Friday, January 21, 2011

How Not To Restore Credibility..... "BOE´s Adam Posen Edition"

The fact that he is also an American economist & has co-written a book on inflation targeting with Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke might explain at least in part his quote...... ;-)

Man muss zu seiner "Verteidigung" erwähnen das er laut Wikipedia ebenfalls ein amerikanischer Ökonom ist. Da verwundert es wenig das er zusammen mit Bernanke Co-Autor eines Werkes zum Thema Inflation ist.... Dies relativiert zumindest ein wenig den fast satirisch anmutenden Charakter seines Zitates....;-)

"CPI, excluding currency, commodities and VAT impact, is low"

The quote came in response after CPI once more "slightly" missed the 2 percent target....... Sometimes it´s better to stay just silent.....

Diese Aussage kam nachdem im Dezember die Konumentenpreisinflation in UK mal wieder "knapp" das angestrebte Ziel von 2% verfehlt hat........ Ähnlich wie bei etlichen "Offiziellen" scheint das Sprichwort "Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" nicht sonderlich viele Anhänger zu haben....

Record-breaking, forecast-busting UK inflation FT Alphaville
Highest yy rate for CPI food and non-alcoholic beverages since May 2009
Highest yy rate for CPI housing, utilities component since Aug 2009
Highest yy rate for CPI goods component since April 2010
Highest yy rate for CPI services component since Aug 2010 -
Highest yy rate for CPI fuels and lubricants component since July 2010

Posen is almost as funny as ECB´s Smaghi with his "joke" "€ More Stable Than Deutsche Mark" ..... But in comparison with Bernanke & Greenspan even they seem "reasonable".... ;-)

Finde trotzdem das im Fach "Realsatire" die EZB dank Bini Smaghi mit der Behauptung das der "€ stabiler als die DM ist" noch immer knapp den zweiten Platz hinter den unangefochtenen Spitzenreitern Bernanke & Greenspan einnimmt.....

Now take a look at real rates ( base rates minus CPI ) in the UK......

Der nachfolgende Chart zeigt den "realen Zinssatz" in UK verglichen mit dem Letzins und ich empfehle jedem drigend den treffenden Kommentar (!) der FT Deutschland zu diesem Thema zu lesen.....

UPDATE: The Real 10-Year Rates Chart confirms the "vigilance" of the the BOE ....

UPDATE: Der Chart der realen 10 Jahresrenditen bestätigt welch "Sonderstellung" die BOE einnimmt....

This in combination with the next chart showing the printing that the BOE has done so far & the remarks from the end of September doesn´t make Posen´s quote less "cynical".......

Das im Zusammenhang mit dem nächsten Chart, der zeigt das selbst die Fed in Relation zur BOE "zurückhaltend" agiert, sowie den Aussagen Ende September lassen das Zitat nicht gerade weniger "zynisch" erscheinen.....

H/ T RBS via FT Alphaville

Posen Makes BOE ‘Prosecution’ Case for More Stimulus September 29, Bloomberg

Bank of England policy maker Adam Posen made the strongest call yet for the bank to restart its asset-purchase program.

“Additional monetary stimulus at this point should begin in the form of additional QE as the Bank of England pursued by purchasing gilts in 2009-2010,” he said. “In case such QE were to prove insufficiently effective,” Posen said he would “still want preparation ahead of a Plan B of large-scale non-gilt asset purchases” in close coordination with the Treasury.

Posen, 43, an American citizen, joined the central bank from the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics. A co-writer of a book on inflation targeting with Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, he also published a study of the Japanese financial crisis and was a researcher at the Bundesbank and European Central Bank.
Wouldn´t surprise me if down the road even politicians will be more popular than members of the BOE & when the term "central banksters" will gain more and more traction....

Ich persönlich wäre nicht überrascht wenn zumindest in UK die Notenbänker in absehbarer Zeit noch unbeliebter als Politiker unterwegs sind.....


Searching for BoE credibility on inflation FT Alphaville

From Deutsche Bank, the number of news stories that match three topical words:


A Crisis of Faith in Britain’s Central Banker NYT

A central banker need not be loved, but at the least he should command respect — and in Britain these days Mervyn King cannot count on either.
The pre-emptive UK rate hike FT Akphaville

…over the last 6 years (ie 2005Q1 to 2010 Q4), real GDP growth has undershot the MPC’s forecast made a year earlier in 22 quarters and overshot in just 2 quarters. Conversely, inflation has overshot the MPC’s forecast in 20 quarters and undershot in just 4 quarters.


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