Sunday, July 31, 2011

All is well-- yippee

An hour after the previous posting, I saw the following AP headline:

"Obama, Congress reach a debt deal"

See all is well.

If 2011 demonstrates one thing, it seems the only thing governments, banks and financial markets can not manipulate or control are natural events like tsunamis.  

Everything else- completely under their thumb.

Life is not complicated

Apologies that we haven't written more in the past week or two.

We've really wanted to.  Its just we've taken a stand not to cover any aspect of 'Operation: Debt Ceiling Fear' beyond what we absolutely must to inform readers to not follow it and to not care.

In order to avoid writing on it, we've had to make the conscious and self-preserving step of not reading or listening on it either.  Like the story of Peter & the Wolf, there comes a point when you just get sick and tired of being set up and then it turns out to be nothing or even worse, 11th hour deals are agreed to by parties with no principles or ethics as a means to kick cans while preserving their political skirts (I meant that for male politicians as much as the female ones).

So we at A&G just won't cover it.

We expect some last-second deal will be made late Sunday night or Monday or maybe even Tuesday.  Insincere, disingenuous politicans will smile and speak grandiose about how they saved the nation in spite of the other party while never admitting to themselves how filthy dirty their tiny souls are.  And the markets will cheer and continue making disgusting sums of money which do not translate in any way to the bottom 98%.

Life is not as complicated as many wish it to be.  For instance, if you wish to avoid an 11th hour crisis, then you take the time to negotiate in good faith in figurative hour #7 or #8.  And if you know the debt ceiling must be raised, then you do not complicate an already emotional issue by attaching debt reduction bill to it.

And if you as a politician really give a fuck about balancing a budget and reducing debt, then you don't engage in military operations in 6 nations concurrently (Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Somalia & Pakistan) and you force the top 2% to pay more taxes before you begin stealing the economic lifeblood of the poor, elderly and disenfranchised.

Remember all the hype and sensationalism from the media last week about the markets collapsing because a deal couldn't get done?  Well has it?   Its dropped but markets always ebb and flow.  Did it panic drop? Did it do so anywhere in the world last week?   No it did not.

And if the markets don't care, why should you? And if you don't care, should I?

Markets may tank tomorrow or Tuesday.. who what?!  Just one big rigged casino game- completely irrelevant.  It actually would be good if there was a sincere 1000-1500 pt drop which would be a bloodbath for many investors who Deserve to take some kind of massive financial hit after avoiding one since 2008.  Of course the financial media wouldn't describe it that way but then again, they run by different agendas than we.

If the nation was a human being, it would be a patient in the hospital diagnosed as in 'serious condition' while racked with many internal cancers which doctors have chosen not to treat directly.

And the worst aspect of the entire 3+ year Great Recession which shows no signs of let-up, is that even though maybe 15-20% of the population are directly adversely affected, it also means 80-85% are not.  They are allowed to live in complete and total oblivion, and happily gobble up 'recovery' like mint ice cream.

There's a common saying- If a person you know loses their job, its a 'recession', and if it happens to you, its a 'depression'    It should be added that if you're unaffected in any way, then life is good, everyone is 'lazy', and the mantra is 'don't bother me with more taxes'

Once this debt ceiling nonsense passes and the media moves on to the next topic of alarmism, we'll be back to write more consistently.  Until then.. pardon us.

Saturday, July 30, 2011


Poi non domandiamoci xchè HYUNDAI perde sempre piu' quote di mercato negli USA.
Provate a confrontarla con la SONATA..!?!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Is this 'recovery'?

~ This man is not dying.. he's simply in 'recovery' & this a 'soft patch'

Quick follow up to last posting..

GDP announced today..  1.3%

This is what Reuters had to write:  "The economy stumbled badly in the first half of 2011 and came dangerously close to contracting in the January-March period, raising the risk of a recession if a standoff over the nation's debt does not end quickly."

Interesting though... notice even in this economic reality piece, the writer still Refuses to admit there never was a break in the recession.  Key words:  "raising risk of a recession"

The need to mislead its reading public never ends...

PS  We predicted a 350pt drop.. turned out it only dropped 96pts so we'll call ourselves 'wrong' on that.  However it means Wall St isn't taking the threat of a default seriously.. neither should you.



Non mi convince...
Non so'se e' un bene replicare lo stile quasi retrò della AMG SLS su altri modelli non particolarmente sportivi della gamma MB.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Freaky Friday- what will Day 5 bring?

~ "Recovery.Gov: Accept it or Tough Sh*t because we're Not stopping"

The current farce played out in the media with the fear of catastrophe if the debt ceiling isn't raised does not anger me.. Actually quite emotionally detached from it all.  A story I've seen repeated too many times with the same stale, predictable 11th hour magic solutions concocted out of thin air

I will admit one thing that does irritate me to no end even though it is also a repetitive 'dead horse' beating by the corporate media:  The incessant and determined refusal by the media to stop calling this recession/depression a 'recovery'.

Examples of last 24 hours include:

A Recovery That Repeats Its Painful Precedents (NY Times)

Fed may need to do more if recovery stalls-Fed's Williams (Reuters)

Miron Says US Can Cut Budget Without Hurting Recovery (Bloomberg)
    **  Miron is a Harvard Economics Professor

And on & on the lie goes.. when it will stop, who really knows?

I said a few weeks ago that when I really want to understand what's going on in US finance and the overall economy, I don't focus my attention on American news.  I actually read British newspapers.  Why?  Because British publications do not have any agenda or motivation to paint a false-rosy picture of the US economy.

The following are portions of a commentary in the Guardian UK by Richard Wolff, a Professor of Economics at the New School in New York:

"The so-called economic "recovery" since mid-2009 was chiefly hype, a veneer of good news to disguise and minimize the awful underlying economic realities. The few (large corporations and the rich) who bear much of the responsibility for the crisis made sure that the government they finance used massive amounts of public money to support a recovery for them. The mass of the population was excluded from the government-financed recovery for the few."

"From the depths of the crisis in early 2009 until now, there has been absolutely no recovery whatsoever in wages or jobs for US workers.The crisis of the capitalist system in the US that began in 2007 plunged millions into acute economic pain and suffering. The "recovery" that began in early 2009 benefited only the minority that was most responsible for the crisis: banks, large corporations and the rich who own the bulk of stocks. That so-called recovery never "trickled down" to the US majority: working people dependent on jobs and wages. The countless claims of "recovery" as if it were a general economic event spread across the entire US economy were, and are, lies. They hide the tragic truth of ongoing economic crisis for the many."

And now that you understand better, enjoy your Friday and try not to watch much news unless an over-saturation of fear is something you enjoy experiencing.

PS  Unofficial prediction for Friday..  Assuming there's no debt deal, markets will drop, probably more dramatic in afternoon to close in the -350 to -400 range.  This organized and intentional pulling from the market will be intended to spread fear among Washington and most Americans who truly don't understand the shell game they're being drawn into.   This won't' be the big 'crash' as it were.. just a warning shot across the bow, to use navy-speak.

But don't worry-- if there's no agreement by Monday, it will go up a little on the dip so that's a buying opportunity.  Plus once it Does get done..and it will.. the market will irrationally spike and of course then, All will be Well won't it kids?



Il cofano a tetto e la forma dei fari potrebbe ricordare anche la Audi A1..
Ancora qlk ora per la Press Conference in streaming.

Predictions: How'd we do?

This morning around 6a, we made some predictions which really wasn't that big of a risk since this manipulative, rigged market is as predictable as a stale TV sitcom.  Let's see how we did:

The market ended the day at -62 points which was within the +100 to -100 range.  Now we admit that range was wide so nothing to brag about.  But our reasoning for the wide prediction was spot-on.  Most of the day, the market hovered between +10 and -10 which meant the cockroaches couldn't figure out whether to take in profits off yesterday's 'dip' or continue participating in Stage 2 of "Operation Debt Ceiling Fear".

By 3p, based on Absolutely Nothing, it dropped 100pts then bounced a little bit to finish at the 4p bell where we stand- 12,240.

So we accurately predicted today would not be a dramatic sell-off day nor a dramatic buy.   We also predicted no debt ceiling/debt restructuring agreement in place (that was a super easy one).

As for the prediction of the media and politicians drumming up the rhetoric- wheww..

"Nancy Pelosi on today's vote: "What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today." " -- Weekly Standard

Headline: 'Rep.Clyburn (SC- D) Likens Executive Order To Raise Debt Ceiling To Emancipation Proclamation' -- Real Clear Politics

Tone down the hyperbole and they're correct but still..whewww~

And the last prediction-- about the birds chirping and people living their lives unaffected?  Yes- that was another safe prediction as well..

Final tally:  4 for 4

Tomorrow's prediction- Intentional market turbulence & more fear


-Nessun finestrino sul 3°montante
-Fari posteriori molto simili ad ANTARA nella forma
-Quadro strumenti e volante già visti su tutti i recenti modelli
-Nessun freno stazionamento elettronico
-Variante BUICK

Predictions for 7/28/11

Its very early AM, and we're going to go out on a limb and make predictions about the upcoming day.  Now because we're sticking our necks out, we could end up completely wrong and with egg all over our faces.

If so, no harm-we just wipe it off.

But if we're right and we expect to be, then nothing horn toot-worthy either.


1)  We do not expect a debt ceiling/debt reduction deal done today.

2)  We Do expect more and more fear drummed up in the media & amongst politicians and if you watch for long periods, we also expect you to need some antacids or "the pink stuff" to get you through the day.

3)  We predict the Dow will close tomorrow at a range between +100 and -100.

You're thinking- well gee, that's not very committal is it?  But it actually is because investors and traders are so Deeply Evil that they could easily look at yesterday's drop as a reason to 'buy on the dip' or they could stay focused on pulling the market down as part of the overall fear game which will culminate next week.

Now we most certainly DO expect a big market drop on Friday because it fits within the overall theatrics that Friday will serve as a 'prelude' or 'precursor' of what is to happen supposedly if the debt ceiling isn't raised on Aug 2nd.  But let's stick with today shall we? ... Tomorrow will come soon enough.

4) We predict the sun will continue rising until it reaches midday, then slowly cascade downward upon the horizon until it is dusk, then night.   And we predict people will live their lives today as they normally do, and with minimal exceptions, be completely emotionally detached from this "financial meltdown" farce.

Guess we'll see how we did by late tonight...

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Operation Debt-Ceiling Fear"

Seems the Dow dropped 200pts today..


I mean if the market benefits few everyday people when going up, then it really doesn't matter that it drops.

But here commences the 2nd stage of "Operation Debt-Ceiling Fear" where American investors and financiers get to act like Kamikazes and try to intentionally sabotage the US markets to instill panic among the common folk.

Expect 2nd stage to extend into Friday with a dramatic sell-off to try to scare the bejeebes out of Washington.  But remember the previous posting-  Obama promised Wall St secretly there will be no default after Aug 2nd even if no agreement on raising the ceiling is met.

So block out all mainstream news- you're up to date. Go out & enjoy your day.

Further proof of the Debt Ceiling con job

So much drama.. So much Needless drama..

Here's further proof that nothing terrible will occur on August 2nd.

From Fox Business:  "While officials from the Obama Administration raised their rhetoric over the weekend about the possibility of a debt default if the debt ceiling isn't raised, they privately have been telling top executives at major U.S. banks that such an event won’t happen... In a series of phone calls, administration officials have told bankers that the administration will not allow a default to happen even if the debt cap isn't raised by the August 2 date."

What more can really be said?

Complete, total Theatrics and Kabuki.. or Bullshit. Take your pick...

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

You have to admit..

~ Pic has nothing to do with article; it just makes me laugh :-)

A Quick thought:

You have to admit after TWO SOLID YEARS of hearing non-stop "Recovery... Recovery... Recovery" by the media and politicians when there was NONE to be found, that its quite comical that this week its all Revelations fire & brimstone-  "recession.. depression.. catastrophe.. Armageddon!!"

It shows one thing crystal clear- the media.. the politicians.. they really think you're simplistic morons and have not the slightest bit of respect for you or what matters in your life.

You & I.. we're simply instruments to be "played"

Tues Update- "Don't believe the Hype"

On Friday, July 22nd, House Majority leader John Boehner abruptly left a meeting between himself and the President because supposedly Obama "moved the goalposts" or whatever that means.  

They agreed to continue to talk on Monday.

But someone-- we're guessing some higher above power that pulls the political puppet strings of both parties, seemed to scare the President and Boehner into talking all throughout the weekend.  Some nonsense about keeping the Asian markets calm and investors (those precious little souls) from panicking.  

No agreement was made before Monday.  In fact as of this moment of writing on Tues, no debt ceiling or debt reduction agreement was made.

All weekend into monday and today the lazy, corrupt media has been spreading fear that the world will collapse and endless fire & brimstone..  Has it yet?

Let's take a brief look at numbers- they don't lie:

The Dow at the close of Friday's bell was 12,681.

After practically 2 days of trading since, the Dow is at 12,543 as of 2:45p.

This is a drop of 138 pts and to novices, may seem like a lot.  It isn't.

On Wed, July 20th, the Dow ended at 12,571.   That means in the span of just about 5 trading days from the 20th to the present, amid all the non-stop incitement of fear and panic from media, pundits and politicians, the market has dropped a whopping total of.....

42 points.

But you say.. well look at Asian markets- they must be tanking?

Japan's Nikkei ended today +47;  China's Hang Seng at +278

Well what about Europe?  They must be freaked out huh?

Each indice did its own thing.. some went up, some went down but nothing drastic or catastrophic; nothing to do with the US debt debate and debt ceiling showdown.

Ohh well.. you say.. Markets will still panic when nothing is done next week..

Yes they very well might.  It would be called an Orchestrated Panic much like in late 2008 when the original $700 Billion TARP was voted down in Congress after that scum Hank Paulson said if not passed, the world would end.  So Wall St. purposely, intentionally, willingly and spitefully Crashed the market by 1100 pts in two days to scare the willies out of Congress to give them their money.

So expect a lot of drama and theater next week.

Think of it this way:  You're on an elevator in a large office building when it stops suddenly and shakes and feels like its about to drop-  now that would be a Genuinely scary situation.  Goodness knows what will happen next.   OK  Now, picture yourself at Disney World at the Haunted Mansion attraction.  You enter the main room which eventually acts as 'elevator'- it shakes and makes you feel like you're falling endlessly.  People scream and yell but its all in good fun- Everyone knows that really nothing harmful is to come about from the experience.

This is precisely what next week will be, assuming nothing is agreed to by Sunday.

You can choose to be intelligent or you choose to get sucked into the hourly updates and he said/he said until you have knots in your stomach and want to scream.

1)  The Debt ceiling Will be raised.  Today-- Tomorrow-- Aug 2 or Aug 4th.. By congressional agreement or on the President's own initiative via the 14th Amendment.  Ultimately it will be raised.

2)  There will be some Debt reduction plan that pretty much Everyone will Hate.  The key is will the wealthy be the only group excluded from feeling Any pain?  Or will the President capitulate again like in December with full extension of the Bush tax cuts?

And now you're updated..  "Don't believe the Hype"


Monday, July 25, 2011


Dalla OPIRUS a K9 il passo evolutivo e' veramente notevole.

"Don't believe the Hype"

You've probably noticed we've not written as much in the past week or so as we once had.  This is not due to illness or summer vacation.  Rather its because quite honestly, the latest current economic "pretend event" sickens and disgusts us too much to waste a lot of time covering it like the mutts in mainstream news.

What is this "pretend event" of which we speak?

That would be the needless drama and theater which is the current US debt ceiling & debt reduction faux-crisis. All of what you are seeing and hearing and reading on TV, newspapers & internet is pretend.  It is illusion; smoke and mirrors.. it is all contrived like your favorite sitcom or drama.  We shall explain...

But where to begin?

Currently the national debt is at $14.3 trillion.  That's a lot of debt if it was for a city, a state or most nations.  Its not for the United States.  The debt is high, yes but it needs to be put into proper perspective.  If the US was to default on its obligations next week, it wouldn't be because the nation did not have the means to pay off its creditors.  It would be because we choose not to.  The nation takes in at minimum $200billion/month in revenue  ($2.4Trillion/yr)  As a nation we are not the equivalent of income-less 'bums' as some in media like to portray.

Every time the need for the debt ceiling to be raised came for a congressional vote, it was done with a straight  yes or no vote. The congressperson either agreed to raise or voted against.  There were no other issues or legislation attached to confuse the matter.  This time there is.   President Obama and Republicans want to combine a debt-reduction plan with a debt ceiling vote.

Why?  Because it provides political cover.

True dye-in-the-wool fiscal conservative Republicans want to slash and burn social security, medicare and every other FDR & LBJ created "entitlement" as much as humanly possible.  Normally this is a political killer but if you're using fear of increased debt suffocating the nation, you can get all the cuts you want without having to cut the military, increase taxes on wealthy or force corporations to start paying their fair share.

As for Obama, he's really a Democrat in name only.  Like President Clinton before him, Obama is pro-Wall St. fiscal conservative.   Wall St. donated 20% of the total of his 2008 campaign, and he desperately needs them to finance campaign 2012. His most recent acquisitions of former JP Morgan-ite William Daley and former GE CEO Jeff Immelt (who's former company paid Zero in income taxes this year)  were overt signals to calm and soothe Wall St that he wasn't as radical as some had first thought & could be trusted.

When an individual makes a campaign contribution, he/she is limited to a max donation of $2400.  A business or corporation is capped at $34,000.  It takes 14 personal max donations to equal one max corporate one.  And we're not including the expensive dinners and other 'events' that presidents of both parties Lower themselves into doing.

Obama wants to cut social security and medicare as much as the Republicans.  He was the one who put cuts of both programs on the table- voluntarily.  The Republicans were more than happy to accept the cuts and reconfigurement of how inflation was computed- they only balked when pushed to accept tax increases in addition to the volunteered entitlement cuts.

So where are we now?  A pretend line in the sand was created for Fri. July 22nd.  It has passed.  Everyone in the media and political world were expressing Non-Stop fear and paranoia that the Asian markets and eventually US markets would start dropping hard on Monday if a dead wasn't done by Sunday.  A deal wasn't done.  As for the markets?  Honestly-- Who cares?  They're fixed--manipulated.. rigged..  and few everyday people truly benefit from when they rise, so it shouldn't matter if it goes down.  Its simply a psychological trick to scare non-financial people to panic at their politicians.

Next- what now?  What is the 'end-game' of this Peter & the Wolf kabuki?

Expect this week into next to be A LOT of sensationalism and doomsday fear as it gets closer to the Aug 2nd 'deadline'   There are a lot of vested parties with a lot of money who run this nation's finances who want this situation settled specifically with a raise in the debt ceiling and vicious social cuts while giving no tax increases.  And they will not rest until they get their way.  Markets will drop.. media pundits will carry-on nonstop.. politicians will inflame the situation with hyperbole and bombast.

Eventually one of 3 things will happen:

1) A deal is struck in plenty of time before Aug 2
2) A deal is Magically struck right before Aug 2
3) A deal is struck very soon after Aug 2 when markets purposely tank

In All Three scenarios, the debt ceiling is raised and no one is affected.

Now because no one in Washington has the courage or cojones to simply vote a debt ceiling raise separate from a debt reduction bill, expect the longer it gets played out, the more the President will succumb.  This is more because the Tea Party element is approaching the fight over no taxes as a financial terrorist suicide bomber would- take no prisoners and destroy everything & everyone if need be for an ideology; to get their way.  The mainstream Reps who are mature and understand their actions have repercussions are not this way- they've just been held hostage by the 'terrorists'.

One last thing on this most annoying topic.  Let us say for argument that an agreement is met tomorrow that would result in a Trillion dollars in cuts to social services as a means to lower the National Debt.  It is important people understand it takes next to nothing to get that Trillion put back onto the debt ledgers.  For instance, every dollar Fed Chair Bernanke spends to boost the stock market via QE..that counts against the national debt.   So the $600 Billion for QE2 is part of the $14.3 Trillion.  So if he feels one day soon QE3 is needed and a full Trillion is required to jump-start Wall St., you're back at square one in terms of combating the debt.

This is the clearest way I can explain what the US government has been doing for the past 3 years:  A single woman is head of the family and has 3 children. She brings in $3k/month which normally would be enough to provide for her family.  But instead of using her $3k for home expenses, food, etc., instead she bought a $1500 diamond tennis bracelet, then told her family that they needed to figure how to live on $1500. And cuts would need to be made- no dance lessons or soccer registration for the kids, no cable TV... Everyone needed to make cuts Except the mother who bought the bracelet.  And if any one in the family mentioned it, the mother would change topics and "Control the debate".

This is what the US did by giving Trillions to those Damn banks and Wall St and expecting everyone But them to foot the bill.  This is what the UK did as well..and Germany..and Japan.. and every modern nation in a panic back in 2008 to save their precious banking system.

The best advice I can give people in the coming week or so is best expressed from a famous late 80's rap song from Public Enemy...

When it comes to the media, markets and Washington, "Don't believe the hype"

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sometimes you gotta choose...

In the beginning, there were 13 colonies.

And loosely bound by a Confederation, representatives for all the colonies met in 1787 originally to figure how to modify the 'Articles'.  Eventually, through tricks, chicanery and a lot of compromises, a new framework was created- the US Constitution.

And though some states ratified it quickly, others were very hesitant about giving up too much power at the hands of a central authority.  So included in the Bill of Rights, was a Tenth Amendment, which though intentionally vague, provided that states would not be giving up full autonomy.  And as a result, other states ratified and a nation was born.

Fast forward 80 years- a big, long, expensive bloody civil war is fought between (1861-65) because one group of states want to leave the Union as was their right and the other half wanted to keep them against their will, saying the Constitution does not give such rights.  Eventually moral issues of emancipation and human freedom were used as reasoning and rationale to keep the Union intact.  But at war's onset, it was more a Constitutional fight over rights of states and how much power and control a centralized Federal government was to play in all our lives.

We all know how the war ended.

And the Federal Govt. grew and grew.. and as thoughts of secession faded into the backdrop of history, one generation at a time. And more and more people became dependent upon Government for everything especially since the Great Depression-- money to live, food to eat, for healthcare and other basic services. Today it is so entrenched into our society that to slash even a fraction of the financial costs, would cause needless suffering and irreparable harm to many innocent people.
And since the Financial crisis of 2008 resulting in the ongoing Great Recession, the Federal government stepped in to bail everyone and every entity out (except you of course).  They bailed out US banks and foreign banks; US financials and foreign ones, the auto industry, on and on.. bailouts galore- frontdoor, backdoor, sidedoor.. every single aspect of the economy is controlled and manipulated by the US government.  And things are so bad that without it, we'd be in severe depression, so everyone cheers the intrusion.

Here's a new way the government is considering artificially manipulating the economic system (From

"The Obama administration is examining ways to pull foreclosed properties off the market and rent them to help stabilize the housing market...  While the plans may not advance beyond the concept phase, they are under serious consideration by senior administration officials because rents are rising even as home prices in many hard-hit markets continue to fall due to high foreclosure levels."

So in other words, the US government would intervene to stop the natural ebb and flow of home values, and to artificially prop up prices, they'd take over these properties then play landlord to take advantage of higher rental prices.   The government wouldn't be doing this to offer rentals that are more affordable to people in need or who are struggling.  No, they'd be stepping into the private sector and competing with others to rent homes and apartments at the highest price possible on the open market.

In Capitalism, you rise and fall by your own merits.  If your business can't make a profit, you sell it or liquidate.  If you can't make your payments on your home, you sell it and relocate to a residence that is within your affordability.  If you're broke and missing mortgage payments, you get foreclosed upon.  And by the same token, if your home values fall and you're underwater (you're paying more than your home value) then you simply walk away.   That's Capitalism.

Instead we have this hodge-podge bastardization of the word capitalism by mixing elements of fascism (merger of business and state), socialism, collectivism, and social & economic engineering to provide a system that presents itself as all things to all people and in actuality is nothing to no one.

There are two ways the US is going to get out of this current 3+ yr recession- Either commit the money needed to truly stimulate the economy and create jobs via the government taking the lead (and that will be very expensive but will work)  OR Truly get government out of the way and allow businesses and financial entites to Fail; to collapse upon themselves while other companies and those with ingenuity pick up the slack and create the jobs on their own, free of most government regulations and controls.

One way is very liberal, the other very fiscal conservative; both ways are diametrically opposed and yet both plans would work to fix this economy.   BUT --  They can not Ever work together in unison, which is what most presidents of both administrations try to do.

If the government is going to reward corporations with little or no corporate taxes collected, extra low interest Fed loans and guarantees offered, and other special perks and privileges, then when a corporation or financial entity crumbles, you MUST let it crumble-- it MUST be allowed to fail, no matter what the political fallout.

Either the nation is bigger than the company, or the company is bigger than the nation. And until a leader can have the courage to make the choice and stick with it,  the US (and really All western nations that play this 'best of both worlds' game) are going to cause their populaces a lot of economic pain now and in the future.



Della serie SLIDING DOORS: io l'avrei vista molto bene una interpretazione in stile RENAULT 4.

Friday, July 22, 2011

June's state unemployment rates

According to WSJ, last month the jobless rate rose in 28 states and dropped in 8.

There are 50 US states.  That means 14 states did not change up or down.

If you're an eternal optimist (or have an agenda) you will twist and mold these statistics so it will sound like this: 22 out of 50 US states (44%) either improved or held ground in June.

If you're honest, you will look at the statistics this way:  42 out of 50 US states (84%) either saw increases in unemployment or were unchanged in June.

Remember, its been 24 months since a board of know-nothing economists convened and declared the recession over.  And for 24 months, every media outlet has shoved the word 'recovery' down our throats.

Is your life better today than it was 24mths ago?



Vabbè e' praticamente una ALTO eccessivamente verde.


MG 5 (SPY)

Molto TOYOTA AURIS, i fari posteriori mi ricordano qlk delle ultime LEXUS.