Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Genius of marketing:
Ecco come creare un buon successo commerciale mettendo 4 ANELLI su una Renault Koleos...!!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Sempre più cafona, ma mi piace.
Questa foto e' comparsa ieri nel sito press di Mercedes a quanto pare non è un facelift per l'intera gamma.
Sul sito USA MB compare questo frontale esclusivamente sulla versione GL 550.
Thanks to ksdprasad from CSS
Questa maquette presenta un frontale piuttosto squadrato; considerata la AMPERA e anche la Nuova ZAFIRA...non vorrei che il design OPEL andasse a cercare linee piu' decise, piuttosto che le morbide (e riuscite)di Corsa/Insignia.
Autocar la chiama HA; quindi potrebbe essere la nuova I 10 su base Nuova Picanto.
O forse, vista la foto di pessima qualità, potrebbe essere anche la HB low cost di prossima uscita.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sono iniziati i test su strada della nuova CEE'D.
Previsto debutto per il prossimo anno.
Sono fiducioso nel nuovo corso stilistico della KIA.
Will be initially offered as a FWD with 2lt Multijet Diesel engines (140 or 170hp)
Later 4WD versions and V6 Pentastar will also be available.
Price ??
Friday, January 21, 2011
How Not To Restore Credibility..... "BOE´s Adam Posen Edition"
The fact that he is also an American economist & has co-written a book on inflation targeting with Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke might explain at least in part his quote...... ;-)
Man muss zu seiner "Verteidigung" erwähnen das er laut Wikipedia ebenfalls ein amerikanischer Ökonom ist. Da verwundert es wenig das er zusammen mit Bernanke Co-Autor eines Werkes zum Thema Inflation ist.... Dies relativiert zumindest ein wenig den fast satirisch anmutenden Charakter seines Zitates....;-)
Diese Aussage kam nachdem im Dezember die Konumentenpreisinflation in UK mal wieder "knapp" das angestrebte Ziel von 2% verfehlt hat........ Ähnlich wie bei etlichen "Offiziellen" scheint das Sprichwort "Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" nicht sonderlich viele Anhänger zu haben....
Record-breaking, forecast-busting UK inflation FT Alphaville
Finde trotzdem das im Fach "Realsatire" die EZB dank Bini Smaghi mit der Behauptung das der "€ stabiler als die DM ist" noch immer knapp den zweiten Platz hinter den unangefochtenen Spitzenreitern Bernanke & Greenspan einnimmt.....
Now take a look at real rates ( base rates minus CPI ) in the UK......
Der nachfolgende Chart zeigt den "realen Zinssatz" in UK verglichen mit dem Letzins und ich empfehle jedem drigend den treffenden Kommentar (!) der FT Deutschland zu diesem Thema zu lesen.....
UPDATE: Der Chart der realen 10 Jahresrenditen bestätigt welch "Sonderstellung" die BOE einnimmt....
This in combination with the next chart showing the printing that the BOE has done so far & the remarks from the end of September doesn´t make Posen´s quote less "cynical".......
Das im Zusammenhang mit dem nächsten Chart, der zeigt das selbst die Fed in Relation zur BOE "zurückhaltend" agiert, sowie den Aussagen Ende September lassen das Zitat nicht gerade weniger "zynisch" erscheinen.....
Posen Makes BOE ‘Prosecution’ Case for More Stimulus September 29, Bloomberg
Ich persönlich wäre nicht überrascht wenn zumindest in UK die Notenbänker in absehbarer Zeit noch unbeliebter als Politiker unterwegs sind.....
Searching for BoE credibility on inflation FT Alphaville
A Crisis of Faith in Britain’s Central Banker NYT
Man muss zu seiner "Verteidigung" erwähnen das er laut Wikipedia ebenfalls ein amerikanischer Ökonom ist. Da verwundert es wenig das er zusammen mit Bernanke Co-Autor eines Werkes zum Thema Inflation ist.... Dies relativiert zumindest ein wenig den fast satirisch anmutenden Charakter seines Zitates....;-)
The quote came in response after CPI once more "slightly" missed the 2 percent target....... Sometimes it´s better to stay just silent....."CPI, excluding currency, commodities and VAT impact, is low"
Diese Aussage kam nachdem im Dezember die Konumentenpreisinflation in UK mal wieder "knapp" das angestrebte Ziel von 2% verfehlt hat........ Ähnlich wie bei etlichen "Offiziellen" scheint das Sprichwort "Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" nicht sonderlich viele Anhänger zu haben....
Record-breaking, forecast-busting UK inflation FT Alphaville
Highest yy rate for CPI food and non-alcoholic beverages since May 2009
Highest yy rate for CPI housing, utilities component since Aug 2009
Highest yy rate for CPI goods component since April 2010
Highest yy rate for CPI services component since Aug 2010 -
Highest yy rate for CPI fuels and lubricants component since July 2010
Finde trotzdem das im Fach "Realsatire" die EZB dank Bini Smaghi mit der Behauptung das der "€ stabiler als die DM ist" noch immer knapp den zweiten Platz hinter den unangefochtenen Spitzenreitern Bernanke & Greenspan einnimmt.....
Now take a look at real rates ( base rates minus CPI ) in the UK......
Der nachfolgende Chart zeigt den "realen Zinssatz" in UK verglichen mit dem Letzins und ich empfehle jedem drigend den treffenden Kommentar (!) der FT Deutschland zu diesem Thema zu lesen.....
UPDATE: Der Chart der realen 10 Jahresrenditen bestätigt welch "Sonderstellung" die BOE einnimmt....
This in combination with the next chart showing the printing that the BOE has done so far & the remarks from the end of September doesn´t make Posen´s quote less "cynical".......
Das im Zusammenhang mit dem nächsten Chart, der zeigt das selbst die Fed in Relation zur BOE "zurückhaltend" agiert, sowie den Aussagen Ende September lassen das Zitat nicht gerade weniger "zynisch" erscheinen.....
Posen Makes BOE ‘Prosecution’ Case for More Stimulus September 29, Bloomberg
Bank of England policy maker Adam Posen made the strongest call yet for the bank to restart its asset-purchase program.Wouldn´t surprise me if down the road even politicians will be more popular than members of the BOE & when the term "central banksters" will gain more and more traction....
“Additional monetary stimulus at this point should begin in the form of additional QE as the Bank of England pursued by purchasing gilts in 2009-2010,” he said. “In case such QE were to prove insufficiently effective,” Posen said he would “still want preparation ahead of a Plan B of large-scale non-gilt asset purchases” in close coordination with the Treasury.
Posen, 43, an American citizen, joined the central bank from the Washington-based Peterson Institute for International Economics. A co-writer of a book on inflation targeting with Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke, he also published a study of the Japanese financial crisis and was a researcher at the Bundesbank and European Central Bank.
Ich persönlich wäre nicht überrascht wenn zumindest in UK die Notenbänker in absehbarer Zeit noch unbeliebter als Politiker unterwegs sind.....
Searching for BoE credibility on inflation FT Alphaville
From Deutsche Bank, the number of news stories that match three topical words:
A Crisis of Faith in Britain’s Central Banker NYT
A central banker need not be loved, but at the least he should command respect — and in Britain these days Mervyn King cannot count on either.The pre-emptive UK rate hike FT Akphaville
…over the last 6 years (ie 2005Q1 to 2010 Q4), real GDP growth has undershot the MPC’s forecast made a year earlier in 22 quarters and overshot in just 2 quarters. Conversely, inflation has overshot the MPC’s forecast in 20 quarters and undershot in just 4 quarters.
.... of the day,
Adam Posen,
central banks,
real rates,
La versione Spagnola di CAR mette in copertina la HUAYRA
Ok: diciamolo pure..le PAGANI non sono mai state belle come altre il fascino della affinata tecnica meccanica le rende quasi uniche.
Questa foto mostra il frontale con la grande bocca presa d'aria gia' intravista su un sacco di foto spy.
Anche qua' LED per dargli un tocco di Neo moderno, ma forse sarebbe stato meglio evolvere con un design piu' HiTech ,il disegno dei fari ancora una volta,inseriti nelle tipiche "ogive allungate " come sulla Zonda.
Interni sempre molto barocchi ma belli da vedere.
La versione Spagnola di CAR mette in copertina la HUAYRA
Ok: diciamolo pure..le PAGANI non sono mai state belle come altre il fascino della affinata tecnica meccanica le rende quasi uniche.
Questa foto mostra il frontale con la grande bocca presa d'aria gia' intravista su un sacco di foto spy.
Anche qua' LED per dargli un tocco di Neo moderno, ma forse sarebbe stato meglio evolvere con un design piu' HiTech ,il disegno dei fari ancora una volta,inseriti nelle tipiche "ogive allungate " come sulla Zonda.
Interni sempre molto barocchi ma belli da vedere.
Aspetto di vedere altre foto...
Per il momento mi piace molto il frontale, con i parafanghi bombati fino al cofano.(Meno quel quadratino nero nella parte interna dei fari: A che serve?)
Non mi fa' impazzire la presa d'aria sulla fiancata.
Ma e' sul posteriore che forse potevano fare qualosa di piu'...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Se il frontale si lascia guardare...(Volvo C30 ?)il resto e' decisamente molto cinese.
Credo che, a differenza delle belle BERLINE, questa non sia stata affatto disegnata da Pininfarina.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
La ricerca di pulizia estetica sembra simile alle ultime Concept di Peugeot.
Se il frontale parzialmente, ha una sua identità...tutto il resto dimostra veramente poca originalità.
Con questi sketches ben fatti ...potrebbe uscire una bella CX-5.
Certo , vista una lontana somiglianza, se si rivelasse un rebadge di una FORD delusione sarebbe tanta e amara...!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Excellent Interactive Map via The Economist : "US Equivalents: Which Countries Match The GDP And Population Of America´s States"
I think in the context of the ongoing & worsening budget crises the chart provides a good perspective when sooner or later the MUNI topic will dominate headlines... At the latest when they need another reason to justify "QE 3.0".... ;-)
Denke die Übersicht ist besonders hilfreich wenn es wohl eher früher als später um den desaströsen Zustand der öffentlichen Haushalte in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten und Gemeinden geht ( Stichwort MUNIcipal bonds ).... Würde mich nicht überraschen wenn zukünftig die Begriffe "QE 3.0 & MUNIS" in demselben Zusammenhang genannt werden.....
Empfehle jedem regelmäßig dem Daily Chart via The Economist einen Besuch abzustatten... Lohnt sich.....
I think the example of Illinois ( equivalent of Turkey ) & the clip with Meredith Whitney makes it cristal clear that this won´t be a minor issue down the road....
Wer noch Zweifel daran hat das der Begriff "MUNIS" in absehbarer Zeit auch in der deutschen Presse häufiger zu hören sein wird sollte sich das Beispiel Illinois ( lt. interactiver Karte auf "Augenhöhe" mit der Türkei ) vor Augen führen und das Video von Meredith Whitney ansehen... .....
Illinois Governor Wants to Borrow $15 Billion to "Balance" the Budget; Illinois Total Unfunded Liabilities Exceed $200 Billion Already Mish
Illinois Seeks To Issue $8.75 Billion Bond To Pay Overdue Bills As Muni Issuance Market On Verge Of Shutdown
To put Whitney comments into perspective i suggest to read the more balanced rebuttal from Self-Evident & Whitney Municipal-Bond Apocalypse Is Short on Default Specifics via Blommberg.... Personally i think it´s only a matter a time until a "Black Swan" arrives in the MUNI complex..... Like in Europe ( Greece & Ireland ) it will be interesting to see how the politicians will be able or willing to "balance" the pain among voters via austerity, tax hikes, cuts in entitlements etc. & bondholders via haircuts.... Either way this won´t be GDP & market positive.....
Für alle die Whitneys Aussagen für übetrieben halten bietet sich die kritische "Gegenschrift" von Self- Evident & Whitney Municipal-Bond Apocalypse Is Short on Default Specifics via Bloomberg an..... Ich persönlich bin der Meinung das es einzig und alleine eine Frage des Zeitpunkts ist, wann ( und nicht ob ) auch der MUNI Markt Besuch vom "Black Swan" bekommt..... Ähnlich wie in Europa ( Griechenland & Irland ) wird es sehr interessant zu sehen sein inwieweit die Politiker Willens & in der Lage sind die notwendigen Einschnitte zwischen den Wählern ( Kürzungen, Steuererhöhungen, drastische Einschnitte in Pensionsplänen usw )und Anleihebesitzern "auszubalancieren".... Keine der möglichen Lösungen dürfte "marktpositive" Wirkung entfallten.... In Realtime ist dies in Irland & Griechenland zu beobachten....
State Budgets: Year Ahead Looms As Toughest Yet HuPo
Kann nicht schaden sich demnächst den Special Gold Report "In Gold We Trust" der Ersten Bank mal wieder vorzunehmen..... ;-)
NYT Reports States Looking For Ways To File Bankruptcy, Muni Bondholders To Be GMed NYT via ZH
Space, time and public pension black holes FT Alphaville
Muni mayhem, charted FT Alphaville
Yes, Investors are Still Dumping Munis. WSJ MarketBeat
Interaktive Karte US Staaten im Überblick Der Spiegel
US-Bundesstaaten stehen vor der Pleite Der Spiegel
More from the NYT on why QE3.1 - the Muni Edition is just around the corner
Denke die Übersicht ist besonders hilfreich wenn es wohl eher früher als später um den desaströsen Zustand der öffentlichen Haushalte in den einzelnen Bundesstaaten und Gemeinden geht ( Stichwort MUNIcipal bonds ).... Würde mich nicht überraschen wenn zukünftig die Begriffe "QE 3.0 & MUNIS" in demselben Zusammenhang genannt werden.....
US equivalents......Which countries match the GDP and population of America's states?The Daily Chart via The Economist has much more to offer... Check it out....
IT HAS long been true that California on its own would rank as one of the biggest economies of the world. These days, it would rank eighth, falling between Italy and Brazil on a nominal exchange-rate basis. But how do other American states compare with other countries? Taking the nearest equivalent country from 2009 data reveals some surprises. Who would have thought that, despite years of auto-industry hardship, the economy of Michigan is still the same size as Taiwan's?
Empfehle jedem regelmäßig dem Daily Chart via The Economist einen Besuch abzustatten... Lohnt sich.....
I think the example of Illinois ( equivalent of Turkey ) & the clip with Meredith Whitney makes it cristal clear that this won´t be a minor issue down the road....
Wer noch Zweifel daran hat das der Begriff "MUNIS" in absehbarer Zeit auch in der deutschen Presse häufiger zu hören sein wird sollte sich das Beispiel Illinois ( lt. interactiver Karte auf "Augenhöhe" mit der Türkei ) vor Augen führen und das Video von Meredith Whitney ansehen... .....
Illinois Governor Wants to Borrow $15 Billion to "Balance" the Budget; Illinois Total Unfunded Liabilities Exceed $200 Billion Already Mish
Illinois Seeks To Issue $8.75 Billion Bond To Pay Overdue Bills As Muni Issuance Market On Verge Of Shutdown
To put Whitney comments into perspective i suggest to read the more balanced rebuttal from Self-Evident & Whitney Municipal-Bond Apocalypse Is Short on Default Specifics via Blommberg.... Personally i think it´s only a matter a time until a "Black Swan" arrives in the MUNI complex..... Like in Europe ( Greece & Ireland ) it will be interesting to see how the politicians will be able or willing to "balance" the pain among voters via austerity, tax hikes, cuts in entitlements etc. & bondholders via haircuts.... Either way this won´t be GDP & market positive.....
Für alle die Whitneys Aussagen für übetrieben halten bietet sich die kritische "Gegenschrift" von Self- Evident & Whitney Municipal-Bond Apocalypse Is Short on Default Specifics via Bloomberg an..... Ich persönlich bin der Meinung das es einzig und alleine eine Frage des Zeitpunkts ist, wann ( und nicht ob ) auch der MUNI Markt Besuch vom "Black Swan" bekommt..... Ähnlich wie in Europa ( Griechenland & Irland ) wird es sehr interessant zu sehen sein inwieweit die Politiker Willens & in der Lage sind die notwendigen Einschnitte zwischen den Wählern ( Kürzungen, Steuererhöhungen, drastische Einschnitte in Pensionsplänen usw )und Anleihebesitzern "auszubalancieren".... Keine der möglichen Lösungen dürfte "marktpositive" Wirkung entfallten.... In Realtime ist dies in Irland & Griechenland zu beobachten....
State Budgets: Year Ahead Looms As Toughest Yet HuPo
If 2011 is hinting at a national recovery, there is little sign of it in statehouses across the country.Are Mom-n-Pop Investors Freaked Out By Munis? Flow Data Says Yes. MarketBeat WSJ
States that already have raided their reserve funds, relied on borrowing or accounting gimmicks, and imposed deep cuts on schools, parks and public transit systems no longer can protect key services in the face of another round of multibillion dollar deficits.
For the week ended Wednesday, investors pulled more than $4 billion from muni funds, extending the outflow streak to ten consecutive weeks. The $4 billion pullout also represents the largest week of outflows during the runMaybe it´s time to reread the Special Gold Report "In Gold We Trust" from Erste Group..... ;-)
Kann nicht schaden sich demnächst den Special Gold Report "In Gold We Trust" der Ersten Bank mal wieder vorzunehmen..... ;-)
NYT Reports States Looking For Ways To File Bankruptcy, Muni Bondholders To Be GMed NYT via ZH
Bankruptcy could permit a state to alter its contractual promises to retirees, which are often protected by state constitutions, and it could provide an alternative to a no-strings bailout. Along with retirees, however, investors in a state’s bonds could suffer, possibly ending up at the back of the line as unsecured creditors.American states' pension funds The Economist
Space, time and public pension black holes FT Alphaville
Muni mayhem, charted FT Alphaville
Yes, Investors are Still Dumping Munis. WSJ MarketBeat
The big loser in today’s data is the Municipal fund space which lost -$5.7 bln. This takes total outflows for January 2011 up to -$10.26 bln which is the greatest outflow since our data starts in 2007. Note that even at the height of the Lehman crisis outflows peaked at -$8.36 bln in October 2008.Moody’s Credit Ratings of States to Factor in Unfunded Pensions NYT
Interaktive Karte US Staaten im Überblick Der Spiegel
US-Bundesstaaten stehen vor der Pleite Der Spiegel
More from the NYT on why QE3.1 - the Muni Edition is just around the corner
The NYT reports that "President Obama is proposing to ride to the rescue of states that have borrowed billions of dollars from the federal government to continue paying unemployment benefits during the economic downturn. His plan would give the states a two-year breather before automatic tax increases would hit employers, and before states would have to start paying interest on the loans."
Michigan, for instance, owes the federal government $3.7 billion it borrowed to pay unemployment benefits. Under current law the state would be forced to pay $117 million in interest to the federal government this fall, and the federal tax on employers would automatically step up each year to repay the debt.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Nel post degli SPY avevo notato nel frontale la somiglianza con la 500.
A rivederla ora in una foto più nitida...invece ci vedo un frontale piu' simile a quello della 126: alto, squadrato e con cofano a tetto che cade sui fanali, peccato tondi anziche quadrati, senno' sarebbero due goccie d'acqua.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Ok anch'io, come la maggior parte di coloro cha hanno visto queste foto ...ho esclamato: Tutto quà..!!
Linea molto tradizionale, poco... proprio pochino di sportivo.
Ma razionalmente tutto questo classicismo ha un suo perche'...
E' evidente che questa 3 generazione di SLK ha alzato il tiro sul cliente tipo: visto il costo d'acquisto oramai vicino ai 40/50 mila...e' meglio indirizzare il design verso coloro che possono spenderli ( i quarantenni-cinquantenni)e non i Giovani abbienti (ventenni-trentenni) magari piu' propensi a limitarsi un budget attorno ai 20/30 mila
Del resto anche BMW Z4 e' diventata piu'cara e piu' classica rispetto alla bellissima prima serie.
Certo mi viene da pensare che le prossime cabrio (magari 2 posti)derivate dalla nuova SERIE 1 e A3 o Classe attraenti, potranno riscuotere un nuovo successo commerciale.
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