Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Condo Desperation.....Lehman Offers Money Back Guarantee

Thank god their balance sheet is strong...... :-) . For more insights on Lehman see what Mish has to say Questions Linger Over Lehman's Balance Sheet & April Fool's Offering At Lehman . I also recommend to take a view of the table Level 2 "mark to model" & Level 3 "mark to a hope & a prayer" .

Zum Glück ist deren Bilanz ja bekanntermaßen kerngesund........ :-) Wer mehr zu der "starken" Lehman Bilanz wissen möche wirft am besten einen Blick auf das was Mish zu sagen hat Questions Linger Over Lehman's Balance Sheet & April Fool's Offering At Lehman. Zudem empfehle ich einen kurzen Blick auf die Bilanzpositionen der großen US Banken Level 2 "markt to model" & Level 3 "mark to a hope & a prayer"

Condo Comfort / WSJ
In a move that speaks volumes about the glut in the condominium market, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. is promising some luxury-condo buyers their money back after three years of ownership.

The offer applies to some 200 condo units, priced between $480,000 and $2 million, in West Bay Club , a Lehman-owned resort community in Estero, Fla., near Naples on the Gulf of Mexico.

>Add the news via Calculated Risk and it is no wonder some are getting nervous....... Especially when you have a condo to sell in Miami

> Wenn man dann noch diese Daten via Calculated Risk hinzunimmt sollte es wenig verwundern das einige langsam aber sicher extrem nervös werden..... Das gilt besonders dann wenn man ein Condo in Miami verkaufen möchte

The new building comes on top of unprecedented supply....Lenders of all sizes have $42 billion of condominium debt on their books, according to Foresight Analytics. In just three months -- between the third and fourth quarters of last year -- the delinquency rate rose to 10% from 5.9%, says the Oakland, Calif., research firm.

In an effort to jump-start sales in a skittish market, Lehman says that for every buyer until June 1, it will guarantee that the resort will either sell or buy back the residence at the "full cost of the purchase price three years after closing."

> Charts & Stats via Inventory Tracker from my old friend Soldatthetop and his superb blog Paper Money

Naples, FL Condo Statistics
Current Count:6863
Historical Low:5547
Historical High:7768
Average Range:$500,000.00 - $550,000.00
Median Range:$300,000.00 - $325,000.00
Listed Market Cap:$3,759,455,000.00

Statistics for Naples collected between 07-24-2006 and 04-23-2008

The gamble is that prices will recover during that time, and buyers will hold on to their condos.

A spokeswoman for Lehman said no one was available to discuss details of the guarantee program, which appears to exclude 10 penthouse units in two towers.

Jack McCabe, a real-estate consultant in Deerfield Beach, Fla., said other developers desperate to move unsold condo inventory might have to follow Lehman's lead in offering price guarantees as market values continue to slide and thousands more condo units in Florida come on line this year

> In the end it is probably still better to make this kind of creative offer to move inventory than to wait for things to get better........This will put lots of pressure on other players to match this kind of offer...Not good news for players like disaster stocks like WCI :-) It will be interesting to see how they will manage the accounting..... UPDATE: I also recommend to read this from Mish Condo Credit Squeeze

> Im Endeffekt ist diese Art des Marketings wohl immer noch eine der besseren Möglichkieten die Ladenhüter zu vertickern. Darauf zu warten das sich die Zeiten bessern dürfte extrem langwierig werden.... Das dürfte den Druck auf andere Speiler im Condomarkt erheblich verschärfen....Das dürfte dem übelsten Spieler WCI wohl demnächst den endgültigen Todesstoß versetzen. Man darf gespannt sein unter welchen Punkt solch geartete Geschäfte in der Bilanz auftauchen...... UPDATE: Zum Themenkomplex Condo´s sollte man zudem noch mal einen Blick auf Condo Credit Squeeze via Mish richten

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