Friday, May 1, 2009

Abby Joseph Cohen 2009 vs Abby Joseph Cohen 2001.....Which Call Is Worse?

What´s a year without a "brilliant" call ( even more important the rationale behind the call ) from Abby Josef Cohen.....Just in time after a 30% plus (technical ) rally in the major indices worlwide.....In the past especially the calls from permabull Cohen were close to near and often long term market tops...... To my knowledge one of the better "contrary" indicators......

Was wäre ein Börsenjahr ohne Weisheiten von Abby Joseph Cohen.....Man beachte das brilliante Timing.... Rechtzeitig nachdem alle bedeutenden Indizes 30% und mehr gewonnen ( technisch bedingt ) haben..... Ein prima Kontraindikator. Die "Prognosen" vom Permabullen Cohen haben in der Vergangenheit zeitlich oft ein längfristiges Markthoch markiert...... Besonders wenn die Begründung für die avisierten Kursziele schon fast tragischkomischen Charakter haben bzw. man befürchten das die Schweinegrippe auch Wall Street erreicht hat...

Call 2001 just bevor the collapse:


Hat tip Wall Street Follies

Call 2009 S&P 500 at 880:

Goldman Sachs’s Cohen Says S&P 500 May Surge to 1,050

May 1 (Bloomberg) -- The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index may jump 20 percent to 1,050 over the next six to 12 months as investors buy stocks trading at low valuations, said Abby Joseph Cohen, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s senior investment strategist.

> Low valuations....? "Fair value based on recession earnings" ( Quote Cohen ) ? She is probably using the following model showing the "high" quality of earnings ( backing out large parts of costs doing business like write downs, restructoring charges etc / see also the update at the end of the posting) or she is the only one thinking the Fed Model ( see "Fed Model" Knowing What Ain't True ) is usefull.....

> Niedrige Bewertungen.....? "Faire Bewertung die auf rezessionsgestählten Ergebnisprognosen basieren" ( Zitat Cohen )? Mag ja sein das sie Ihre Bewertungsmodelle auf der nachfolgenden Rechnungsmodellen basiert die an Kreativität ( "Sonderfaktoren wie Abschreibungen, Restrulturierungskosten usw werden ausgeklammert ) kaum zu überbieten sind ( siehe auch Update am Ende ). Denkbar auch das Sie als einzige dem Fed Modell ( siehe "Fed Model" Knowing What Ain't True ) glauben schenkt...........

“You could see the market sustain at these levels,” Cohen, 57, said in a Bloomberg Radio interview. “We’re going to set a new trading range much higher than the trading range in February and March.”

Cohen was replaced as Goldman Sachs’s chief forecaster for the U.S. stock market a year ago. She had been the second-most bullish Wall Street strategist at the start of 2008, a year when the S&P 500 tumbled 38 percent to 903.25 for the steepest annual loss in seven decades. Cohen predicted in December 2007 that the index would end last year at 1,675. David Kostin took her job.

At least i think her 2009/2010 call will be closer to the target than her over 40 percent miss for the 2008 December estimate...... :-)

Immerhin wird sie wohl Ihre 40% Zielverfehlung Ihrer letztjährigen Prognose verbessern können...... :-)


This just in from David Rosenberg via Zero Hedge . I highly recommend to read the entire link. Compare this to the call from Cohen.....

Den nachfolgenden Link via Zero Hedge empfehle ich allen die das Kontrastprogramm zu Cohen lesen wollen. Eine realistische und fundierte Marteinschätzung von einem der auch die bisherigen Probleme vorhergesen hat ( David Rosenberg ).

The market, as a whole, cannot be considered cheap

In the meantime, earnings forecasts are being trimmed steadily for the balance of the year. In fact, forward P/E multiple of 15x operating and 30x on reported EPS are not that compelling. So, we do not have a strong valuation argument. We do not have a strong earnings argument.

Compare the following chart with the former S$P500 1675 target from Cohen......

Vergleicht den nachfolgenden Chart mit dem vorherigen Kursziel ( S&P 500 1675 ) von Cohen.....

via Chart Of The Day
While the stock market is up sharply since early March, the economy as well as corporate earnings continue to suffer. Today's chart helps provide some perspective as to the magnitude of the current economic decline. Today's chart illustrates that 12-month, as-reported S&P 500 earnings have declined over 90% over the past 20 months (with over 90% of S&P 500 companies having reported for Q1 2009), making this by far the largest decline on record (the data goes back to 1936). In fact, real earnings have dropped to a record low and if current estimates hold, Q3 2009 will see the first 12-month period during which S&P 500 earnings are negative.

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