Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Word of the day: Furloughs

The politicians say things are getting better..

The mainstream corporate media parrots it too..

And the cockroach Investors on Wall St. are sure investing like it..

But are we?

There can be no recovery without real jobs- not McDonald's-caliber employment, but real jobs that provide real, living wages that allow people to be in a position, if so choosing, to achieve home ownership.

We hear a lot about 'job creation'- mostly minimum wage and temp-caliber garbage.  But what about worker's ability to retain the jobs they presently hold?

For "fun", I looked up the word 'furlough' on Google news, specific to employment specific to just the past few days... I found quite a bit of news headlines affecting people all across the nation- here are some...

Commissioners to vote on furloughs Tuesday (Marietta Daily Journal) 4/27/11 -- "The Cobb Board of Commissioners is slated to vote Tuesday night on scheduling five furlough days for county workers. "

York City School Board votes to furlough more than 70 workers (York (PA) Daily Record) 4/27/11

City parks employees may be facing furloughs (AM NewYork) 4/26/11 -- "To save some green, the city may end up forcing its full-time parks employees to take six-month furloughs...If that happens, the parks will be in trouble, said Dilcy Benn, president of Local 1505. “It’s going to be dirtier and there’s going to be a lot more crime if there’s no one to monitor,” "

Budget shortfall forces furloughs on Utah's school for deaf and blind students (AP)  4/24/11

Clayton (GA) board chooses furloughs over retrieving stimulus payouts (AJC.com)  4/18/11

Palm Beach (FL) school district employee layoffs, furloughs looming (SunSentinel.com) 4/23/11

(Texas) Senate panel approves bill for teacher pay cuts, furloughs, layoffs (Dallas Morning News)  4/14/11

Broward (FL) schools to cut $115 million from budget (WSVN.com)- "Senate panel approves bill for teacher pay cuts, furloughs, layoffs"

(Mayor) Wharton's 2012 (Memphis, TN) budget includes layoffs, furloughs (wmctv.com) 4/20/11

And on and on and on.....

And then you have this lil nugget from the White House--

"White House economic adviser Gene Sperling said on Tuesday the U.S. economic recovery was still projected to continue at a sound pace despite the effect of high fuel prices." - Reuters News  4/26/11

~ Three things you best understand if not already..

1)  There is No real recovery
2)  There is a great disconnect between everyday people and politicians
3) The current President has done Nothing in 27 months in office to make your lives better... Not one piece of legislation.. Nadda..

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