Saturday, January 30, 2010

With All The "Surprising" Sovereign Debt Worries Popping Up .....

It´s probably not a bad time for another posting on GOLD.... Especially when more & more people are realizing that not only bank balance sheets have something in common with Charles Ponzi, Madoff or Enron .... For investors outside the US it is not insignificant to highlight that it is not the $ price per ounce that matters.......In Germany it is almost impossible to find the € price per ounce in the media....Even in the so called "business" papers & channels...... The history of my earlier GOLD related postings gives a hint why i think that at least a "few" percentage of every portfolio should include GOLD ....

Nachdem ja momentan die Welt "plötzlich" gemerkt hat das neben den Bankenbilanzen praktisch alle relevanten Staatshaushalte zumindest in nicht unwesentlichen Teilen etwas mit Charles Ponzi, Madoff & Enron zu tun haben, ist es mal wieder Zeit für ein Posting in Sachen GOLD..... Zudem kann es nicht schaden wenn man nochmal gesondert darauf hinweist das für alle nicht US Investoren der $ Preis je Unze irrelevant ist ist...... Leider ist es z.B. in Deutschland fast unmöglich den € Preis je Unze in den gängigen Medien zu erhaschen.... Gilt im übrigen auch für die sog. "Fachpresse" ...... ;-) Ein Blick in meine "gesammelten Werke" zum Thema Gold dürfte erklären warum ich es nicht verkehrt finde, wenn zumindest ein "kleiner" Prozentsatz des Portfolios aus Gold besteht.....

H/T Todd Harrison / Minyanville via Pragmatic Capitalist


Is gold a bubble?

As someone who has been a close observer of bubbles for the past ten years the data does not recommend that conclusion. And what makes me even more curious about this point of view is that the very people who for the most part denied the existence of the obvious bubbles in tech, housing, risk, banking and credit, even to the point of absurdity, who could not or would not see a bubble if it perched on the end of their nose, who are card carrying members of the international monied fraternity, are the most vocal in calling gold a bubble with emotional arguments lacking any fundamental data.

AMEN ;-)


Implications For Gold In The Aftermath Of The Greek Crisis BoA via ZH

Emerging market central banks (EM CB) are ever more aware that gold is really one of the few viable alternatives to the USD. Top holders of currency reserves like China, Russia or India will likely need to increase their exposure to gold over the coming months and years as the value of fiat currency reserve holdings like the USD or the EUR comes into question. The obvious problem with diversification is that there is simply not enough gold to go around. So a deterioration of Greece’s creditworthiness, even if negative for the EUR, should be supportive of gold prices in the long run, in our view.

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Somewhat "irritating" that suddenly even Wall Street banks are not bashing GOLD on a daily basis..... Bank of America is getting exited that some EM central banks will diversify their holdings ....I wonder if they view a diversfication of private holdings into GOLD a "Black Swan" event....After watching BofA drawing all the right conclusions they "ignore" that the same diversification effect would be true for every non central bank investor....The percentage of GOLD related investments vs Assets Under Management makes even the Chinese exposure look like "excessive"..... ;-) For more related links visit the comments

Irgendwie "ungewohnt" das plötzlich selbst Wall Street Banken nicht mehr tagtäglich Goldbashing betreiben....Bank of America führt als Argument an das die Zentralbanken in den EM Ihr Goldbestände aufstocken werden. Ich für meinen Teil denke das neben den Zentralbanken vor allem die Privaten als Käufer auftreten werden.......Selbst in dieser Matrix wird diese Möglichkeit bestenfalls ansatzweise gestreift ( obwohl die richtigen Schlußfolgeriungen getroffen werden ).. Wenn man sich das Verhältnis von Gold zu den verwalteten Vermögen ansieht erscheint selbst der Goldanteil China´s als eine starke Übergewichtung..... ;-) Mehr zum Thema gibt es in den Kommentaren....

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