Thursday, November 15, 2007

Recession Talk Is Making Headlines

Finally the "recession" talk is making headlines. The only think that wonders me is that there is still a discussion that the US will face a recession.... If the US would use a more "realistic" formula ( see this example ) i assume that the recession is already here.... The clearest sign might be that Starbucks reportet the first decline ever in customer visits. :-) . Here is more Coffee Talk via Cutting The Bull

Schön das es die kommende Rezession jetzt auch die Titelseiten schafft. Merkwürdig nur das immer noch diskutiert wird ob die Rezession kommt..... Wenn Die USA eine nicht ganz so kreative Berechnungsformel ( siehe dieses Beispiel ) behaupte ich das die USA schon mitten in der Rezession stecken. Ein sicheres Anzeichen für die aktuellen Probleme liefert Starbucks die zum ersten Mal in der Geschichte einen Kundenrückgang berichten müssen. :-) Hier gibt es mehr zum Thema Coffee Talk von Cutting The Bull

IN 1929, days after the stockmarket crash, the Harvard Economic Society reassured its subscribers: “A severe depression is outside the range of probability”. In a survey in March 2001, 95% of American economists said there would not be a recession, even though one had already started. Today, most economists do not forecast a recession in America, but the profession's pitiful forecasting record offers little comfort

Recession in America / America's vulnerable economy

The Consumer Crunch

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