Thursday, August 14, 2008

Bank Or REIT..... :-)

I know that the headline is a little bit overstreched but i couldn´t resist.....When you now add Quelle Surprise! Banks Taking Big Losses on Real Estate Disposals via Naked Capitalism ( watch the chart! ) you know that the bottom for banking stocks and housing is nowhere near. .... Unless you are "Easy Al" Greenspan Calls a Housing Bottom (Again) Thanks Mark :-)!

Bin mir sehr wohl bewußt das die Überschrift natürlich übetrieben its. Da der Trend aber aif Sicht anhalten wird würde es mich nicht weiter wundern wenn die größten US Banken demnächst unter den größten Immobilienbesitzern auftauchen werden ( wenn auch ungewollt....) Wenn man jetzt noch dieses Posting von Naked Capitalism Quelle Surprise! Banks Taking Big Losses on Real Estate Disposals in die Betrachtung miteinbezieht ( bitte den Chart beachten ) ist es offensichtlich das der Boden der ja jetzt zum gefühlten zwanzigsten Male von sog. "Experten" ( hier ein extrem tarurigens und schauriges Beispiel Greenspan Calls a Housing Bottom (Again) ) ausgerufen worden ist für US Finanzwerte und den Immobilienmarkt noch lange nicht erreicht ist.

U.S. Foreclosures Increase 55%, Bank Seizures Rise to Record Bloomberg
Bank repossessions almost tripled in July and U.S. foreclosure filings increased 55 percent from a year earlier as falling prices cut homeowner equity, accelerating the housing decline, RealtyTrac Inc. said. ....

Bank seizures rose 184 percent, the most since reporting began in January 2005, the Irvine, California-based seller of foreclosure data said today in a statement

Bank seizures, known as real estate-owned or REO properties, are the ``fastest growing segment of foreclosure activity,'' James Saccacio, chief executive officer of RealtyTrac, said in the statement. The REO properties in the company's database represent about 17 percent of the inventory of existing homes reported in June by the National Association of Realtors, he said.

via FT Alphaville

RealtyTrac now has more than three quarters of a million properties in its active REO database, a number that represents approximately 17 percent of the inventory of existing homes for sale reported in June by the National Association of Realtors.

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