Friday, October 24, 2008

Number / Shocker Of The Day "Volvo New Truck Orders".....

Despite the market terror a nice weekend......

Trotz allem ein schönes Wochenende.....

Volvo said it received 115 order bookings for heavy trucks in Europe in the quarter, down from 41,970 trucks a year earlier. Customers in Europe are taking a ``wait and see'' attitude amid turmoil in global financial markets, Volvo said.

The following table is from the Volvo website. Some readers questioned the data but unfortunately the ordernumber for Europe was no typo. UPDATE :It´s safe to say that cancellations are playing a big part..... There were obvioulsy no cancellations in 2007.....

Die nachfolgende Tablle ist direkt von der Volvo Präsentation Hatte wie einige Leser ebenfalls leichte Bedenken das sich hier evtl. der Fehlerteufel eingeschlichen hat. Ist leider nicht der Fall. Die Orderzahl ist wirklich so schaurig....... UPDATE: Der Löwenanteil des Rückganges liegt in den Stornierungen begründet. Da diese Zahl auf gleicher Basis wie im Jahr 2007 ( mit offensichtlich keinen oder nur wenigen Stornierungen ) berechnet worden ist bleibt sie leider repräsentativ

Third quarterChangeFirst nine monthsChange
Number of trucks20082007in %20082007in %
North America7,5787,486119,61116,18721
South America5,0963,5784213,63912,7527
Asia 14,60712,8631343,06737,57415
Other markets4,6765,675(18)19,82317,64712


The downturn in demand in Europe has been more severe than previously expected. The financial turmoil and credit tightening has led to a very cautious approach among customers when it comes to deciding on investing in new trucks. During the quarter, gross order intake in Europe amounted to approximately 20,000 trucks, consisting of both new customer orders and some changed orders. The explanation to why the net order intake only amounted to 115 trucks is that a review of the order book was carried out in close cooperation with customers. The review resulted in that approximately the same number of orders that were received during the quarter was taken out of the order book

Don´t know what to make of this...... Either they inflated orders in the past or they are trying to say in a very complicated way that they had huge cancellations.....

Keine Ahnung wie genau Volvo das meint..... Entweder die haben in der Vergangenheit die Orderzahl künstlich gen Norden gepusht oder Volvo probiert hier sehr verklausoliert zu berichten das die Stornierungen gigantisch waren......

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