Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Risk rises of asset fire sale; signs ‘superfund’ has stalled

Some might argue that these are market and not fire sale prices......... But as long as they can convince the rating agencies and the auditors that their "models" imply a higher price.......

Einige könnten argumentieren das diese Preise dann Marktpreise und keine Schleuderpreise sind.... Aber solange es möglich ist die Rating Agenturen und die Buchprüfer davon zu überzeigen das die hauseigenen Modelle einen höheren Wert ergeben.......

Risk rises of asset fire sale; signs ‘superfund’ has stalled / FT
The threat of fire sales of mortgage-backed securities is mounting as rating agency downgrades have pushed debt vehicles into technical default. The prospect of forced sales comes as a US Treasury-backed plan for a “superfund” to buy up distressed mortgage securities appears to have stalled. S&P and Moody’s have received default notices for $5bn worth of CDOs, giving investors in senior tranches the right to sell assets.

The $75bn superfund plan - designed to purchase assets from distressed investments linked to banks and so prevent fire sales - seems to be stalled following the upheaval at Citigroup.

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