Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Citigroup Still With $ 37.3 Subprime Exposure.....

I think it is interesting to read the Citigroup Results in detail. Make sure you see this Excellent Presentation. Lots of data. I have put the focus on subprime exposure and credit costs. Lets hope their internal models for valuing these securities has improved during the past 2 quarters ( UPDATE & hat tip via Calculated Risk"Citi is basing their CDO loss forecasts on house price decline of about 7% each for each of the next two years")...... But i think with the new CEO in charge there is hope that they are now more realistic. He normally has no incentive to underestimate. But after all i have seen from this company ...... Here are my earlier takes on Citigroup and here the details to the $14.5 billion of capital infusion. Nice to see that they are still paying a dividend ...... What a farce!

Ich denke es lohnt sich die Citigroup Results im Detail durchzulesen. Kann jedem diese excellente Präsentation ans Herz legen. Haufenweise Infos die ein Bild geben was in den einzelnen Märkten so vor sich geht. Ich habe hier setllvertretend mal die Zahlen zu Subprime und den explosierenden Kreditkosten herausgepickt. Bleibt zu hoffen das die internen Modelle auf denen die Wertermittlungen basieren in den letzten 6 Monaten besser geworden sind ( Update & Dank an Calculated Risk "Citi is basing their CDO loss forecasts on house price decline of about 7% each for each of the next two years )...... Mit dem neuen CEO an Bord bestehet aber zumindest die Hoffnung das man jetzt näher an der Realität ist. Üblicherweise neigt der neue CEO dazu bei der ersetn Ergebnisveröffentlichung unter eigener Verantwortung klar Tisch zu machen. Aber nach allem was ich bisher von diesem Unternehmen gesehen habe....... Hier meine früheren "Gedanken" in Sachen Citigroup. Zusätzlich hier die Details zur $ 14.5 Mrd Kapitalspritze. Lächerlich das im gleichen Atemzug noch immer eine Dividende gezahlt wird.....

Sildes taken from the Excellent Presentation

Credit costs increased $5.41 billion, primarily driven by an increase in net credit losses of $1.56 billion and a net charge of $3.85 billion to increase loan loss reserves.

-- U.S. consumer credit costs increased $4.1 billion, comprised of $689 million in higher net credit losses and a net charge of $3.31 billion to increase loan loss reserves. The $3.31 billion net charge compares to a net reserve release of $127 million in the prior-year period.

The increase in credit costs primarily reflected a weakening of leading credit indicators, including increased delinquencies on 1st and 2nd mortgages, unsecured personal loans, credit cards, and auto loans. Credit costs increased also due to trends in the U.S. macroeconomic environment, including the housing market downturn, and portfolio growth.

UPDATE: Here are some more links with very good insights / Hier einige andere gute Link mit meiner Meinung nach guten Meinungen

Citi Dividend, Future Prospects and Credit Cards Calculated Risk

Live-Blogging the Citigroup Earnings Call WSJ

Cost of Capital "Ratchets Up" at Citigroup and Merrill Mish

Citi confirms $18bn Q4 writedown; signs of consumer stress FT Alphaville

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