicht zu leugnen sind....

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Credit's Golden Age? WSJ


We all can thank the regulators, accounting stunt experts, central banksters & the politicans that after trillions of worldwide banking bailouts the banks are now "well capitalized"( proven by yesterdays news like $38 Billion Tax Break Granted to Citigroup to Help Improve the TARP Results & Fannie Freddie May Need Another $400 Billion Taxpayer Assistance & ECB Said to Start Consulting Banks, Investors on Collateral .... No kidding, they are STARTING NOW ! , etc > compare this kind of number with the haggling about the pay for the climate bill.). & strong "regulation" ( Banks Said to Get More Time to Implement Stricter Capital Rules ( Update MEA CULPA! ): & Solving Everything but the Problem ) without loopholes is on the way ..... ;-)

Immerhin sind die Banken ja nachdem weltweit Billionen für die Bankenbailouts geflossen sind jetzt "well capitalized" ( wie gestrige Nachrichten wie $38 Billion Tax Break Granted to Citigroup to Help Improve the TARP Results & Fannie Freddie May Need Another $400 Billion Taxpayer Assistance & ECB Said to Start Consulting Banks, Investors on Collateral .... beruhigend zu wissen das bereits JETZT damit angefangen wird...usw. eindrucksvoll belegen > Richtig gute Laune bekommt man dann wenn man sieht wie verbissen um die Verteilung der Lasten zur Klimarettung verhandelt wird..... Da droht der Gipfel wegen einiger weniger Mrd zu scheitern..... ) & die Schlupflöcher durch die gewohnt "strenge" Regulierung ( z.B. Banks Said to Get More Time to Implement Stricter Capital Rules (Update:MEA CULPA! ) & Solving Everything but the Problem ) geschlossen .. ;-)

There has been a lot of bubble talk ( see Gold: A Contrarian's Dilemma ) when it comes to recent performance of gold. The following chart from Todd Harrison / Minyanville via Pragmatic Capitalist puts things into perspective.....

Gerade in letzter Zeit ist im Angesicht der Outperfmance von Gold immer öfter der Begriff "Bubble" ( siehe Gold: A Contrarian's Dilemma ) gefallen. Da kommt der nachfolgende Chart von Tod Harrison via Pragmatic Capitalist gerade rechtzeitig.....

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`There’s no bubble in gold,’ CIBC says Ft Alphaville

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