Wednesday, August 31, 2011


E se vi dicessi che mi piacciono solo le maniglie delle portiere?
Escludendo il tetto stondato ed avvolgente, i fari anteriori e posteriori ad ogiva....e' di base molto simile alle precedenti versioni della Fortwo.
Bello il tetto "bucherellato" e spero proprio che riescano a proporlo sul modello di serie.
Dubito invece, che vedremo i sedili sul modello di serie.Belli, ma credo che siano un po' scivolosi e poco confortevoli.

Gold, my girl.. Oh how you've grown~

This is a posting about gold, but before we start talking about something real, let's focus a moment on something completely pretend..

Stocks keep going up.. based on nothing real other than optimistic fragments of data that when added up still do not amount to jack-squat.  I can't (and won't) keep writing endlessly on it.  After Labor Day, the market will drop, especially as it gets closer to the Fed's September 21st meeting.

Found a funny AP story today..  well, funny to me...

Unemployment rates fell in most US cities in July -- "Unemployment rates fell in a majority of U.S. cities in July, despite a weak economy that is producing few jobs."

According to the article, unemployment rates fell in 193 large metro areas in July, rose in 118, and were flat in 61 which I guess the market took as a good thing and used as an excuse to invest.  The headline is pretty positive for sure...

Funny part comes in paragraph 3 -- "The biggest monthly decrease was in Morgantown, W.Va. The unemployment rate there fell from 6.6 percent in June to 5 percent in July, mostly because people stopped looking for work. The government only counts people as unemployed if they are actively seeking work."

And there you have it...  Ta Da!   Wonder how many of those 193 large metro areas saw a drop in unemployment specifically based on people feeling hopeless and despondent, and simply giving up?

Continuing... "In July, the U.S. economy added 117,000 net jobs... the economy needs roughly twice that number of jobs to significantly lower the unemployment rate...  The economy expanded at an annual pace of just 0.7 percent in the first half of the year. That's the weakest six months of growth since the recession officially ended two years ago."

Well.. I mean.. you know.. the recession didn't um.. ever "end" but AP is doing such a find job today I won't harp too much on this media Lie.

If you want to truly know the state of the US economy, the simplest, easiest way is to follow the price of gold.   To many, gold is used as a hedge bet, a way to invest their money into something real and tangible when they don't trust placing their money anywhere else.  When people are scared about the future and feel no confidence in the government, gold prices rise in value.

Today gold ended August at $1,831.70 per oz.  Remember, that's basically the weight of 3 oreo cookies.  Do you know what gold ended at exactly 1 year ago today?  --   $1248.30/oz.  

Gold increased 32% in value -- $583.40 per oz in just one year!

Shows you a lot of people know the truth about where the economy is headed.

For extra perspective, do you know how much gold was on average per oz in 2001? -- $271.04.  In 10 years, the price of gold per oz, has risen 675% or  $1560.66.

Let's say for 'fun', you bought 20 one-ounce gold coins in 2001-- you paid $5,420.80.   And let's say you sold all 20 coins at today's close- 1831.70?   You would have received $36,634.

Just something to think about..


Saranno almeno 20 anni che si parla di una degna sostituta del DEFENDER....
..e dopo questa lunga attesa presentano un concept bello e moderno, ma veramente poco innovativo.
La vettura definitiva verrà presentata solo tra 4 anni, nel frattempo si presuppone verrano presentati altri concept piu' vicini al design definitivo.
Non sò, potevano partire da idee piu' ardite e concettuali per poi ridimensionarsi man mano verso il modello
In passato( neanche tanto recente) sia FORD che NISSAN hanno presentato qualcosa di simile o addirittura piu' bello di questo DC100.

In dettaglio: Ford Bronco, Nissan Zaroot,Crossbow, Terranaut:

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Give a junkie a 'score' & he'll want more...

This posting is a brief re-emphasis of points clearly made last week- that Investors and traders are the equivalent of drug addicts and junkies except whereas the government does everything possible to clamp down and incarcerate coke & crackheads, the government in the case of money junkies do everything humanly possible to provide more financial 'drugs'.

In fact the investor is so important, that governments will push harsh austerity- higher taxes, less social services and privatization i.e. selling of national resources like airports and lottery just to insure an investor is protected 100 cents on the dollar on their investments.

Today the market finished at 11,559 (+20) - was an up and down day.

But really that's not important.. this news article kinda says it all...

Stocks Extend Gains on Hopes for More Economic Stimulus (AP) -- "The mere discussion of more economic stimulus from the Federal Reserve was enough to send stocks higher Tuesday."

The #1 cause of the global recession being so wide-ranging and cavernous is Investors seeking profit and that every nation caters and conforms to their needs like they were royalty.  And you can not understand how deep and far-reaching the destruction of the global economy is until you fully understand the psychological behavioral pathology of the Investor.

To read in depth, you can click on link below, which takes you to a posting written last week:

Until you start getting leaders both here in the US and abroad to actually give a shit about their countrymen and women, and put them on a higher level of importance than investors, nothing will improve for the bottom 98% of nations' populations.


Molto carina....
Mi piace il motivo del quadrato stondato visibili in molti dettagli dalla carrozzeria agli interni.
Il frontale forse non e' proprio il massimo: Non troppo giocoso e non troppo serioso.
Un giusto equilibrio senz'altro , ma rischia di annoiare presto.
Brutti quelle plastiche che contengono i fendinebbia.
Già intravista dalle prime foto Spy....Confermo la somiglianza con la 2 generazione della Subaru Pleo.
Discutibile il gioco del 3 finestrino che si incastra sul sul montante della portiera posteriore: gran bella idea, applicata malissimo.
Non capisco quel riflesso alla base del portellone: superficie concava o convessa?
Mi piacciono moltissimo gli interni: finalmente qlk di nuovo in questo segmento.

Vince a spada tratta il confronto con la VW UP.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Speravo in una differenziazione piu' marcata con il resto della gamma...
In effetti i frontali HYUNDAI si stanno assomigliando sin troppo fra di loro.


Un po' Hyundai il complesso non e' affatto male.

How financial news covered Hurricane Irene

~ Hurricane Irene:  Did you make money off it?

As of this moment, what was once Hurricane Irene is now a small patch of isolated storms in northeast Canada.    And though some snicker that the media coverage was overblown or state governments were hyperactive in their insistence that people evacuate, public transportation close, etc, Irene did permanently end the lives of at least 20 human beings who were living and breathing as of Friday, leave many without power for potentially a week or more, and will cost somewhere around $7billion based on original insurance estimates.

But this is not a hurricane blog and Irene is no more..

While it was going on last night I turned on various news channels like CNN and MSNBC- they had weather people stand in the middle of winds and hard rains to show us what was going on.  I think deep down they had more fun standing out in the mess than anyone else had watching it.  And there were human interest stories about people escaping death from falling trees and such.  All in all, your basic hurricane coverage...

And then I turn on CNBC.   They had a different perspective.

CNBC's concern was the markets.. would they open?  Would the floods prevent people from getting to work at GoldmanSachs, JP Morgan Chase and all those other 'wonderful' corporations?  CNBC's anchor interviewed representatives of ConEdison, who provides electrical power for region to see how much power lost and how quick to restoration, to gauge whether daytraders would still be able to buy/sell on monday from their homes.  CNBC then interviewed airline experts- how much would the industry lose due to cancellations, and made economic forecasts for best/worst case due to comparitables like how airlines handle snowstorms.  Later on, experts came on to analyze the investibility of insurance companies, which most saying even though they'll be paying out a lot now, it will allow them to dramatically raise their rates later meaning more cash flow and a good investment buying opportunity.

And I sat and watched... and thought of the family and friends I have living in the affected region suffering through the category 1 Hurricane whom I could not get into contact with all night due to power loss.  And from there I thought of CNBC's "priceless" coverage of the tsunami that affected Japan in March, in which many at the network screamed incessantly at the time what a Wonderful buying opportunity this presented.

And I realized more than I thought possible before the weekend, how much I despise the financial media, and and investors/traders.   And how deeply a major stock correction is Needed where these people lose A LOT of money in the process after 3years of scavenging on the financial 'bones' of the bottom 98%

When the market drops, you should cheer it, not feel sadden.

Sociopaths feel no emotional connection to anything, and because they feel no guilt for not caring about a person, persons or populace, there's really no effort to hide the self-absorption into money-making.

Try turning on CNBC or Bloomberg the next time something really tragic or terrible occurs in the US or any other part of the world.  You will see callousness glorified because to them, Everything is a buying opportunity.  And if you're not part of the investment 'game', to them you are Nothing.

I can just imagine how the Monsters in financial media would treat another 9/11 if it heaven-forbid occurred...  And if you think I'm being hyperbolic, then you don't truly know how an investor thinks.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Preparedness- Hurricanes and Financial Tumult

A lot of this blog has been basically what one would call academic.  We've discussed impending problems, the unfairness and injustices of the financial system both in the US and abroad and we've tried to stimulate thought- sometimes using shock, or humor or other persuasive methods as silly and admittedly embarrassing as swimsuit models to get people's attention to something more important.

But it may be time to slowly shift gears from venting on the evilness of investors, Fed Chairs, government leaders and a million other 'baddies' and start focusing on everyday reality, and demonstrating to people how to survive and cope amid all the turbulence which is to come.

Currently a hurricane named "Irene" is heading up the east coast of the US.  As this posting is written, the eye of the hurricane (the "eye" represents the most powerful and wind-concentrated part of the storm) is over Wilmington, North Carolina.  It eventually will affect the major Northeastern cities of Washington, Philadelphia, New York City and perhaps Boston. There is a lot of fear and concern over the weekend as to its impact.

Hurricanes are not a new phenomenon by any stretch but with very few exceptions, they tend to hit the southern states, usually affecting the Gulf Coast, Florida or Carolinas, and then because land breaks up the hurricane (when its over open water, it gains strength), as it travels up into the mainland, it breaks into tropical storm, then hard rains, and then eventually dissolves.  So even though hurricanes are quite frightful and cause great destruction, people in the South are accustomed to taking preventive steps necessarily to minimize loss of life, property and to survive the post-storm power outages.

~ Flooding in Toronto from Hurricane Hazel, 1954

Those who live in the Northeast are not naturally prepared.  The last hurricane to really affect that part of the nation was "Hazel" in 1954.  So what happens is people don't react at first.  The assumption is that all will be well- it will turn left or right or dissolve.  Then when that isn't the case, panic sets in-- What to do? What do i buy?  How much food do i need, and specifically what to buy?  How many batteries and candles is enough?  And plywood.. where does one find that?  Is my home structurally safe? ...

And those who procrastinate- the "Grasshopper"- he or she assumes everything needed will just be there when they feel like preparing.  They are oblivious and end up in shock when the store shelves are completely empty of bread, bottled water, canned foods, and other non-perishables.  They are dumbfounded that so many people are in line to fill their tanks with gas or take emergency cash from the bank... as if credit cards or personal check will be happily accepted when there's no power.

And what will these hurricane Grasshoppers do when they realize that they did not adequately prepare because they just assumed all will be well and the system would provide?  Why, they look to others--friends or family to help and allow them a place to stay or feed/shelter them after the storm; to place a burden upon the "Ants" who took the impending hurricane seriously.

~ House burning in aftermath of Hurricane Hazel, 1954- location unknown

Personally I hope Hurricane Irene causes no loss of life, as minimal damage as possible and passes by without disruptions of everyday life.  But I also know Hurricanes don't oblige wishes and hopes.  I also know this will be a good test, at least from an observational level as to how prepared people truly are for events beyond their control.

A hurricane is an act of God.  A financial crisis is an act of Man, and causes far more damage and destruction to normalcy than anything that swirls with high wind gusts and heavy rains.  A financial crisis like a true market crash means bank runs and 'holidays' where you can not get access to your money because they are closed.  It means empty shelves for prolonged periods and when supplies do come in, expect to be gouged..and you better have cash.  It means instead of a region or even a nation being affected, the reach will be felt globally.

And how will you survive?  What steps do you take while everything is calm to ensure that you can weather That storm?  Or do you just wait till the last moment and keep playing the fiddle and 'dance' like the Grasshopper'?

We will continue to be informative as to what's going on in the news and attack those well-deserving of scorn.  But we will also begin being more constructive as to suggestions to prepare and ways to take control of your lives so you can survive.

And if all ends up 'well' and nothing bad ever happens, what did you really lose?  Is possession of some extra cans of food or emergency cash in your coffee can really the Worst thing in the world?

~ Empire State Building (1954) clouds just before "Hazel" arrives

Friday, August 26, 2011

Bernanke speech- That was it?

So what happened?  What happened in this 'Ohh Sooo Important!!' Ben Bernanke speech that all the Investors in Soulless-land were pooping on themselves in anticipation of??

1) No QE coming this month (Investors treat that as code for QE eventually)
2) US on track for long-term economic growth (a Total Lie)
3) Congress needs to do more (Duh!)
4) Sept 20th's meeting will last 2 days instead of 1 (So what?)

That was it folks.

Bet the market must be infuriated right?

Hmm. Dow up 124pts at 11,272 as of 2:45p

But why??  Didn't A&G say there would be a dramatic drop if investors did not get stimulus announcement of some kind?   Actually-- no, we didn't.

The other day we paraphrased a quote we heard from a market expert which we felt was quite accurate amid all the non-stop market manipulations.   He basically said the market had been going up Monday through Wednesday to hedge positions ahead of the Friday speech, and the key was Thursday..  if the market dropped, then it would treat anything Bernanke said as a positive and spike up based on the level of good news.  But even if there was no news, it would rise.  And had the market risen on Thurs, it would have dropped today no matter what...

It dropped Thursday..  it rose Friday.

The real interesting question is what will the market do on Monday, post-hurricane after it has a weekend to digest the fact that Bernanke made no commitments or promises, and the speech said nothing new?

Eventually this market will drop and Investors will be getting the punishment they've been delaying since 2008.. the only question is "when?"

Did anyone expect the Fed Chair to say honestly that this nation is still muddled in a 4year and counting Recession with no real sustainable growth, job creation or job stabilization for years?  You and I can speak honest- we won't create panic and bank runs.  No politician can do so even if he/she wanted to.  And yet like little Children... Children!!.. Investors listen to their 'Mommy and Daddy' government leaders for comfort and words of encouragement.


If you're going to Invest, then Fine-- do so.. and take the risks!  You make a profit-- Congrats. You lose Everything-- Good!  Don't expect anyone to bail you out.  Don't expect anyone to make your life easier.  You do the research- you do the computations... and re-learn what capitalism really is-- to thrive, survive or die on your own.


Il frontale con questi fanali squadrati ricorda la Hyundai Sonata...non l'attuale, ma la versione precedente di 10 anni fà.

What will the bearded man do?

One thing I try very hard to avoid is making this blog repetitive.  I'd like to believe that unlike most of the general public, loyal readers to A&G "Get it" by now; that even if the reader is not necessarily into markets or finance, he/she understands via this blogsite how Deeply corrupt global finance is.  

But on occasion, repetition is unavoidable.

Banks, financial entities, corporations, politicians of all nations work in concert to do two things: siphon money up from the everyday person into their pockets and to serve their collective master- the Investor.  This is not a new phenomenon.  The need of a select few to hold massive amounts of wealth while depriving the bottom 98% of more than breadcrumbs is an enterprise that pre-dates Jesus.  What has changed and is a recent phenomenon is how openly transparent this criminality is.

The entire financial world is awaiting with baited breath later today to hear what the bearded bastard, Ben Bernanke is going to say. Right now Asian markets are choppy because they can't figure what he might say.  Really there's only one thing he could say that would make the cockroaches and cock-you-know-whats in Investor-land happy: More Quantitative Easing.   Anything less than that statement tomorrow or similar promise for more stimulus, and the markets will drop. 

A junkie will always need the next 'fix'.  And if that junkie has to be nice and polite, or violent or threatening, he or she will use every trick in the book to get its way. A junkie values no one or nothing- it will cheat, lie, steal, whore and kill to get that 'score'.  The stock market is no different.  Let me repeat this: the Investor is No different than a common, filthy strung out junkie, and the global markets as they exist is not based on any economic reality. 

The United States is a complete economic mess and deserves a credit rating far lower than the AA+ the S&P lowered it to last month but the US are master bullies and Fitch's & Moody's do not have the collective 'balls' to follow Standard & Poor's lead.  Europe is in Horrible shape financially where Germany basically is being called upon to bail out the rest of the European Union while its economy drops from productive to flatline in a matter of 1 calendar year.  Asia is also in terrible shape-  Japan is in economic malaise, the yen is so Strong, the government is figuring every way possible to artificially weaken it, and its Prime Minister has recently announced his resignation.

The global economy is extremely weak and fragile.  And these artificially propped up stock markets have been allowed to make a financial Killing for over two years thanks to national treasuries of various nations being counter-directed from the people to the corporations and banks.  In the US and Britain, they push this warped indoctrinated logic that strong companies and strong markets = strong nation & strong sovereignty.  Not sure if other nations push that nonsense, but it is a lie.  A bold-faced Lie.  The strength and vitality of a nation comes from its people, not its corporations.

So what will Bernanke do later today?  Honestly I don't know.  I know what I hope and what I fear.  I know investors are as Evil as they come and they will manipulate conditions to get their way.  If not today, then soon.  A junkie Will get their fix and will not stop.  

OK, so what happens if QE3 or some other stimulus is announced?  

1)  The US National Debt will go up.  If QE3 is $1Trillion, the US National Debt will ultimately rise by that amount

2)  The dollar continues being devalued meaning it costs more dollars for Americans to buy all goods and services, while corporations dependent on exports make greater profits.  It also escalates a currency war with China and the rest of the world to see which nation can weaken their currency the fastest.

3)  The prices of food, gasoline, electricity, clothing and every other life essential which is a publicly traded commodity will increase due to the increase in free money which encourages Investor speculation.

4)  The markets go up and down and up and down until the QE3 runs out and the markets drop again and Bernanke and some other Fed person offers QE4

~ Elmo LOVE Investing.. HaaHaaHeeHee 

And what happens if QE3 or some other stimulus is not announced?

Markets will drop.. and drop..then rise a little..and drop some more.. and everyone will be scared; the common people will scream to their Congress and President "Please do something to save the markets!!  My 401k is in there!!" and then Bernanke will have full political cover because to many, its, "Let the government spend billions and trillions to save my personal wealth of thousands!"

No matter what happens though, it won't prevent the global markets from tumbling this autumn.  Because the rot and decay is bigger than one nation.  And no one; no nation anywhere around the globe punished the wrongdoers or tough legislation to ensure 2008 doesn't happen again.

All that said, my personal hope tomorrow is Bernanke say nothing of value and let the investors stew in the dirt juices of their anger.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Taking Positions

Very brief post since really nothing of importance occurred in the market today.

For the first 3 days of the week, the market climbed hundreds of points based on Nothing real or significant.  And today the market dropped 170 pts based equally on nothing real or significant.  The media will tell you it was because this stat or that projection..  it is total BS, but you already knew that right?

I actually was annoyed the market went down today.   Why?

Heard an expert describe the market this week like this:  basically every cockroach investor is positioning him or herself before Bernanke's speech tomorrow.  He said if the market went up again today, it would have meant assuredly a Big drop on Friday because nothing Bernanke could say would beat the expectations Investors had, unless he announced a gigantic QE program.   But if there was a drop off today, it would mean a dramatic market spike tomorrow because anything Bernanke said would be treated as 'problem solved'.

You see how insidious investors are?

And None of these shell games have Anything to do with growing the US economy.


Visti i gusti di Muammar Gheddafi in materia di Auto ....
(Vi ricordo la  Rocket Car)
.....questa Fiat 500 di Castagna e' veramente bellissima.
In ottica di una sua vendita ...In queste ore il valore commerciale di quest'auto sta crescendo esponenzialmente verso l'alto.


Be' questi nuovi fari le fanno guadagnare qlk punto....Sembra piu' moderna.
Sono gli interni che tradiscono la vetusta età del progetto originario.