Monday, October 13, 2008

No Kidding.... Dubai May Need Help To Repay Debt....

I have wondered about Dubai early on in 2007 ( see Dubai / Borrow To Build.....? ) what fundamentals are behind the boom in Dubai. It really looks like lots of the megalomaniac projects that have been anounced and are already under construction will face some serious "headwinds"........ In fairness it has to be mentioned that in 2007 only 7 percent of GDP was oilrelated and lots of the giant projects and investments are an attempt to transfrom the economy... It seems that the pace in recent years was too fast and it feels like an attempt to ramp things up with a crowbar...... SEE UPDATE AT THE END OF THE POST

Ich habe mich bereits in meinen bescheidenen Anfängen als Blogger im Anfang 2007 in Dubai / Borrow To Build.....? gewundert was genau in Dubai abgeht. Es sieht in der Tat so aus als wenn ein guter Teil der größnwahnsinnigen Projekte die angekündigt und die sich fast immer auch schon im Bau befinden in nächster Zeit in erhebliche Probleme laufen könnten...... Müßte lügen wenn ich nicht ein gewisses Maß an Schadenfreude verspüren würde...... Fairerwaise muß man erwähnen das Dubai nur noch 7% des BSP dem Öl zu verdanken hat und die gigantischen Projekte ein Versuch sind die Wirtschaft radikal zu transformieren..... Leider sieht es so aus als wenn hier das Tempo in den letzten Jahren doch erheblich zu hoch gewesen ist und das ganze evtl., doch einem Versuch mit der Brechstange gleicht....... BITTE DAS UPDATE AM ENDE DES POSTINGS BEACHTEN

Oct. 13 (Bloomberg) -- Dubai may depend on support from neighboring Abu Dhabi and the federal government of the United Arab Emirates to help pay for a surge in borrowing, Moody's Investors Service Inc. said.

Government-controlled companies owe at least $47 billion in total, more than Dubai's gross domestic product, according to Moody's data based on economic statistics from 2006.

``We believe that leverage raised primarily through state- owned corporations will continue to grow faster than GDP for at least the next five years, during which time the Emirate's susceptibility toward execution, financing and geopolitical risks will be at its most pronounced,'' Philip Lotter, Dubai- based senior vice president at Moody's, said in a report today.

Dubai has borrowed to fund real estate projects including Burj Dubai, the world's tallest tower, and to buy stakes in Deutsche Bank AG, European Aeronautic Defence and Space Co. and Standard Chartered Plc, as it seeks to reduce dependence on its dwindling oil reserves.

Abu Dhabi, by contrast, owns more than 90 percent of the U.A.E.'s oil reserves and nearly 8 percent of the world's total. The Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, its sovereign wealth fund, has assets of between $250 billion and $875 billion, according to the International Monetary Fund.

Dubai controls its economy through state-owned companies that dominate each major industry. Dubai Holding LLC, which groups assets belonging to Dubai Ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum, owns hotel chain Jumeirah Group and Dubai International Capital, which unsuccessfully bid for Liverpool Football Club earlier this year.

Default Swaps
The cost of insuring Dubai Holding's bonds has increased nearly four-fold since May, according to traders of credit default swaps. Contracts protecting Dubai Holding Commercial Operations medium-term notes for four years traded at 679.3 basis points on Oct. 10, up from 172.99 at the beginning of May, CMA Datavision prices show.

Dubai World, a state-owned holding company, acquired almost 10 percent of Kirk Kerkorian's MGM Mirage last year for about $5.1 billion. MGM shares have since tumbled to $16.80 from $84 when the deal was agreed.
> The folling quote is from my post Deutsche Bank Is Doubling Down In Vegas.....

> Der nachfolgende Kommentar stammt aus meinem Post Deutsche Bank Is Doubling Down In Vegas.....

Deutsche will have to raise its bet with another $1 billion investment in the development, at the same time local operator Boyd Gaming has shelved a $5 billion project on the Strip. That looks like a risky double-down for a bank already exposed to MGM Mirage's cash-strapped $11 billion CityCenter project nearby.

> I´m not sure if they are already on the hook but when even Dubai World is late in raising as much as $3.5 billion for their $11.2 billion CityCenter project in Las Vegas it is not a very good sign.....MGM,Dubai Fall Behind on $3.5 Billion Loan for Las Vegas Plan . Watch the folling clip and it is no wonder why they are falling behind..... (clip was deleted.... I wonder why....)

> Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob die Deutsche Bank hier schon im "Feuer" steht. Wenn aber selbst Dubai als Hauptinvestor momentan Probleme hat Kredite zu bekommen ist dies sicher kein gutes Zeichen..... MGM,Dubai Fall Behind on $3.5 Billion Loan for Las Vegas Plan . Schaut Euch den Clip an und es ist wenig verwunderlich warum es Finanzierungsprobleme gibt....... Der Clip ist inzwischen gelöscht worden.... Leicht auszumalen warum.....
Deutsche Bank shares have fallen nearly 70 percent since Dubai government-owned DIFC Investments bought a 2.2 percent stake for about $1.8 billion in May 2007.
``In most countries there are identifiable delineations between the public and private sectors,'' Tristan Cooper, Moody's Middle East sovereign analyst, said in the statement. ``In Dubai, however, the state corporatist model plus the fact that the ruler and his closest relatives form the core of the government, make it difficult to draw such distinctions.''

`Implicit' Support
Abu Dhabi and Dubai are the two-largest emirates in the seven-member U.A.E.

While Dubai's economic model ``has proved successful to date, cumulative liabilities are currently rising faster than investments are able to generate returns, which increases Dubai's medium term susceptibility to execution risks and necessitates a clear understanding of wider implicit federal support when rating key government-backed corporations,'' Lotter said
``We don't have any problem raising money,'' Dubai World Chairman Sultan Bin Sulayem said in a telephone interview in Dubai today.
``Why would we announce a big tower if we can't afford to pay for it?''
> I´ve heard other people saying similar things way too often during the paste few years....
> Den Satz habe ich in den letzten Jahren schon einige Male gehört.......
Dubai's state companies have lost at least $6 billion on their five biggest public investments in the past two years, led by Dubai World's stake in casino operator MGM Mirage. Losses on undisclosed investments may be $30 billion, said Luis Costa, emerging-markets debt strategist at Commerzbank AG in London.

``About 80 percent of Dubai World is non-transparent, so it's a very tough game,'' said Costa. ``Deals such as the world's tallest tower may now need more capital injection from the state or may even fail.''
Ruler Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Maktoum has borrowed to replace Dubai's dwindling revenue from oil with earnings from tourism, finance and real estate. State-owned carrier Emirates has increased its fleet to the largest in the Middle East and has the most orders worldwide for the Airbus A380 superjumbo, as the government seeks to double tourists per year to 15 million by 2015.

Dubai World owns DP World Ltd., the third-largest international port operator, Istithmar World, a private equity firm that acquired Barney's New York Inc. last year, and Nakheel PJSC, builder of the manmade palm-shaped islands in the Persian Gulf. The developer is also building the Nakheel Tower, which will surpass the Burj Dubai, currently the world's tallest at 707 meters.
> I´ll bet that this Skyscraper ( see Nakheel Tower / Wikipedia ) won´t be build.... In hindsight Dubai should be grateful that the location had to be changed and the construction hasn´t started yet......
> Ich lehne mich mal aus dem Fenster und behaupte das dieser Turm zu Babel ( siehe Nakheel Tower / Wikipedia ) niemals gebaut werden wird... Im Nachinnein kann Dubai froh sein das sich durch einen veränderten Bauplatz die Konstruktion verzögert hat und der Bau noch nicht begonnen hat.....
Costs are rising on contracts to protect against a default by Dubai Holding LLC, which groups assets belonging to Sheikh Mohammed, including the Jumeirah Group hotel chain. Credit- default swaps rose almost four-fold in the past six months to 684 basis points, the highest in at least four years.

Dubai Holding Commercial Operations Co.'s 10-year bonds due 2017 fell 0.8 percent today, lifting the yield to a record 13.2 percent, Bloomberg data show.

``We are a very solid company and well diversified,'' bin Sulayem said. The notion of Dubai corporations having to rely on Abu Dhabi for funding ``is news to me,'' he said.
In a report obtained by the Financial Times, the ratings agency says Dubai would lack the financial muscle to cover its debt in the event of a systemic shock, such as a real estate collapse, making it reliant on Abu Dhabi to bail it out.

Publicly recorded debt levels have reached 103 per cent of 2006 GDP, the latest available figure, without including the leverage assumed by aggressive investment companies such as Istithmar and Dubai International Capital.

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