Monday, August 24, 2009

Bernanke Sees A Recovery - How Would He Know? Hussman

Just in time for the reappointment of Bernanke.......I´ve put some updates to the original Hussman piece..... "Yes, We Can´t".....

Paßt hervorragend zur Wiederernennung von Bernanke.....Habe ein paar Updates zum ursprünglichen Hussman Artikel hinzugefügt...."Yes, We Can´t...."

Bernanke Sees A Recovery - How Would He Know? Hussman

“Our forecast is for moderate but positive growth going into next year. We think that by the spring, early next year, that as these credit problems resolve and, as we hope, the housing market begins to find a bottom, that the broader resiliency of the economy, which we are seeing in other areas outside of housing, will take control and will help the economy recover to a more reasonable growth pace.”
Ben Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman
On Friday, investors took great cheer in an optimistic statement by Ben Bernanke suggesting good prospects for economic growth ahead.

We might be inclined to place a sliver of credibility in Chairman Bernanke's assessment – if not for the fact that the quote above wasn't from last week at all, but rather, hails back to November 8, 2007, just before the recent recession began.
> I have also found this ( see What? Did Bernanke Really Say This ? ) from Nov 2007..... UPDATE: OECD June 2007 Outlook via Mish...... Suddenly Bernanke is looking less "dumb"......

> Habe im "Blogarchiv" noch dieses Sahnestück ( siehe What? Did Bernanke Really Say This ? ) von Bernanke gefunden..... UPDATE: Verhlichen mit dem OECD June 2007 Outlook könnte man sogar behaupten das Bernanke unter den Einäugigen König ist......

You might recall that the S&P 500 was pushing 1500 at the time. The implosion of the global credit markets was still just a slight rumble

Solving economic problems, to our Fed Chairman, is as easy as throwing money out of helicopters. Not surprisingly, throwing money out of helicopters has been the basic core of his strategy during this crisis.

This does not involve complex thought about debt restructuring, moral hazard, incentives, equitable distribution of resources, or other factors.

All it requires is the three second tape playing in Bernanke's head - "We let the banks fail in the Great Depression, and look what happened." And then the tape repeats.

Never mind that the cause of the upheaval was not the failure of banks per se, but the disorganized Lehman-style failure of banks. The tape isn't long enough to encompass such nuances.

Ben Bernanke (like Tim Geithner and his predecessor Hank Paulson), shows no hesitation in diverting the real resources of the American public to defend and compensate the bondholders of mismanaged financial companies who made reckless loans and who should have (and equally important, could have) been expected to write down principal or swap debt for equity as an alternative to receivership.

This is not decisiveness. It is timidity and poor stewardship. Worse, the underlying problems are not healed - only band-aided temporarily by a flood of public money.

Unfortunately, the resources used in the recent bailout were not just free money tossed out of a helicopter. Only a partial-equilibrium economist thinks that way.

No, this was an allocation of trillions of dollars of real resources that could be spent improving access of poor families to health care, finding cures for life-changing diseases, providing better education, and reversing the crowding-out of productive private investment.

A public servant willing to act this carelessly with the resources entrusted to him, and so strongly in defense of fellow bankers, frankly does not deserve the job. Most likely, we will face the same credit issues a few quarters from now, given that the lull in the adjustable-rate reset schedule is near its end. We continue to expect a fresh acceleration of credit losses as we enter 2010. It would be best if we faced these challenges with more thoughtful leadership.

> Another Bernanke quote via Rosenberg

Then again, he told us in June 2008 that “although downside risks to growth remain, they appear to have diminished somewhat, and the upside risks to inflation and inflation expectations have increased.”

Nice call. Those supporting Mr. B's reappointment should take this forecast into consideration. It's not quite like Chamberlain's “peace in our time”, but it's not that far off either.

> I have never heard the usually calm Farrel ranting...... I like it......

> Habe den ansonsten besonnene Farrel bisher nicht mal im Ansatz so "explodieren hören"......

Dismantle Bernanke's 'Happy Conspiracy' ... now! Paul B. Farrell

(MarketWatch) -- At last week's annual Jackson Hole meeting of Fed execs, Boss Ben Bernanke's braggadocio about saving the world from another Great Depression had the feel of an egomaniacal dictator trying to cement his legacy in history.

Any good behaviorist would tell you Bernanke's got some dangerous biases isolating him from reality (remember two years ago when he was denying the meltdown). His brash claims and radical, secretive policies present a grave danger to American capitalism and democracy.

The Case Against Ben Bernanke Stephen Roach via Kedrosky

He argues three points about the pre-Lehman incarnation of Bernanke:

He was deeply wedded to the philosophical conviction that central banks should be agnostic when it comes to asset bubbles.

He was the intellectual champion of the “global saving glut” defence that exonerated the US from its bubble-prone tendencies and pinned the blame on surplus savers in Asia.

He is cut from the same market libertarian cloth that got the Fed into this mess.

Finally, and this is a broader point, Roach argues that it is too soon to grant Bernankeas having saved the day: “It would be the height of folly to reward Mr Bernanke for the recovery that never stuck. “

6 Bad Calls By Ben Bernanke Clusterstock Slideshow

Dean Baker via Tim

"Reappointing Ben Bernanke because of how he has dealt with the crisis is like giving another command to the captain of the Titanic, based on how effectively he got people into the life boats".

Rolfe Winkler

That said, I think Fed policy under Bernanke has been terrible. The Greenspan interventions he supported inflated the largest credit bubble in 80 years; the de-leveraging that needs to happen to correct the damage has been delayed indefinitely by Bernanke’s own interventions.

His supporters say he averted a second Great Depression. I disagree. He’s merely delayed it.

The liabilities of the financial and consumer sectors haven’t gone away, they’ve merely been absorbed by the public balance sheet. This is as much Hank Paulson’s and Tim Geithner’s fault as it is Bernanke’s. I’m not thrilled with their leadership either.

> I agree....

> Hätte es besser nicht sagen können......

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