Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How Not To Restore Confidence....."United Arab Emirates & Spain Edition"

So much for the transparancy...... Looks like the prospects for the gulf region reagion are somewhat "clouded"...... This is especially true for the Dubai where the drop height is particularly high..... :-) ( see also No Kidding.... Dubai May Need Help To Repay Debt....)

Einmal mehr zeigt sich das der Ruf nach mehr Transparenz rund um den Globus zu hören ist nicht mehr als Lippenbekenntnisse sind. Schade das man nicht mehr nur explizit auf Fed & Co aus den Staaten schimpfen kann........ Die Aussichten für die noch vor einem Jahr "unverwundbare" Golfregion haben sich nicht nur wegen des fallenden Ölpreises merklich eingetrübt. Zum Glück sind immerhin Teile der Region dank Ihrer Sovereign Wealth Funds nicht von der Gnade ausländischer Kreditgeber abhängig. Dummerweise gilt das nicht für Dubai wo die Fallhöhe besonders hoch ist...... :-) ( siehe auch No Kidding.... Dubai May Need Help To Repay Debt.... )

Hat tip to Tim and his blog The Mess That Greenspan Made

‘Banks are hereby required not to be in a hurry to publish their audited annual accounts’ FT Alphaville

Yes, that’s right.

If you happen to be a bank in the United Arab Emirates you have most likely received the above request from the central bank, according to reports from the Zawya Dow Jones newswire. Could the regional lender of last resort be trying to buy some time? As the agency reports (our emphasis):

DUBAI (Zawya Dow Jones)–The United Arab Emirates’ central bank has sent letters to local lenders asking them not to rush the announcement of their fourth-quarter earnings and to be fair in evaluating their investments, a senior banker said Tuesday. “The central bank sent letters to banks on Saturday to ensure prudent application of disclosure principles.

The central bank asked banks not to rush to announce their results,” the banker, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told Zawya Dow Jones. Under U.A.E. regulations, local banks have a 45-day period from Dec. 31 to report their results. “Banks are hereby required not to be in a hurry to publish their audited annual accounts,” Central Bank Governor Sultan bin Nasser Al Suwaidi said in the letter, seen by Zawya Dow Jones. “It’s a very prudent step to ensure the central bank is able to provide guidance for consistency across all banks in the U.A.E., in particular regarding determination of fair value and on general provisioning such as portfolio level rovisions,” said Sanjay Uppal, chief financial officer at Emirates NBD.

In the letter, the central bank tells bankers that both it and the federal government are aware of the impact the global credit crisis is having on world markets and are addressing the issue of liquidity in the U.A.E., but that banks also have a role to play. “Under these circumstances, banks should exercise vigilance and utmost caution before they publish their audited annual accounts for the year 2008,” Suwaidi said, adding that world markets remain highly volatile as investors have been prone to overreact and as a result securities may be hard to assess. Suwaidi said the central bank has started to examine the “true value” of asset quality in banks. But gauging this may take more time than under normal circumstances, as the central bank needs to identify carefully the nature and value of the assets, Suwaidi said. The central bank also asked financial institutions to build adequate provisions and reserves.

From Creditflux via Alea / FT Alphaville

Spanish website Cotizalia reports that Spain’s banks and cajas are negotiating on a one-to-one basis with the Bank of Spain to “fine-tune” their 2008 accounts in order to avoid taking catastrophic write-downs on lans.According to the article, the central bank has agreed to allow the banks to increase the “calendar of amortisation” of these troubled assets, which are said to be mostly loans to property developers.

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