Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Goldman:Aug level 3 asset value $72.05B, 7% of total

Add the level 2 component and you have well over 50% of assets that are "not transparent"..... If you want to read more on this issue read Level 3 " Mark-To-Make-Believe Gains" & Level 2 "Mark-To-Model" or surf the labels....

Wenn man jetzt noch die Level 2 Bestandteile addiert kommt man auf satte 50% plus X der Vermögenswerte die nicht transparent nachvollzogen werden können. Mehr zu diesem Thema Level 3 " Mark-To-Make-Believe Gains" & Level 2 "Mark-To-Model" sowie unter den Labeln

Thanks to Bespoke

via Marketwatch Goldman:Aug level 3 asset value $72.05B, 7% of total
...the size of its level 3 assets at the end of third quarter increased to $72.05 billion from $54 billion at the end of the second quarter.

Goldman Sachs said level 2 assets at the end of third quarter amounted to $494.6 billion. There may be some market activity for level 2 assets but the valuations often depend on internal models

Goldman Sachs disclosed that the net unrealized gain on level 3 derivative contracts amounted to $2.62 billion in the third quarter, saying the gains resulted from changes in level 2 reclassification as opposed to level 3 changes

In connection with its lending activities, the firm had outstanding commitments to extend credit of $135.53 billion as of August, compared with $100.48 billion at Nov. 30 fiscal yearend

> Goldman is up 45 per cent since its low on August 15th.......... I´ll stay with gold and the miners......

> Seit dem Tief vom 15.08. hat Goldman u.a. dank dieser Bilanzierung mal eben 45% zugelegt........ Ich für meinen Teil bleibe lieber beim Gold und den dazugehörigen Minen......

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