Friday, October 30, 2009

You Know Something Is Wrong When.......

A veteran like Art Cashin is scared that the markets cannot handle ( QUOTE: "Meltdown" , "800 Point Plunge" ) a 2 percent intraday "spike" in the $......Needless to say that after Cashin finished the interview the market scored the biggest gain fueled from the "blockbuster" Government Domestic Product report since July hand in hand with a weaker $...... Shocking to see that this "bulletprove" strategy cannot work indefinitely.....

Wenn ein Veteran wie Art Cashin Angst vor einem Crash ( ZITAT: "Meltdown, "800 Point Plunge") hat nur weil der $ nach einer langen Talfahrt keine 2% intraday Erholung vertragen kann sollte man zumindest mal kurz innehalten..... Brauche wohl nicht zu erwähnen das nur Minuten nachdem Cashin die Bombe hat platzen lassen die Märkte getragen von dem "überzeugenden" Government Domestic Product den größten Tagesgewinn seit Juli haben folgen lassen.... Hand in Hand mit einem stark schwächelnden $...... Schon schade das diese "idiotensichere" Strategie nicht in alle Ewigkeit fortgeführt werden kann.....

Combine this with one of the biggest stock market rallies of all time ( chart ) & the Highest Risk Appetite Since April 2006 among the so called "smart money" and things can get "interesting"....... God forbid when the $ moves lower and the markets refuse to follow the inverse course.....Would probably qualify at least for a "Grey Swan".....

Wenn man nun noch bedenkt das wir gerade eine der gewaltigsten Aktienmarktrallies aller Zeiten ( Chart ) hinter uns haben und die Risikobereitschaft der "Professionellen" den höchsten Stand seit April 2006 erreicht hat kann es schnell "ungemütlich" werden..... Nicht auszudenken was passiert wenn der $ gen Süden geht und die Märkte daraufhin weigern zu steigen..... Denke dann dürften einige Marktteilnehmer zumindest einen "Grey Swan" am Horizont erkennen....;-)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

"A Sham GDP For A Sham Economy"......

The high quality of the GDP aka "Government Domestic Product" growth is indeed "impressive".... As a GOLDBUG you gotta love this kind of "sustainable" growth.....

Solch "solides" und vor allem "nachhaltig" erkauftes GDP bzw "Government Domestic Product" Wachstum verdeutlichen eindrucksvoll warum ich starker Befürworter von GOLD bin..... ;-)

Mean Street: A Sham GDP for a Sham Economy Even Newmark

Americans rejoice! GDP grew by 3.5% in the third quarter and the recession is over.

It’s time to drink champagne, dance in the streets, and have a group hug with Nancy Pelosi and Ben Bernanke. But whatever you do, don’t ask yourself why the recession has ended. The answer might ruin the party.

The recession is over only because Washington decided it should be. With billions in fresh government spending, it was only a matter of time before GDP posted some growth.

It’s too bad all that government spending is borrowed money. Someday, we’ll actually have to pay off this year’s $1.4 trillion deficit.

Of course, all of the president’s Keynesian men will argue that everything is working to plan — the stimulus is stimulating. But it’s hard not to see today’s GDP bounce as a bit of a sham.

Just check out where the economy grew. Almost half — or 1.7% of the pickup in GDP growth came from “motor vehicle output.” That’s the summer’s $3 billion cash-for-clunkers program doing its thing.


H/T Clusterstock

But at what cost? just released some compelling analysis on cash-for-clunkers. Apparently, it cost the U.S. taxpayer about $24,000 per vehicle sold. Edmunds gets that number by dividing the $3 billion by the 125,000 additional car sales generated by the program. The methodology makes sense to me, but click here and decide for yourself.

The White House would probably contend that it’s impossible to determine incremental sales — meaning each sale that only happened because of the government $3,500 to $4,500 subsidy. And that the sale of each and every car spurs economic activity well beyond the program’s $3 billion.

But isn’t it possible that the analysis is actually understating the true costs to the taxpayer? What about the interest costs on the borrowed $3 billion?

What about the cost of propping up GMAC so that it could underwrite cash-for-clunker loans?

That’s the catch with all this government intervention — lots of unforeseen consequences. And we never learn. The trillion dollar disasters with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac haven’t stopped the government from tinkering with the housing market.

Consider another one of Washington’s smashing successes: the $8,000 credit for first-time home buyers.

For the third quarter, “real residential fixed investment” — also known as “homebuilding” — jumped 23.4%. That boosted GDP by another 0.5%. Do you feel like hugging Harry Reid now?


H/T Mark Hanson

> More Homes.......Just what the Doctor ordered...... Thank god there are only 18.8 Million Vacant Homes In Q3 ......

> Mehr Häuser.....Macht bei Ansicht der o.g. Grafik die das Verhältnis von neuen Hausverkäufen und neuen Zwangsvollstreckungen extrem viel Sinn..... Besonders wenn man bedenkt das in den USA lediglich 18.8 Million leerstehende Häuser existieren ...... Brauche nicht zu erwähnen das diese mehr als sinnvolle Förderung gerade ausgedehnt und verlängert worden ist......

But we’re not seeing the real cost of the homebuyer tax credit. This is very expensive stuff. The Calculated Risk blog figures the home-buyer credit costs the taxpayer $43,000 per incremental home sale. Goldman Sachs ran its own numbers, reckoning that each incremental home sale cost the taxpayer an astounding $80,000. Again, the methodology seems right to me, but decide for yourself.

And again, this analysis understates the program’s true costs. We don’t include the cost of all the fraud — even though we know thousands of false and improper claims are being filed.

We don’t consider the cost of propping up the FHA , which is now underwriting all of the mortgages

And we can never calculate the true economic cost of messing with home prices – though the crisis over the last three years certainly gives us a hint.

So, let’s party as we welcome GDP growth. But never forget how the party ends – a group hug with lots of tears.


Monument Securities' Stephen Lewis via FT Alphaville

Government purchases were surprisingly strong. Instead of falling back from what had looked an erratic 14.0% annualised rise in Q2, defence spending increased further, at an 8.4% rate.

Cheering Over Ugly Report MISH

Personal income decreased $15.5 billion (0.5 percent), while real disposable personal income decreased 3.4 percent, in contrast to an increase of 3.8 percent last quarter. Those are horrible numbers

The savings rate is down, which no doubt has misguided economists cheering, but people spending more than they make is one of the things that got us into trouble.

The government sloshed trillions around and yet disposable income is down, jobs are horrendously weak, and the only reason GDP rose is wasteful government spending, cash-for-clunkers and extremely unaffordable housing tax credits whose effect is soon going to start diminishing even though the program was just extended.

I see plenty of chances for negative territory or at least extremely anemic growth starting in the second quarter of 2010, if indeed not the first quarter.Let's see what Christmas brings.

I am expecting far weaker numbers than most. In the meantime, let's party even if only for a day or two. Reality is likely to return soon.

Mark Zandi H/ Claculated Risk
This suggests that all the growth in Q3 was due to the stimulus package, and the impact will now wane - only 2% in Q4, and 1.5% in Q1 2010 - and then the package will be a drag on the economy in the 2nd half of 2010.

It's Alive, It's ALIVE, It's ALLLIIIIVVVE! Paul Kedrosky

Turns out coursing a few gigavolts of financial stimulus current through even an economy the size of the U.S. will still get Frankenstein off the slab, however briefly.

Inside GDP : The Figures Behind The Number ( nice chart )

Full GDP observations from Goldman Sachs ZH

David Rosenberg: GDP Head-Fake H/T Expected Returns

> Why i´m not surprised that the bubblehead from CNBC brouht up all the "Cash On The Sidelines"...... UPDATE: What a difference a day makes.... The same guys laughing at Rosenberg & spinning the cash on the sidelines, strong gdp, markets moving higher etc have reversed course and are suffering severe AMNESIA.....Click here for BUBBLEVISION at its best.....

> Passend zur euphoriuschen GDP Stimmung verwundert es nicht das der Typ von CNBC das Totschlagargument "Cash On The Sidelines" ins Spiel gebracht hat...... UPDATE: Was für ein Unterschied doch 24 Stunden machen können.... Dieselben "Gestalten" die noch gestern Rosenberg "belächelt" haben und was von Cash on the sidelines, starkes GDP, etc gefaselt haben leiden unter akutem Gedächnisverlust und haben Ihre Meinung um 180% gedreht....Hier klicken um zu erfahren warum CNBC als Bubblevision geadelt worden ist....

From the latest Rosenberg report


Never before did a gap between a 3.2% consensus GDP forecast and an actual print of 3.5% manage to elicit so much excitement in the equity market. It just goes to show how speculative the stock market has become. The question is why it is that the economy couldn’t do even better?

Historically, the auto sector adds 0.1 percentage point or 0.2 percentage point to any given GDP report. In the third quarter, courtesy of cash-for-clunkers, the sector added 1.7 percentage points to the headline figure, which is less a than 1-in-10 event in terms of probabilities.

Because of the housing and auto subsidies, the personal savings rate plunged to 3.3% in Q3 from 4.9% in Q2 — in the past quarter-century, there have been only four other times that the savings rate went down so much in one quarter.

If not for that plunge in savings, real GDP actually would have contracted fractionally last quarter. The entire GDP growth was funded by a rundown in the savings rate that occurs less than 5% of the time.

Moreover, what is normal in that first positive post-recession GDP release is a 5% annual rate of growth. That puts 3.5% in Q3 into a certain perspective, especially when you consider the massive amount of stimulus that underpinned the latest batch of data.

While it seems very flashy, 3.5% growth is far from a trend-setter. Let’s go back to Japan. Since 1990, it has enjoyed no fewer than 19 of these 3.5%-or-better GDP growth quarters.

That is almost 25% of the time, by the way.

And we know with hindsight that this was noise around the fundamental downtrend because the Japanese economy has experienced four recessions and the equity market is down more than 70% from the peak

Without "Cash for Kindles, I-Phones, trucks etc" 2010 will be very "interesting".... Thank god the "experts" still argue the stock market is discounting the obviously bright outlook for the coming years....How else would you justify one of the biggest stock market rallies of all time ( chart ) ...... Would be shocking to see the "Herd" get it wrong ......... ;-)

Ohne "Cash for I Phones, LKW´s usw. " dürfte das Jahr 2010 mehr als interessant werden.... Zum Glück schauen die Märkte ja wie uns regelmäßig erzählt wird voraus und haben die "exzellenten" Aussichten für die nächsten Jahre sicher eingepreist.... Wie anders ist einer der gewaltigsten Aktienmarktrallies aller Zeiten ( Chart ) auch sonst zu erklären.....Wäre ja auch das erste Mal das die "Herde" komplett daneben liegen würde, oder ? ;-)

Fuzzy Numbers
Chris Martenson

"Enron-esque characteristics".......

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Yes, We Can´t..... GMAC Scores Bailout Hattrick.....

This kind of taypayer generosity / backstop is one of the main reasons ( add to this ZIRP & QE ) the "smart money" has increased the risk appetite to the highest point since April 2006 ( just in time after one of the biggest rallies ever .....without any meaningfull pullback) , so far they have almost perfectly manage to go "ALL IN"close to the recent market top, with cash levels at the lowest point since Jan 2004! not an overstatement, taking the latest market action into account the post is looking better on a daily basis..... )..... Stories like this are one of many reasons why i´m bullish on GOLD......

Denke das genau diese Art der "Problemlösung" zu Lasten der Steuerzahler einer der entscheidenden Gründe ( neben Nullzinspolitik und "Quatitive Easing" ) ist das weltweit die professionellen Investoren Ihren Risikoappetit auf den höchsten Stand seit April 2006 hochgefahren haben ( gerade noch rechtzeitig nachdem die Märkte einen der größten Kursanstiege der Geschichte ( ohne eine nennenswerte Korrektur ) hingelegt haben, aktuell sieht es so aus als wenn Die "Profis" es fast punktgenau geschafft haben zum Markettop "All In" zu gehen, oder wie sonst soll man es bezeichnen wenn man bedenkt das die Cashlevels auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit Januar 2004! sind, mir persönlich bereitet besonders dieser Link tagtäglich mehr "Freude") ..... Erinnere im Angesicht solch "dollen" Meldungen noch einmal an mein gestriges Posting zum Thema Gold.....

GMAC Asks for Fresh Lifeline WSJ
The U.S. government is likely to inject $2.8 billion to $5.6 billion of capital into the Detroit company, on top of the $12.5 billion that GMAC has received since December 2008, these people said.
The latest infusion would come in the form of preferred stock. The government's 35.4% stake in the company could increase if existing shares eventually are converted into common equity.

Federal officials also are moving to shore up GMAC's ability to fund its daily operations, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. telling the company Tuesday the agency will guarantee an additional $2.9 billion in debt, according to people familiar with the discussions. The FDIC guarantee will make it easier for the company to sell debt to investors. The FDIC backed $4.5 billion in GMAC-issued debt earlier this year.
The FDIC approval came just four days before the expiration of the regulator's program that guarantees debt issued by certain banks. It ended months of tense negotiations between GMAC and regulators.

At GMAC, the likelihood of a third infusion increased when the government's stress-test results were released in May. The tests were conducted to determine whether banks would need more capital to continue lending if the economy deteriorated in 2009 and 2010. The test concluded GMAC needed $11.5 billion in common equity to continue lending in a stressed economy.

GMAC raised some of the money directly from the government, but a significant hole remains. The company hasn't been able to attract much capital from private investors because it isn't listed as a public company, forcing GMAC to begin negotiating with the government to find the remaining funds. GMAC and Treasury officials are now negotiating about exactly how much capital the company needs.

People close to GMAC said they don't expect the government to call for changes in management as a result of the likely infusion. The company posted a second-quarter loss of $3.9 billion amid rising loan delinquencies and the continued U.S. auto slump. It expects to release third-quarter earnings next week.

Mr. de Molina's search for capital brought him to the government's door.
The Fed awarded GMAC status as a bank-holding company and Treasury injected $5 billion in December 2008. It came back with an additional $7.5 billion on May 21. The Fed also waived rules to allow the bank to pass assets down into its bank division, and the FDIC reluctantly agreed to issue "up to" $7.4 billion in government-backed debt. The FDIC approval issued Tuesday brings GMAC to the full amount authorized in May.

[Helping Hand]

In May, GMAC also launched a new brand for its online bank, called Ally Bank. Its pursuit of deposits at high rates became a key leg of its strategy, since deposits provide a cheap form of funding, but the taxpayer-assisted approach rankled competitors and the FDIC.

The dispute nearly cost GMAC its chance at the final $2.9 billion in FDIC debt guarantees. The two sides were able to hammer out an agreement that requires GMAC to keep its rates at certain amounts in exchange for the support, according to people familiar with the situation.

Rolfe Winkler

Taxpayers are lending themselves money to buy cars (via GMAC). To buy houses (via Fannie, Freddie and very soon FHA). To buy anything and everything that has to be financed.

Chris Whalen : Zombie Love: Barack Obama, GMAC and Ally Bank

If Citigroup (NYSE:C) is the Queen of the Zombie Dance Party and AIG (NYSE:AIG) the King, then GMAC is certainly one of the children. In relative terms, GMAC has received far more subsidies than any other zombie and seemingly has no access to the private markets in terms of raising new equity.....

Looking at the latest 10-Q from GMAC filed with the SEC, the only question we have is why isn't GMAC already in bankruptcy?

While GMAC's total consoldiated assets are down, Ally Bank's assets have grown by nearly 25% in the past quarter, fueled by copious television advertising and federal subsidies. The term "moral hazard" comes to mind. By propping up GMAC and Ally Bank with taxpayer dollars, the Treasury is hurting sound, well-managed banks.....

Note too that as of Q2 2009, Ally Bank was funding more than 17% of its now $42 billion in assets via the Federal Home Loan Banks -- yet another subsidy and another striking indcator of growing moral harzard......

Federal bank regulations generally identify 15% as the threshold for unsafe and unsound practices with respect to the use of FHLB advances for funding, but it seems that GMAC is exempt from these rules as well.....

Mean Street: GMAC = Insanity Deal Journal

Well, we didn’t really need it, but now we have it. Today’s WSJ piece on the bailout of auto-lender GMAC is yet further proof that there is no end to the insanity of the “Great Detroit Bailout.”

We’re not just saving failed carmakers. We’re saving GMAC, the failed financier of failed mortgages and failed carmakers…for the third time.

Last winter, we had to “help” Detroit with some temporary loans. By spring, we had to “save” Detroit with tens of billions in fresh equity. By summer, we had to “kick-start” Detroit with the Cash for Clunkers. And here we are in autumn, still at it. By winter, we’ll be in a strait-jacket we can’t get out of.

And for what? To save GMAC?

This is a business that for years lent money to lots of Americans to buy homes and cars they couldn’t afford. Remember the unsustainable housing boom? GMAC.

The unsustainable Hummer and Escalade boom? GMAC. Our unsustainable economy? GMAC.

And after the boom, comes the bust — which is exactly what GMAC is.


Scarcity. That Is The Answer To The Question “Why Gold?” End Of Story !

The headline is from the latest David Rosenberg piece ( as always much needed ANTI SPIN ) and sums up the some of the reasons (here is another good overview, thank god that at least the banks are "well capitalized"...... ) why Gold should outperform for some time to come ( not so sure obout the short term )....... Especially when one of the biggest headwinds during the past decades is becoming a tailwind ( see Central Banks Net Buyers Of Gold....... )

Die Überschrift stammt aus dem letzten Report von David Rosenberg ( dringend benötigter ANTI SPIN ) und faßt einige der Gründe ( hier noch ne nette Übersicht., da kann man ja von Glück sprechen das zumindest die Banken ""well capitalized" sind...) dafür zusammen das Gold auch weiterhin outperformen wird ( kurzfristig bin ich mir da weit weniger sicher ) ..... Das gilt umso mehr als sich der stärkste Gegenwind der letzten Jahrzehnte zunemhemnd in einen angenehmen Rückenwind zu wandeln scheint ( siehe Central Banks Net Buyers Of Gold....... )


After all, you can’t calculate a P/E. There is no dividend discount model. There is no interest rate or income stream. No — gold is a store of value and one that has been durable and reliable for thousands of years. No fiat currency system has outlived gold. The question is what is so sacred about fiat paper money? A backing of the government printing press, is that the alluring factor? The Fed has been pumping money into the system at an unprecedented fashion and even if it is sitting idle on commercial bank balance sheets as excess reserves, that money is still in the system.

So what about gold? How much of that is in the system? How about the fact that global gold production, after doubling from 1980 to 1999, has completely stagnated over the past decade? Has fiat currency done that? And, how long does it normally take for a gold mine to yield production? Answer -- five years or so? Do you think it takes Bernanke et al that long to print greenbacks? At least we know with some degree of confidence about the supply of gold; there are reserves equivalent to about 40% of the total amount of gold above the ground (and half of that is in South Africa).

As we said, it takes time, usually five years, and plenty of financial resources to bring gold mines into production. In this sense the supply side of the gold equation is relatively constant — in economic parlance. Fiat government-issued currency is not — especially in the context of a U.S. monetary and fiscal authority that will stop at nothing to revive a cycle of overspending and overborrowing.

In the current sense, the pullback in consumer spending is being replaced either by government spending or incentives to prevent households from modifying their spending behaviour away from frugality; and the pullback in credit demand by the consumer sector is being offset by the Fed’s involvement in the mortgage market to ensure that borrowing costs remain very low, and by the FHA to ensure that down-payment requirements are as close to zero as possible. The supply of gold is reasonably easy to figure out — the supply of fiat currency is less easy to figure out. The behaviour of not just the U.S. government but governments everywhere seems to be that reflationary policies will ultimately be the key towards redressing the ongoing private sector deleveraging cycle.

Back to the gold market. There is an estimated 120,000-140,000 tons of gold above ground. That would equate to roughly $4 trillion. The total amount of U.S. dollars in circulation globally is estimated at $8 trillion, and the total size of the global money supply would thereby be closer to $30 trillion. The size of the world stock market is around $40 trillion. At last count, the total size of the global bond market was north of $80 trillion. The total world derivatives market has been estimated at about $800 trillion, face or nominal value. Hopefully all this places the total value of gold above ground into a certain perspective.
So, here is what makes gold so attractive, beyond the fact that it is a hedge against irresponsible fiscal, monetary policies and reckless trade policies, is that relative to fiat currency, bonds and equities, it is scarce.
We can also get into geopolitical uncertainties and reckless trade policies, but they are just the proverbial cherry on the ice cream.
Scarcity. That is the answer to the question “why gold?” End of story.

Just to back the amount of currency that is out there right now, gold has the potential to triple from here, never mind merely double. Sounds outlandish, to be sure, but when gold was carving out its bottom at $255/oz in September 1999 (when the S&P 500 was flirting near 1,300 — sorry to have to add that one in), was anyone calling for it to rise four-fold in the next decade? Secular bull markets usually last 16 to 18 years and this one is just in year 10, so let’s say that we are barely past the halfway point in both duration and magnitude in this gold cycle

Paul Tudor Jones ♥ gold FT Alphaville

By our estimation, G7 central banks have upwards of 35% of total reserve
assets in gold. However, the remaining countries that make up the G20 only have 3.5% of their reserve assets in gold. These countries have seen a $2.2 trillion increase in reserve assets over the last five years, making up well over 50% of the increase in global reserves. However, despite a 150% increase in the price of gold, 97% of the increase in reserve assets has been in the form of paper currency or interest-bearing notes backed by paper currency.

> I also urge everybody still not convinced that at least a small part of their portfolio should include GOLD to read the following report........

> Der nachfolgende Report verdeutlicht mehr als eindrucksvoll warum meiner Meinung nach in jedes Depot GOLD zumindest einen gewissen Prozentsatz enthalten sollte.....

Sprott Oct 2009 Comment


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Risk Appetite at Highest Point Since April 2006

With almost all asset classes ( Dow 10.100, S&P 500 1100, N100 1780, Dax 5860, FTSE 5250, Oil $ 80 etc ) at new highs it looks like the herd mentality is once more rampant ( fueled in large part from the $ Carry Trade - €/$ 1,50 - & "Quantitive Easing" see also Speaking Of A Money Illusion........ ). Nice to see that after one of the biggest rallies in decades finally the "smart money" ( unlike the retail investor ) is getting more bullish..... As a contrarian it seems lots of folks are "all in"...... Another UPDATE: It remains to be seen if last hour drop from Wednesday was only a minor glitch in the Matrix..... Very telling that this (!!) "bulletproof" strategy seems the only relevant parameter that is important.... until it stops working ....;-) UPDATE: Taking todays ( Oct. 26th ) action into account i think this was more than a minor glitch in the MATRIX... There is now a reasonable chance that this guy will get the upper hand for some time to come..... At least all the "Cash On The Sidelines" ( sarcasm ) has now the opportunity to step in. Add to this that "Wall Street Finest" have only a sell rating on 5 percent of all stocks and the potential for some extra SCHADENFREUDE is not getting smaller.... ;-)

Da gerade heute praktisch alle Vermögenswerte nahe Ihren Jahreshochs ( Dow 10.100, S&P 500 1100, DAX 5860, MDAX 7450, TECDAX 775, FTSE 5250, Öl $ 80 ) notieren ( dank des$ Carry Trades invers zum $ - €/$ 1,50 - versteht sich, sowie dank des sog. "Quantitive Easing" , passend zum Thema Speaking Of A Money Illusion........ ) sieht es in der Tat einmal mehr so aus als wenn der Herdentrieb praktisch alle Marktteilnehmer infiziert hat... Da paßt es gut ins Bild das auch gerade jetzt die Big Boys ( ganz im Gegensatz zu dem Kleinanleger ) nach einer der größten Kursexplosion der letzten Jahrzehnte endlich Ihre Vorsicht über Bord geworfen haben und zum Teil massiv Ihr Risiprofil erhöht haben... Man könnte auch sagen das sie "all in" sind... Erneutes Update: Es bleibt abzuwarten ob der starke Abverkauf in der letzten Handelsstunde vom Dienstag nur ein kleiner Fehler in der Matrix gewesen ist... Wenn man sich aber die anscheinend momentan gängige "Strategie" (!!) ansieht wie die Märkte "funktionieren" sagt das einiges über Robustheit der Rally aus......;-) UPDATE: Nach dem heutigen ( 26. Oktober ) erneuten Abverkauf handelt es sich wohl um mehr als nur einen kleinen Fehler in der Matrix..... Es ist nun nicht unrealistisch das dieser Typ bis auf weiteres die Oberhand gewonnen hat ...... Immerhin ermöglicht dieser noch kleine Rückschlag ja den angeblichem "Cash On The Sidelines" ;- ) sich endlich massivst in den Aktienmarkt einzukaufen.....Wenn man jetzt noch bedenkt das die "Analysten" lediglich 5% der Aktien mit einer Verkaufsempfehlung versehen haben dürfte das die mögliche Schadenfreude nicht gerade mindern..... ;-)

H/T RobotTrader

BofA Merrill Lynch Fund Manager Survey Finds Risk Appetite at Highest Point Since April 2006 as Double-Dip Recession Fears Fade Marketwatch

--Investors See Brighter Corporate Profits on Horizon - Shift from Cash to Equities

Investors' risk appetite has reached its highest point in more than three years amid continued optimism about the prospects for a global economic recovery and rising corporate profits, according to the BofA Merrill Lynch Survey of Fund Managers for October

Investors are increasingly confident that the threat of a double-dip recession is waning. A net 65 percent of respondents believe a global recession is unlikely in the next 12 months, up from 47 percent a month earlier.

A net 72 percent of respondents believe the outlook for corporate profits will improve in the next year, up from 68 percent a month earlier.
The survey also shows asset allocators shifting out of cash and into equities as risk appetite grows. Their cash positions are at their lowest level since January 2004. A net 7 percent of respondents are underweight cash in October, compared to a net 10 percent overweight a month earlier.
A net 38 percent of panelists are overweight equities, up from 27 percent in September. Technology, Energy, Materials and Industrials are the favored sectors for asset allocators in October with investors still shying away from financial
Investors seeing value in Europe hits eight-year high

Asset allocators are showing a growing conviction that global corporate profits will post double digit earnings growth, the survey shows. A net 39 percent of panelists think profits will rise by at least 10 percent in the next 12 months, up from just 25 percent in September.

Optimism about Europe is pronounced in the October survey. A net 30 percent of global portfolio managers see eurozone equities as undervalued relative to other regions, the highest reading since April 2001
. A net 9 percent of panelists want to overweight the region in the next 12 months, up from 7 percent last month. This contrasts with Japan, which a net 20 percent of investors regard as the least attractive region a year ahead.

The change in sentiment coincides with a shift in investors' appetite for European financials. Investors are overweight European banks for the first time since June 2007, courtesy of greater confidence in bank balance sheets and profitability trends.

"Europe is emerging phoenix-like from the ashes as confidence in its banks boosts overall confidence in European equities," said Gary Baker, head of European equity strategy at BofA Merrill Lynch Global Research.
> Read this twice...... ;-)
> Das sollte man zur Sicherheit zweimal lesen....... ;-)
Chinese confidence rebounds: U.S. dollar confidence sinks

Confidence in the prospects for the Chinese economy and emerging markets in general remains robust. A net 49 percent of respondents think China's economy will strengthen in the next 12 months, up from 35 percent in September. A net 36 percent of respondents also said they would most like to overweight emerging markets in the next year.

Continuing weakness in the U.S. dollar has resulted in a growing number of respondents who believe the dollar is undervalued. A net 20 percent of panelists regard the currency as undervalued, compared to one percent a month earlier. Japan's economic outlook is marked by a growing number of asset allocators who view the yen as overvalued. A net 34 percent of respondents believe it is overvalued, compared to just 21 percent last month.

"Confidence in Chinese growth has rebounded but worries over a U.S. dollar crisis are on the rise. The dollar is seen as undervalued and the yen as very overvalued, suggesting that central bank intervention in currency markets in coming months could soon prove successful," said Michael Hartnett.

A total of 229 fund managers, managing a total of US$616 billion, participated in the global survey from 2 October to 8 October. A total of 195 managers, managing US$384 billion, participated in the regional surveys.

> It feels like my blog headline "Bubbles Are Normal And Non-Bubble Times Are Depressions...." is the new mantra among central banksters...... ;-)

> Ich fürchte immer mehr das meine Blogüberschrift "Bubbles Are Normal And Non-Bubble Times Are Depressions...." weltweit alle Zentralbankster erfaßt hat....... ;-)


90% Of Fund Managers Think The Market Will Go Up Clusterstock

Maybe the street has become a bit too bullish afterall.

90% of institutional investors believe that the S&P500 will rise to 1,200 by the end 2011 according to a survey by The Markets. 75% then expect it to hit 1,500 by the end of 2013, and 75% believe that the market already bottomed earlier this year. The survey covered 103 invesors in 20 countries.

We don't necessarily disagree with these views, but naturally find it disturbing to find such a strong consensus on market direction. It sets off our contrarian alarm loud and clear.

The Markets

From Paul Tudor Jones, who reports in his third-quarter letter to investors

While many of our surveys of aggregate hedge fund positioning would say net long exposure has rebounded to late 2007 percentages (though on a smaller base), and mutual fund cash/asset ratios have come in significantly, markets continue to trade as if most are not satisfied with their current commitment to equities.

Fall 2009 Big Money Poll Results Out: Only 13% Are Bearish, 70% Are Beating S&P, As Taxpayers Get Hosed ZH

On economic matters, 72% of respondents believe the recession has ended, and an amusing 52% believe there is no chance of a double dip recession. It is scary that over half of the "sophisticiated community" thinks that Fed can succeed where so many central planning administration have failed before.

Uh-Oh: Economists Say Recovery, Market Gains Solid BR

Nearly four of five economists surveyed by USA TODAY say the stock market rally since March is heralding a sustainable recovery.

> Needless to say that i agree almost 100 percent with this guy & Geremy Grantham....

> Kann nicht oft genug wiederholen das ich zu fast 100% mit diesem Typen & Geremy Grantham übereinstimme.....

JGLetter_ALL_3Q09 -

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Speaking Of A Money Illusion........

As assumed last Friday the Dow finally hit 10 K. After looking at the chart you probably know why i prefer gold....... I think a few years from now this ratio will be even more favourable.....Wouldn´t surprise me if we see similar ratios like in 1980 . The same is true when you price the S&P 500 in Gold .....

Wie bereits letzten Freitag hat der Dow die 10 K geknackt. Habe das mal zum Anlaß genommen das Dow/Gold upzudaten. Unschwer zu erkennen warum ich seit langer Zeit Gold bevorzuge.... Meiner Meinung nach wird sich dieses Verhältnis zukünftig noch weiter zugunsten von Gold beschleunigen.... Ich würde selbst ein Verhältnis ähnlich dem Jahr 1980 für nicht "unwahrscheinlich" halten. Ähnlich verhält es sich wenn man den S&P 500 in Gold kalkuliert .....

Theodore Weisberg wears a had reading DOW 10,000 after the close of trading on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange in New York.


And you thought you had broken even. If investors had bought gold when the Dow first closed above 10000 in March 1999, they'd be up almost 280%.

Put another way, Dow 10000 a decade ago "cost" 36 ounces of gold, treating each Dow point as $1.

When the Dow revisited that level Wednesday, it was worth only 9.276 ounces of gold.

In oil terms, the Dow has gone from 609 barrels to 133.

Chart via Zero Hedge

bigger / größer

Dow 10,000: A Celebration Jesse

Team coverage today on Bloomberg by the Money Honeys as the Dow Jones Industrial Average crossed 10,000 intra-day, led by J.P. Morgan, in a move that surely epitomizes the illusions of wealth granted by modern accounting practices.

Can you believe the NYSE had the nerve to prepare new Dow 10,000 hats and distribute them for today? The first time the Dow Industrials crossed 10,000 was in 1999. The last time it closed over 10,000 was in October of 2008, just
before the most recent plunge of the collapsing credit bubble.

That does not speak well of equities for the "buy and hold" crowd, which has surely had a wild ride if they have indeed managed to hold on for the last ten years, and ex-dividends and fees and commissions and inflation and a plunging US dollar and soaring commodities are... even.
AMEN :-)


The following videos are too good to be buried in the comment section..... Judging from this interview Bloomberg has morphed into another version of CNBC.......

Denke die folgenden Clips sind zu gut um in den Kommentaren versteckt zu werden..... Muß gestehen das ich nach dem folgenden Interview den Eindruck habe das sich Blommberg und CNBC nicht mehr wesentlich voneinander unterscheiden......

The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c
The Money Shot
Colbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorMichael Moore

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Dow Jones Rebounds to 1999
Daily Show
Full Episodes
Political HumorRon Paul Interview

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Wall Street Vs Main Street..........

Thanks Ben, Timmy etc....... Yes we can´t........ I think the guy from Main Street ( see Chart of the day, underemployment edition & Still on the Job, but Making Only Half as Much ) will be pleased when he reads this kind of news....... Make sure you watch the Bird & Fortune, FT video: Banking, bonuses, boom and bust :-) & Bank-Favoring Censorship by Congress :-( !

Besten Dank an Ben, Timmy usw........ Yes We Can´t........ Solche "dollen" Nachrichten dürften bei dem Durchschnittsbürger ( siehe Chart of the day, underemployment edition & Still on the Job, but Making Only Half as Much ) besonders gut ankommen..... Die satirische Betrachtung von Bird & Fortune, FT video: Banking, bonuses, boom and bust ist sehenswert und leider recht nahe an der Realität :-)! Wer immer noch Zweifel hat das sich nichts ändern wird sollte dringend Bank-Favoring Censorship by Congress lesen..... DEPRIMIEREND!


Wall Street On Track To Award Record Pay WSJ

Major U.S. banks and securities firms are on pace to pay their employees about $140 billion this year -- a record high that shows compensation is rebounding despite regulatory scrutiny of Wall Street's pay culture.

Workers at 23 top investment banks, hedge funds, asset managers and stock and commodities exchanges
can expect to earn even more than they did the peak year of 2007, according to an analysis of securities filings for the first half of 2009 and revenue estimates through year-end by The Wall Street Journal.

Total compensation and benefits at the publicly traded firms analyzed by the Journal are on track to increase 20% from last year's $117 billion -- and to top 2007's $130 billion payout. This year, employees at the companies will earn an estimated $143,400 on average, up almost almost $2,000 from 2007 levels.


H/T Rolfe Winkler

Here is a link to the raw data, below a list of the top 10.

NOTE: This includes only public companies

Blackstone: $4.04 million per employee
Och-Ziff: $878k
Goldman Sachs: $743k
Jeffries: $514k
Lazard: $473k
BlackRock: $318k
Legg Mason: $291k
Eaton Vance: $280k
IntercontinentalExchange: $279k
Morgan Stanley: $263k

Felix Salmon on Goldman

But just because we need these banks to exist does not mean that we want these banks to make enormous profits.....

So the answer to the question Sorkin poses in the question is, essentially, “yes”: we don’t want Goldman to fail, and neither do we want Goldman to reward success in the way it has of late. What we do want is less excess and less systemic risk.

Allowing a super-sized Goldman to pay out untold billions in bonuses every year — even if they’re cleverly structured in the form of slowly-vesting stock — achieves neither of those aims.

Havn´t heard the word "moral hazard" for a long long time.....Unfortunately i think the following excellent cartoon from Gary Varvel is spot on.....

Was ist eigentlich aus dem Wort "Moral Hazard" geworden....... Leider ist der Wahrheitsgehalt des folgenden Cartoons von Gary Varvel erschreckend hoch......

Geithner Aides Reaped Millions Working for Banks, Hedge Funds

Speaking to financial executives last month, Obama said: “We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis, where too many were motivated only by the appetite for quick kills and bloated bonuses.”

At the same time, the president has promised to change Washington by keeping lobbyists for special interests at a distance and by making decisions in the open.

I´ll finish with a good "advice" from Jesse Gold: Until the Banks Are Restrained and Balance Is Restored ... ;-) & a nice rant from Black ( see The financial sector harms the real economy. )

Denke der folgenden Ratschlag Gold: Until the Banks Are Restrained and Balance Is Restored von Jesse & der Standpunkt von Black ( The financial sector harms the real economy. )sind ideal um dieses Posting zu beenden..... ;-)


JPM Sets Aside $471,779 Run-Rated Compensation For 2009 ZH

Lobbyists Mass to Try to Shape Financial Reform NYT

The financial services industry has poured more than $220 million into lobbying in 2009, much of it in anticipation of this Congressional effort now beginning

Bank Lobbyists Are Not Only Trying to Kill NEW Legislation, They Are Trying to Weaken EXISTING Regulations Washington´s Blog

WALL STREET IS WINNING! Elizabeth Warren "Speechless" About Record Bonuses Blodget

Friday, October 9, 2009

Thank God There Is No Conflict Of Interest....... ;-)

Nothing really new but with the Dow probably hitting 10.000 on Monday i think it´s not a bad time to update the topic "Wall Street Finest" ....... Watch the red line......

Da der Dow wahrscheinlich am Montag die 10.000 knacken wird und auch ansonsten alle Märkte weltweit nahe Ihren Hochs stehen kann es nicht schaden erneut einen Blick die selbstverständlich "höchst wertvolle" Rolle der sog. Experten , oder wie von mir liebevoll als"Wall Street Finest" tituliert, zu werfen..... Man beachte die rote Linie....

‘Sell’ for Research Renegades Becomes Business Off Wall Street

In October 2008, as the global financial system teetered on the brink of collapse, “sell” calls in U.S. markets constituted 6 percent of the total recommendations by analysts, with “buys” comprising 36 percent and “holds,” 58 percent, according to Bloomberg data.
Almost a year later, amid a stock market rally, the percentage of “buy” calls dropped: They made up 32 percent, with “holds” comprising 63 percent and “sells,” 5 percent, as of Oct. 8.

"Business as usual" ( across all segments ).....Now compare this kind of "wisdom" with the next report on valuations......

"Business As Usual" ( und das über alle Sektoren) ..... Vergleicht bitte die o.g. "Weisheit" mit dem folgenden Report zum Thema Bewertungen......

Special Report Valuation 100909


Even if one uses "operating earnings" a euphemism for "blatant lie" in which all "one-time losses" that recur like clockwork are ignored (along with everything else the companies want to ignore), the PE based clocks in at 29.64 as of the end of the third quarter according to S&P Earnings Data.

Forward Earnings Imply a Return To Near-Record Profit Margins Hester/Hussman

At these levels it seems that a full-blown V-shaped recovery is being priced in. There's no better example of a V-shaped forecast than for what is expected for the recovery in earnings over the next couple of years. The graph below shows the operating profit series, which includes actual results from the second quarter of 2007 – when earnings peaked – through this year's second quarter, and then continues with estimates through the end of 2011.

For operating earnings to get back to their peak levels, analysts have penciled in earnings growth of more than 40 percent over the next year, and then another 22 percent between 2010 and 2011

What is worth highlighting is that analysts expect that the typical company will soon achieve the same level of profit margin that they were able to deliver in the years leading up to 2007 – a period where leverage was preferred over balance sheet strength, a preference by company managements to focus on equity shareholders, during a political climate where labor lacked bargaining power, where consumer spending was fueled by mortgage equity withdrawals, and leverage ratios increased broadly because business and consumer credit was easy to come by.

To assume a return to peak profit margins is a bet that the economic and political landscape that emerges over the next year or two will match the pre-panic landscape perfectly.

But it is also important to keep this from Barry Ritholtz & Hester in mind......

In jedem Fall sollte man aber diesen Kernsatz von Barry Ritholtz & Hester im Hinterkopf haben.....

Barry: As noted previously, at times, things like “valuation” or the economy or earnings don’t matter — until they suddenly do.

Hester : While S&P earnings may not be able to rise to the lofty expectations of analysts over the next couple of years, this isn't a strongly bearish argument in itself. The link between near-term earnings and stock direction is tenuous. Outside of very large changes in earnings, there is essentially no correlation between year-over-year changes in earnings and changes in stock prices.

But if you're investor that is sensitive to valuation and your preference is to use forward earnings, then an understanding of the building blocks that create those earnings estimates is important.

Regardless of this rule the risk/reward ratio isn´t quite "favourable" ( i´m being polite ) right now...... But as long as the technicals are not breaking down it is still too dangerous to entry a short position...... Even if it is very tempting.... ;-) At least the first not insignificant signs are popping up that the party might be over rather sooner than later......At some point this kind of "wealth transfer" has to stop...... I´m pretty sure this guy will have lots of fun in 2010...... ;-)

Denke es bleibt in jedem Fall festzuhalten das das momentan vorhandene Chance/Risikoverhältnis nicht gerade vorteilhaft ( höflich vormuliert ) ist...... Solange die Markttechnik aber noch intakt ist sollte man auf jeden Fall der Versuchung widerstehen short zu gehen. Auch wenn das tagtäglich schwerer fällt...... ;-) Immerhin sind doch erste ernsthafte Anzeichen zu erkennen die andeuten das der Party bald der Treibstoff ausgeht.......Spätestens wenn diese Art von "Umverteilung notgedrungen Ihr Ende findet......Ich bin mir ziemlich sicher das dieser Typ spätestens im Jahr 2010 eine Menge Spaß haben wird...... ;-)

Quote Of The Day..... "The Defaults Are Worth It "

Looks like i was spot on ....."the Phony Mae & Fraudie Mac pain wasn´t enough......."

Sieht ganz so aus als wenn ich nicht ganz verkehrt gelegen habe......."der Phony Mae & Fraudie Mac Schaden doch noch nicht hoch genug war....... "

A Troubled Portfolio

U.S. Mortgage Backer May Need Bailout, Experts Say NYT

Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat who is chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, said in an interview that the defaults were, in essence, worth it.

“I don’t think it’s a bad thing that the bad loans occurred,” he said. “It was an effort to keep prices from falling too fast. That’s a policy.”

With an insured mortgage exposure already running well over $ 600 billion & spiking higher on a daily basis one has to admit that this clown has CHUZPAH! I suggest to read the entire NYT link.... Lots of stuff that makes a GOLDBUG happy......

Wenn man sich jetzt vor Augen führt das sich die o.g. Institution bereits jetzt für über 600 Mrd $ an wackeligen Hypotheken geradesteht und tagtäglich massivst neue Garantien schreibt muß man diesem Clown zumindest zugestehen das er CHUZPAH hat.....Ich empfehle sich den folgenden Link der NYT komplett durchzulesen.....Läßt das Herz eines GOLDBUGS höher hupfen......

The HYPOCRITE himself in 2005.......

Rolfe Winkler has nailed it a few weeks ago!

Rolfe Winkler hat es bereits vor einigen Wochen treffend formuliert...

"It’s equally likely the agency will continue to be a conduit through which the Obama administration funnels cash to the housing market"

Over $600 billion of loans backed by the end of this year — many very risky due to very low downpayments — but no chief risk officer….
Especially worrysome when the Fed is the only buyer of agency debt right now......

Das ganze wird noch amüsanter wenn man bedenkt das die Fed momentan der einzige Käufer in diesem Marktsegment ist.....

More on this topic

House Hearing on FHA Capital Reserves Home Economics
Bailout watch, US Federal Housing Administration edition FT Alphaville
FHA Bailout Seen Calculated Risk
FHA: Next Bailout? NC
The Sound Of One Hand Clapping Chris Martenson

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

"Cash On The Sidelines" Anti Spin

This quote from James Bianco sums it up ( when it comes to stocks )..... More "Anti Spin" on this topic from Barry Ritholtz, Hussman & Tim Bond

Der nachfolgende Satz von James Bianco trifft es hervorragend ( zumindest wenn es im Hinblick auf Aktien gemacht wird ) .......Mehr "Anti Spin" zu diesem Thema von Barry Ritholtz, Hussman & Tim Bond

“Any time you hear a money manager say there’s $3.5 trillion dollars in cash on the sidelines, take your money away from them. Because he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”

bigger / vergrößerte Version H/T Barry Ritholtz

Will “Cash-on-the-Sidelines” Really Drive Stocks? MarketBeat WSJ
The “cash-on-the-sidelines” argument many market-watchers make to explain why stocks should move still higher shows no signs of losing traction.

MarketBeat: Jim, thanks for taking a few minutes to talk. You recently wrote a research piece saying the assets in money-market mutual funds won’t be moving into stocks anytime soon. How come?

Bianco: If you look at the mutual-fund flows there is a record amount going into bond funds. Forty-two billion dollars went into bond funds in August, which is an all-time monthly record. In fact, the all-time monthly record, I believe, for stock funds was $55 billion back in February of 2000. So it’s pretty close to the stock-fund record. But when you break it down, what you’ll find is that short-term muni funds, and short-term corporate funds, those are the funds that are getting huge, huge inflows.
17216.jpg - 4wk moving avg inflows US bond mutal funds - Bar Cap
The short-term corporate funds are up 12% this year. And as we talk right now, the S&P 500 is up around 16% this year and the Dow is up about 11% this year. That’s including dividends. So my conclusion was, “Yes, there’s a lot of money that’s built up in the cash on the sidelines. Yes, it is going to come out of that zero interest rate funds. And its going into short-term bond funds, which by the way are performing pretty much in line with the stock market. So don’t hold your breath. You’re going to be waiting a long time before you see that money ever matriculate into the stock market.”

MarketBeat: What about the cash-on-the-sidelines argument more broadly. Do you have problems with the fundamental logic of it?

Bianco: Now a couple things about that. The first one is I hate when they say, “There’s $3.5 trillion on the sidelines and that’s a whole lot of money.” It implies that all of that money should be put in investments like the stock market. That’s not true. The vast, vast majority is in transactional balances.

MarketBeat: What does that mean exactly?

Bianco: It’s money that is going to be needed in a very short period of time, like, within a year. It’s going to be spent on something. They’re almost like checking accounts, if you want to think of it that way. It’s like somebody saying, “You’ve got $10,000 dollars in your checking account, why don’t you $10,000 worth of stocks?” And the answer is, “Well because I’ve got to pay my credit card bill and my rent.”

Maybe $1,500, $2,000 or $1,000 of it, I might be able to peel out and put into an investment. But I can’t put the whole $10,000 into it.

MarketBeat: So who owns all this money in money-market funds?

Bianco: The way people say “$3.5 trillion in money-market funds,” they make it sound like $3.5 trillion of widows and orphans are out there irrationally taking a zero-percent return and not recognizing that they should be plowing their money into the stock market.

Well, first of all 65-70% of the money isn’t widows and orphans. It’s institutional money, and the majority of it is transactional balances. So once you stripped all of that out, how much retail money is hiding away from the stock market? The answer is, it’s not very much. It’s probably in the range of a couple of hundred billion dollars.

So there’s a few hundred billion dollars — not $3.5 trillion — that could potentially move back into a longer term investment. My argument is that most of it is already moving. It is moving into short-term bond funds. And those short term bond funds have performed in line with the stock market.

So, what you would need is a massive divergence of those short-term bond funds underperforming — with the stock market not going down — in order to start pushing people out the risk curve even more and into stocks.

So when people say, “Look at all this money. it’s an all-time high in money market funds. And these people are stupid for being in money funds.” Well, money funds have outperformed the stock market for the last 12 years. So shouldn’t money funds have a lot of assets relative to stocks right now? Because we all know that everybody chases performance. So the fact of the matter is there should be a lot of money there because stocks have not performed well. The high-falutin’ technical term for that is “stocks have sucked.”

“Well, they’ve been outperforming cash since March,” would be the argument. Yes, but not over the last two years. People do remember what the stock market did to them last year.

MarketBeat: So, in short you don’t buy the cash-on-the-sidelines argument.

Bianco: No. You know I started in this business in 1986 and there was a ton of cash on the sidelines. And every single day since 1986 everybody has told me that there’s large amounts of cash on the sidelines.

MarketBeat: What do you mean?

Bianco: That’s been a constant argument that’s never gone away. There’s never been a point where anybody has argued that there’s been too little cash on the sidelines. That’s just background noise is all that argument is. Especially when somebody says there’s $3.5 trillion on the sidelines. I was kidding around with some guys in the office here and said, “Any time you hear a money manager say there’s $3.5 trillion dollars in cash on the sidelines, take your money away from them. Because he doesn’t know what he’s saying.”

Equity managers want you to believe that in reality there should be no such thing as a money-market fund. And they should all be closed down and all that money should be put into the stock market.

UPDATE: Quote Rosenberg

"Another way to look at the situation is that when you hear and read about "liquidity" driving the market, it is usually a catch-all phrase for "we have no clue" but it sounds good. "
News from 1930 Daily summary based upon my reading of the Wall Street Journal from the corresponding day in 1930

There's a large amount of money on sidelines waiting for investment opportunities; this should be felt in market when “cheerful sentiment is more firmly intrenched.”
Sounds familar.....? ;-)

Kommt Euch das irgendwie bekannt vor...... ? ;-)