Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Risk Appetite at Highest Point Since April 2006

With almost all asset classes ( Dow 10.100, S&P 500 1100, N100 1780, Dax 5860, FTSE 5250, Oil $ 80 etc ) at new highs it looks like the herd mentality is once more rampant ( fueled in large part from the $ Carry Trade - €/$ 1,50 - & "Quantitive Easing" see also Speaking Of A Money Illusion........ ). Nice to see that after one of the biggest rallies in decades finally the "smart money" ( unlike the retail investor ) is getting more bullish..... As a contrarian it seems lots of folks are "all in"...... Another UPDATE: It remains to be seen if last hour drop from Wednesday was only a minor glitch in the Matrix..... Very telling that this (!!) "bulletproof" strategy seems the only relevant parameter that is important.... until it stops working ....;-) UPDATE: Taking todays ( Oct. 26th ) action into account i think this was more than a minor glitch in the MATRIX... There is now a reasonable chance that this guy will get the upper hand for some time to come..... At least all the "Cash On The Sidelines" ( sarcasm ) has now the opportunity to step in. Add to this that "Wall Street Finest" have only a sell rating on 5 percent of all stocks and the potential for some extra SCHADENFREUDE is not getting smaller.... ;-)

Da gerade heute praktisch alle Vermögenswerte nahe Ihren Jahreshochs ( Dow 10.100, S&P 500 1100, DAX 5860, MDAX 7450, TECDAX 775, FTSE 5250, Öl $ 80 ) notieren ( dank des$ Carry Trades invers zum $ - €/$ 1,50 - versteht sich, sowie dank des sog. "Quantitive Easing" , passend zum Thema Speaking Of A Money Illusion........ ) sieht es in der Tat einmal mehr so aus als wenn der Herdentrieb praktisch alle Marktteilnehmer infiziert hat... Da paßt es gut ins Bild das auch gerade jetzt die Big Boys ( ganz im Gegensatz zu dem Kleinanleger ) nach einer der größten Kursexplosion der letzten Jahrzehnte endlich Ihre Vorsicht über Bord geworfen haben und zum Teil massiv Ihr Risiprofil erhöht haben... Man könnte auch sagen das sie "all in" sind... Erneutes Update: Es bleibt abzuwarten ob der starke Abverkauf in der letzten Handelsstunde vom Dienstag nur ein kleiner Fehler in der Matrix gewesen ist... Wenn man sich aber die anscheinend momentan gängige "Strategie" (!!) ansieht wie die Märkte "funktionieren" sagt das einiges über Robustheit der Rally aus......;-) UPDATE: Nach dem heutigen ( 26. Oktober ) erneuten Abverkauf handelt es sich wohl um mehr als nur einen kleinen Fehler in der Matrix..... Es ist nun nicht unrealistisch das dieser Typ bis auf weiteres die Oberhand gewonnen hat ...... Immerhin ermöglicht dieser noch kleine Rückschlag ja den angeblichem "Cash On The Sidelines" ;- ) sich endlich massivst in den Aktienmarkt einzukaufen.....Wenn man jetzt noch bedenkt das die "Analysten" lediglich 5% der Aktien mit einer Verkaufsempfehlung versehen haben dürfte das die mögliche Schadenfreude nicht gerade mindern..... ;-)

H/T RobotTrader

BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Risk Appetite at Highest Point Since April 2006 as Double-Dip Recession Fears Fade Marketwatch

--Investors See Brighter Corporate Profits on Horizon - Shift from Cash to Equities

Investors' risk appetite has reached its highest point in more than three years amid continued optimism about the prospects for a global economic recovery and rising corporate profits, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Survey of Fund Managers for October

Investors are increasingly confident that the threat of a double-dip recession is waning. A net 65 percent of respondents believe a global recession is unlikely in the next 12 months, up from 47 percent a month earlier.

A net 72 percent of respondents believe the outlook for corporate profits will improve in the next year, up from 68 percent a month earlier.
The survey also shows asset allocators shifting out of cash and into equities as risk appetite grows. Their cash positions are at their lowest level since January 2004. A net 7 percent of respondents are underweight cash in October, compared to a net 10 percent overweight a month earlier.
A net 38 percent of panelists are overweight equities, up from 27 percent in September. Technology, Energy, Materials and Industrials are the favored sectors for asset allocators in October with investors still shying away from financial
Investors seeing value in Europe hits eight-year high

Asset allocators are showing a growing conviction that global corporate profits will post double digit earnings growth, the survey shows. A net 39 percent of panelists think profits will rise by at least 10 percent in the next 12 months, up from just 25 percent in September.

Optimism about Europe is pronounced in the October survey. A net 30 percent of global portfolio managers see eurozone equities as undervalued relative to other regions, the highest reading since April 2001
. A net 9 percent of panelists want to overweight the region in the next 12 months, up from 7 percent last month. This contrasts with Japan, which a net 20 percent of investors regard as the least attractive region a year ahead.

The change in sentiment coincides with a shift in investors' appetite for European financials. Investors are overweight European banks for the first time since June 2007, courtesy of greater confidence in bank balance sheets and profitability trends.

"Europe is emerging phoenix-like from the ashes as confidence in its banks boosts overall confidence in European equities," said Gary Baker, head of European equity strategy at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.
> Read this twice...... ;-)
> Das sollte man zur Sicherheit zweimal lesen....... ;-)
Chinese confidence rebounds: U.S. dollar confidence sinks

Confidence in the prospects for the Chinese economy and emerging markets in general remains robust. A net 49 percent of respondents think China's economy will strengthen in the next 12 months, up from 35 percent in September. A net 36 percent of respondents also said they would most like to overweight emerging markets in the next year.

Continuing weakness in the U.S. dollar has resulted in a growing number of respondents who believe the dollar is undervalued. A net 20 percent of panelists regard the currency as undervalued, compared to one percent a month earlier. Japan's economic outlook is marked by a growing number of asset allocators who view the yen as overvalued. A net 34 percent of respondents believe it is overvalued, compared to just 21 percent last month.

"Confidence in Chinese growth has rebounded but worries over a U.S. dollar crisis are on the rise. The dollar is seen as undervalued and the yen as very overvalued, suggesting that central bank intervention in currency markets in coming months could soon prove successful," said Michael Hartnett.

A total of 229 fund managers, managing a total of US$616 billion, participated in the global survey from 2 October to 8 October. A total of 195 managers, managing US$384 billion, participated in the regional surveys.

> It feels like my blog headline "Bubbles Are Normal And Non-Bubble Times Are Depressions...." is the new mantra among central banksters...... ;-)

> Ich fürchte immer mehr das meine Blogüberschrift "Bubbles Are Normal And Non-Bubble Times Are Depressions...." weltweit alle Zentralbankster erfaßt hat....... ;-)


90% Of Fund Managers Think The Market Will Go Up Clusterstock

Maybe the street has become a bit too bullish afterall.

90% of institutional investors believe that the S&P500 will rise to 1,200 by the end 2011 according to a survey by The Markets. 75% then expect it to hit 1,500 by the end of 2013, and 75% believe that the market already bottomed earlier this year. The survey covered 103 invesors in 20 countries.

We don't necessarily disagree with these views, but naturally find it disturbing to find such a strong consensus on market direction. It sets off our contrarian alarm loud and clear.

The Markets

From Paul Tudor Jones, who reports in his third-quarter letter to investors

While many of our surveys of aggregate hedge fund positioning would say net long exposure has rebounded to late 2007 percentages (though on a smaller base), and mutual fund cash/asset ratios have come in significantly, markets continue to trade as if most are not satisfied with their current commitment to equities.

Fall 2009 Big Money Poll Results Out: Only 13% Are Bearish, 70% Are Beating S&P, As Taxpayers Get Hosed ZH

On economic matters, 72% of respondents believe the recession has ended, and an amusing 52% believe there is no chance of a double dip recession. It is scary that over half of the "sophisticiated community" thinks that Fed can succeed where so many central planning administration have failed before.

Uh-Oh: Economists Say Recovery, Market Gains Solid BR

Nearly four of five economists surveyed by USA TODAY say the stock market rally since March is heralding a sustainable recovery.

> Needless to say that i agree almost 100 percent with this guy & Geremy Grantham....

> Kann nicht oft genug wiederholen das ich zu fast 100% mit diesem Typen & Geremy Grantham übereinstimme.....

JGLetter_ALL_3Q09 -

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