Monday, August 31, 2009

Nomura Gets 6 Years Free Rent For London HQ - Canadian Pensioners Probably Not Happy......

The landlord is Oxford Properties ( the property arm of the Ontario pension fund in combination with UBS )....The 365,000 active and retired members of one of the biggest Canadian pension funds are probably not happy....... The unfavourable CAD/GBP Chart isn´t making things better..... And with stories like this it is only going to get worse...... For more "good" news on the pension front i recommend the blog Pension Pulse.....Unfortunately the situation in Germany isn´t any better.....I have listened to the latest conference call from Thyssen Krupp ( one of the largest steel producers and close to a junk rating ) & the CFO ( former CFO from überlevereged CONTI..... ) said the ( analogous ) following ( and he was not kidding! )..... "Good that our pension plan is still underfunded by over € 6 billions..... If we would have funded it in the past few years the deficit would be much bigger".... Probably the best spin attempt i´ve heard so far... CHUZPAH!

Der Vermieter ist in Kombination mit der UBS der Immobilienarm des Pensionsfonds von Ontario.....Keine guten Nachrichten für 365,000 Mitglieder einer der größten kanadischen Pensionskasse...... Wenn man jetzt auch noch die nicht gerade vorteilhafte Währungsentwicklung hinzunimmnt ( siehe CAD/GBP Chart ) dürfte der Ärger nicht geringer werden..... Und dank Nachrichten wie diesen ist eine Besserung nicht in Sicht...... Wer mehr "gute" Nachrichten zum Thema Pensionskassen hören möchte dem empfehle ich Pension Pulse oder die letzte Telefonkonferenz von Thyssen Krupp ( demnächst höchstwahrscheinlich mit einem Junkrating )..... Sinngemäßes Zitat CFO ( kommt von Conti.....) " Gut das wir zur Zeit mit über 6 Mrd unterfinanziert sind ...." Nach dem Motto je größer das Defizit desto weniger können wir mit unseren Einlagen verlieren..... So verkauft man grotesk schlechte Nachrichten noch als Erfolg.....PS: Überflüssig zu erwähnen das solch geringe Summen in der Präsentation die fleißig den Aufbau der flüssigen Mittel abfeiert vollkommen fehlt....CHUZPE!

Let´s at least hope they have viewed this deal from the start as "opportunistic"........

Bleibt zu hoffen das der Deal von Anfang an als "Opportunistisch" angesehen worden ist........

> From the 2007 press release when the deal was anounced......

> Aus der Pressemitteilung vom Sommer 2007

"The Watermark Place development is another important step in the expansion of Oxford's global investment platform,demonstrating the skills, capabilities, and reach of Oxford and its investment professionals. We are excited about our relationship with UBS - a world-class investment manager and a great like-minded partner." Andrew Trickett, Vice President of Corporate Development & Investment, added "this development represents a unique investment opportunity for Oxford and an outstanding addition to London's office market.
LONDON, Aug 31 (Reuters) -

Japanese investment bank Nomura has secured a rental deal on its new London headquarters allowing free rent for almost six years, the Financial Times reported, citing the terms of a deal to be announced on Tuesday.

The FT said the bank will confirm plans to move its UK business, including the staff taken on as part of the Lehman Brothers acquisition, into a new office development on the Thames.

Up to 4,000 banking staff will move into the 12-storey Watermark Place next year, many relocating from the former Lehman Brothers building in Canary Wharf.

The landlord, Oxford Properties, is the property arm of an Ontario pension fund and UBS

UPDATE via German FT Mietfrei im Londoner Hybrisbau
The term of the leasing contract is 20 years and the price is 40 british pound per square meter ( peak boomtimes 70 british pounds )

Der über 20 Jahre laufende Mietvertrag sieht nämlich vor, dass die Japaner in den ersten sechs Jahren kostenlos (!) in dem Glaspalast an der Themse residieren dürfen. Für die verbleibende Zeit verlangen die Eigentümer - ein Konsortium aus der Schweizer UBS und einem kanadischen Pensionsfonds - 40 Pfund je Monat und Quadratmeter. Zu Boomzeiten waren 70 Pfund üblich.

> With news like this no wonder Canary Warf needs a bailout......

> Dank solcher Nachrichten ist es wenig verwunderlich das Canary Warf in extremer Schieflage ist......

China invests in Canary Wharf with £880m bail-out of Songbird Telegraph

China is set to become the joint-largest shareholder in the owner of Canary Wharf after joining an £880m bail-out of Songbird Estates with its first major investment in UK property.

UK CRE Now Off 45 Percent From The Peak.......

According to IFD, UK commercial properties values have been declining fast with peak to current declines of around 45%, with major declines noted in all major segments - retail, offices and industrials

At the same time the amount of available floor space for occupation increased at the fastest pace since 1999 in all regions with the exception of London (Chart 2) and thevalues of inducements rose at its fastest pace since the survey’s history in 1999. Collectively this implies that an upward correction in prices in the foreseeable future is unlikely.

BNP Paribas chart of available floor space in the UK

> I still would almost die to see a similar stat for Dubai ( see The Upcoming Skyscraper Tsunami..... )

> Ich würde immer noch liebend gerne eine ähnliche Statistik für den Markt in Dubai sehen ( siehe The Upcoming Skyscraper Tsunami..... )

> Only 6 years of free rent.......Cleary a sign that the bottom is near....... ;-)

> Lediglich 6 Jahre Mietfrei in einer Top Lage Londons......Klares Anzeichen das der Boden wie tagtäglich propagiert inzwischen erreicht ist.... ;-)


Stuy Town, Which Is On Verge Of Default, Costs Florida's Pension Fund Entire $250 Million Investment

For Commercial Real Estate, Hard Times Have Just Begun

Corporate Pension Fund shortfalls weigh on recovery

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