Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank God There Is No Conflict Of Interest....... ;-)

Nothing really new but with the Dow probably hitting 10.000 on Monday i think it´s not a bad time to update the topic "Wall Street Finest" ....... Watch the red line......

Da der Dow wahrscheinlich am Montag die 10.000 knacken wird und auch ansonsten alle Märkte weltweit nahe Ihren Hochs stehen kann es nicht schaden erneut einen Blick die selbstverständlich "höchst wertvolle" Rolle der sog. Experten , oder wie von mir liebevoll als"Wall Street Finest" tituliert, zu werfen..... Man beachte die rote Linie....

‘Sell’ for Research Renegades Becomes Business Off Wall Street

In October 2008, as the global financial system teetered on the brink of collapse, “sell” calls in U.S. markets constituted 6 percent of the total recommendations by analysts, with “buys” comprising 36 percent and “holds,” 58 percent, according to Bloomberg data.
Almost a year later, amid a stock market rally, the percentage of “buy” calls dropped: They made up 32 percent, with “holds” comprising 63 percent and “sells,” 5 percent, as of Oct. 8.

"Business as usual" ( across all segments ).....Now compare this kind of "wisdom" with the next report on valuations......

"Business As Usual" ( und das über alle Sektoren) ..... Vergleicht bitte die o.g. "Weisheit" mit dem folgenden Report zum Thema Bewertungen......

Special Report Valuation 100909


Even if one uses "operating earnings" a euphemism for "blatant lie" in which all "one-time losses" that recur like clockwork are ignored (along with everything else the companies want to ignore), the PE based clocks in at 29.64 as of the end of the third quarter according to S&P Earnings Data.

Forward Earnings Imply a Return To Near-Record Profit Margins Hester/Hussman

At these levels it seems that a full-blown V-shaped recovery is being priced in. There's no better example of a V-shaped forecast than for what is expected for the recovery in earnings over the next couple of years. The graph below shows the operating profit series, which includes actual results from the second quarter of 2007 – when earnings peaked – through this year's second quarter, and then continues with estimates through the end of 2011.

For operating earnings to get back to their peak levels, analysts have penciled in earnings growth of more than 40 percent over the next year, and then another 22 percent between 2010 and 2011

What is worth highlighting is that analysts expect that the typical company will soon achieve the same level of profit margin that they were able to deliver in the years leading up to 2007 – a period where leverage was preferred over balance sheet strength, a preference by company managements to focus on equity shareholders, during a political climate where labor lacked bargaining power, where consumer spending was fueled by mortgage equity withdrawals, and leverage ratios increased broadly because business and consumer credit was easy to come by.

To assume a return to peak profit margins is a bet that the economic and political landscape that emerges over the next year or two will match the pre-panic landscape perfectly.

But it is also important to keep this from Barry Ritholtz & Hester in mind......

In jedem Fall sollte man aber diesen Kernsatz von Barry Ritholtz & Hester im Hinterkopf haben.....

Barry: As noted previously, at times, things like “valuation” or the economy or earnings don’t matter — until they suddenly do.

Hester : While S&P earnings may not be able to rise to the lofty expectations of analysts over the next couple of years, this isn't a strongly bearish argument in itself. The link between near-term earnings and stock direction is tenuous. Outside of very large changes in earnings, there is essentially no correlation between year-over-year changes in earnings and changes in stock prices.

But if you're investor that is sensitive to valuation and your preference is to use forward earnings, then an understanding of the building blocks that create those earnings estimates is important.

Regardless of this rule the risk/reward ratio isn´t quite "favourable" ( i´m being polite ) right now...... But as long as the technicals are not breaking down it is still too dangerous to entry a short position...... Even if it is very tempting.... ;-) At least the first not insignificant signs are popping up that the party might be over rather sooner than later......At some point this kind of "wealth transfer" has to stop...... I´m pretty sure this guy will have lots of fun in 2010...... ;-)

Denke es bleibt in jedem Fall festzuhalten das das momentan vorhandene Chance/Risikoverhältnis nicht gerade vorteilhaft ( höflich vormuliert ) ist...... Solange die Markttechnik aber noch intakt ist sollte man auf jeden Fall der Versuchung widerstehen short zu gehen. Auch wenn das tagtäglich schwerer fällt...... ;-) Immerhin sind doch erste ernsthafte Anzeichen zu erkennen die andeuten das der Party bald der Treibstoff ausgeht.......Spätestens wenn diese Art von "Umverteilung notgedrungen Ihr Ende findet......Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das dieser Typ spätestens im Jahr 2010 eine Menge Spaß haben wird...... ;-)

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