Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Small Banks' Reckoning Day Is Coming

Does anyone believe Bernanke that the economy is on the way to recovery...... I cannot wait for the delinquency rates 12 month from now ( especailly in the condo segment ) . More from Mish Four Dozen Georgia Banks On Problem List , Phoenix Commercial Real Estate Financier Files Bankruptcy & the WSJ BofA, LaSalle Pact Boosts Problem-Loan Load via Calculated Risk

Diese Thematik ist in Deutschland bisher nicht sonderlich behandelt worden. In unsere Schlagzeilen schaffen es meist nur die großen Investmentbanken und die Bankentitel die sich im S&P 500 tummeln. Mindestens ebenso bedeutend ist aber für das volkswirtschaftliche Bild was sich unter dem Radar bei den regionalen Instituten abspielt. Und hier droht die "Auffanggesellschaft" FDIC ( vergleichbar mit dem Bankensicherungsfonds ) eine fast nicht zu meisternde Aufgabe. Kein Wunder das hier seit Monaten verzweifelt Restrukturierungs und Abwicklungsexperten angeheurt werden um mit den Bankenpleiten fertig zu werden. Schon fast mitleidig zu beobachten wie die Fed und Bernanke hier die Wirtschaft schon wieder auf dem aufsteigenden Ast sehen. Ich hoffe eindringlich das dies wider besseren Wissen geschieht. Bin mir nach den bisherigen permanenten Fehleinschätziungen dieser Clowns da nicht so sicher. Mehr zu diesem Thema gibt es mal wieder vom unermüdlichen Mish Four Dozen Georgia Banks On Problem List & Phoenix Commercial Real Estate Financier Files Bankruptcy sowie dem WSJ BofA, LaSalle Pact Boosts Problem-Loan Load via Calculated Risk. Man darf sich schon einmal auf den Chart in 12 Monaten freuen.....

Small Banks' Reckoning Day Is Coming WSJ

Billions in Troubled Construction Loans Promise to Pose Test for Regional Lenders

According to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., $45.4 billion of the $631.8 billion in construction loans outstanding at the end of the first quarter were delinquent ....

Scores of banks were already suffering headaches by the end of the first quarter, according to a review by The Wall Street Journal of FDIC-filed reports by 6,919 banks that make construction loans. The smallest banks, those with total assets of less than $5 billion, faced the biggest problems ...

Nearly one in three of the banks analyzed -- or 2,182 -- had construction-loan portfolios that exceeded 100% of their total risk-based capital, a red flag to regulators, although it doesn't mean the bank is in danger of failing. ...

Even more alarming, 73 of those banks had construction-loan delinquency rates of more than 25%. Executives at all of the banks that responded to questions acknowledged the problems but expressed confidence they had the capital to weather the storm. ....

In 2007 and the first quarter of this year, U.S. banks wrote down just 0.7% of their residential construction and land assets as bad debt, according to Zelman & Associates, a research firm. Over the next five years that figure could rise to 10% and 26%, which would amount to about $65 billion to $165 billion, Zelman projects. ....

> Enjoy the must see clip from Asia on how the landscape/skyline can look like after the bubble has burst.....

> Das nachfolgende Video zeigt eindrucksvoll wie es demnächst wohl auch in einigen Teilen der USA aussehen dürfte.....

Here is one hot candidate for a ghost tower Bangkok stlye..... Leaning Tower of Padre

Hier ein ganz heißer Kandidat für die US Version ..... Leaning Tower of Padre

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