Tuesday, November 6, 2007

IndyMac Increases Credit Reserves 47 Percent to $1.39 Billion

This number from the top Alt-A originator ( 14 percent) gives a hint how ugly the situation has become beyond subprime.

That might give a hint how bad the situation for several other players is that have bought back shares hand over fist during the past years and are more involed in subprime, havn´t sold their originations etc......

bigger / größer via Calculated Risk
Forecasted Home price depreciation ranging between 6% and 10% is factored into our loss expectations that drive valuation and reserves – average HPI declines expected to be around 9%

Diese Zahlen von dem Top Alt-A Kreditgeber ( 14 %) geben ein paar klare Indizien das neben Subrpime auch andere Segmente massiv an Qualität verlieren.

Das läßt erahnen wie übel es für andere Institute aussehen muß die im Gegensatz zu IndyMac in den letzten Jahren haufenweise Aktien zurückgekauft havben und sinnlose wertvernichtende Übernahmen getätigt haben aussehen mag. Ganz zu schweigen von denen die Ihre Riskiken nicht weiterreichen konnten und noch stärker im Subprime Sektor engagiert waren.....

We Hold Direct Credit Risk On $19.02 Billion Of Total Single Family Loans Serviced In Our Whole Loans And In Non-Investment Grade And Residual Securities

> Watch the large percentage of homebuilder credit costs....

> Man beachte den gewaltigen Anteil der Rückstellungen für die Homebuilder.....

In the call they said that they had claer signs in 2005 that the market for builders has peaked, but they have ignored it. Now they are paying a high price. They have stopped making any loans to builders and have no intend to re-enter the market soon.

Im CC hat das Management zugegeben das bereits Ende 2005 ganz klare Anzeichen für Probpleme bei den Buildern zu erkennen waren. Dummerweise wurden diese ignoriert und es wirde munter weiter verliehen. Nun kommt die Rechnung. Immerhin haben Sie versprochen dieses Segment nicht weiter zu bedienen und bis auf weiteres keine neuen Kredite zu begeben.

IndyMac Bancorp Reports Third Quarter Loss of $202.7 Million, ($2.77) Per Share

  • Total pre-tax credit costs were $407.7 million (versus $103.5 million in the second quarter of 2007), or a negative impact on earnings per share (“EPS”) of $3.40.
  • Spread widening in the private-label (non-GSE) mortgage secondary market resulted in a loss of gain on sale and MBS securities revenue estimated at $167.2 million pre-tax for the third quarter, or a negative EPS impact of $1.39.
  • After surviving the global liquidity crisis in 1998 as a REIT, we purchased a federally chartered thrift and put our entire business inside the thrift, with the result that we have no liquidity issues today, while many mortgage companies have gone bankrupt or recorded massive losses due to liquidity shortfalls.
  • We protected and bolstered our capital by not repurchasing any shares since 2002 and, in fact, raised a substantial amount of capital in 2007.
  • We held virtually no subprime, closed-end seconds or HELOCs for investment purposes ($112 million, or 0.3 percent of total assets at September 30, 2007).
  • We were not a major subprime lender, ranking 32nd among subprime lenders (according to the National Mortgage News 2006 survey). Our subprime volume in 2006 was $2.7 billion, or 0.39 percent of the total subprime market.
  • While we originated $43 billion of Option ARMs from 2005 through Q3-07, we sold all but $1.0 billion (held for investment) and $2.6 billion (held for sale), and we retained no non-investment grade or residual securities related to these loans.
  • We laid off virtually all Alt-A 2005/2006 credit risk into the secondary market, retaining only $7.0 million in non-investment grade and residual securities from this production.
  • We hold no investments in collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) or structured investment vehicles (SIVs) and only hold mortgage backed securities (93.5 percent of the investment grade MBS are rated AAA and AA, none of which have been downgraded).
  • We made one of the only successful acquisitions this decade in the mortgage business – Financial Freedom, the largest reverse mortgage lender in the nation – while virtually all other significant acquisitions have produced very poor results.
> Almost all of the new liquidity is coming from the Federal Home Loan Banks ......

> Fast die ganze zusätzliche Liquidität kommt von Seiten der Federal Home Loan Banks ......

Our operating liquidity is at an all time high of $6.3 billion at 9/30/07, up 54% from $4.1 billion at 6/30/07, and we have no reverse repurchase borrowings or extendable assetbacked commercial paper…95% of our borrowings are deposits, FHLB advances and long-term debt

> the next slide shows a nice Level 3 aka "Mark-to-Make-Believe Gains" etc gain. Wonder why they havn´t used an assumption that would have cover the entire loss from the credit costs.......... Maybe they are conservatice.......

> Nebenbei bemerkt zeigt die nächste Grafik das auch hier mal wieder ein nicht ganz unerheblicher Level 3 aka Mark-to-Make-Believe Gains etc Gewinnbestandteil. Schon erfreulich das Sie nicht gleich eine Berechnungsgrundlage berechnet haben die gleich die gesamten Verluste im Zusammenhang mit den Kreditkosten abdeckt...... Evtl. ist IndyMac ja betont konservativ......

I want to highlight the IndyMac Presentation / pdf that is full of details about every aspect of the mortgage market

Ich möchste Euch in diesem Zusammenhang die IndyMac Präsentation / pdf ans Herz legen die vollgepackt mit Details zur aktuellen Verfassung der Hypothekenmärkte ist.

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