Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I Want My Buyback Back..... Washington Mutual Edition Part II

They really should have hired Homer or Paris Hilton to run the company.... No joke! After attending the conference call back in Jan 07 ( see Flashback January 2007 ) even the dumbest outside Wall Street could have predicted this outcome. Here is more from Mish . Mish has done another update WaMu Raises Cash, Skeptical Eyebrows

Denke Homer oder Paris Hilton hätten das besser hinbekommen....... Traurig aber wahr! Jeder der wie ich im Januar 2007 ( siehe Flashback January 2007 ) sich den Call angetan hat konnte genau das vorhersehen. Voraussetzung natürlich man arbeitet nicht an der Wall Street......Hier gibt es mehr von Mish . Hier ein weiteres lesenswertes ein Update WaMu Raises Cash, Skeptical Eyebrows von ihm.

On Jan. 3, 2007, the company entered into an accelerated share repurchase agreement with a dealer, buying back $2.7 billion of its common stock ( Stock close to $ 40 )

Fast forward April 2008 Washington Mutual Gets $7 Billion From TPG-Led Group
Wahington Mutual the largest U.S. savings and loan, got $7 billion from a group of investors led by David Bonderman's TPG Inc. after losses on subprime loans ate up capital and erased 74 percent of its market value.

Washington Mutual sold 176 million shares at $8.75 a piece, 33 percent below yesterday's closing price on the New York Stock Exchange, and preferred shares, the company said in a statement today
It will be interesting to see how long this infusion will last......
Bleibt abzuwarten wie lange diese Kapitalspritze vorhalten wird......
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