Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Chinese Banks Already Lend Out 20% Percent Of Targeted Loan Growth For 2010 Withing The First Two Weeks Of January

Does anybody remember my post from last week....? Thank god there are almost no ( other ) signs of "froth" & "complacency".... ;-)

Habe eigentlich meinem Posting von letzter Woche wenig hinzuzufügen.....Gottseidank sind ja ansonsten weit und breit keinerlei Anzeichen von "Übertreibungen" & fehlender "Wachsamkeit" zu erkennen.... Ansonsten könnte einem doch glatt Angst und Bange werden... ;-)

China Asks Some Banks to Limit Lending on Insufficient Capital Bloomberg

China has told some banks to limit lending and will restrict overall credit growth in the nation to 7.5 trillion yuan

ICBC, Bank of China and other lenders have effectively stopped granting new loans after the banking system extended about 1.5 trillion yuan in new credit during the first two weeks of this month, Market News International reported today

This equals almost 30% of the total 2008 volume.....Looks like China still needs more Ghost Towns .... ;-)

Die o.g. Zahl entspricht ca. 30% der Kreditvergabe die im gesamten Jahr 2008 stattgefunden hat... Sieht so aus als wenn China noch nicht genügend Ghost Towns in die Steppe gesetzt hat.... ;-)

Update: FT Alphaville
.....but the latest figures, issued Tuesday, show that full-year property sales in China zoomed by 75.5 per cent from a year ago to Rmb4,399.5bn($644bn), with residential sales jumping a whopping 80 per cent, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

Sounds fairly bubbly to us, particularly considering that Chinese home prices rose nearly 8 per cent in December alone, the fastest growth in 18 months, despite new attempts by Beijing to cool speculative zeal.
Shanghai mortgages rise 1,600% in 2009 China Economic Review

Banks lent out US$14.58 billion in new mortgages in Shanghai in 2009, a 1,600%increase from the previous year, the South China Morning Post reported.

Of the total, US$5.7 billion went to buyers of new properties and US$8.88 billion to those buying second-hand properties, according to the People's Bank of China.

Average prices of Shanghai homes rose 68% from 2008


"With exports facing hard times, real estate has become an important pillar of China's economic growth," said Ji Zhu, professor of economics at Beijing Technological and Business University. "No one wants to see housing prices fall," he argued— not investors, not property developers, and certainly not government officials.



Goldman: World Markets Teetering At Post Crisis Highs, All Betting On China BI



What really drove Chinese commodity imports?
FT Alphaville
Further to the suspicion that much in the way of Chinese metals imports are related to schemes to game the cheap money there by circumventing capital controls – -whether in order to bet on Yuan appreciation or commodity price rises
Havn´t heard the word "SUSTAINABLE" for a long long time.......

Habe merkwürdigerweise den Begriff "SELBSTRAGEND" bzw. "NACHHALTIG" lange nicht mehr im Zusammenhang mit den Märkten zu hören bekommen......

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