Tuesday, May 10, 2011

And the Irish pay n' pay...

So, you're a European nation who's former elected officials sold its populace down the river to the tune of hundreds and hundreds of billions of Euros, obliging them for generations to repay banks for their bad investments and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to avoid total default, yet not forgiving individual debts, choosing instead to put people into debtors prison...

You're unable to sell debt to investors due to a terrible credit rating and severe spending rules in place due to its EU-IMF bailout and you REFUSE to raise the corporate tax rate for fear all these wonderful corporations paying next to nothing while dodging tax responsibilities in their respective homes, might flee...

So, how do you stimulate your economy?

Simple-- you tax pensions..

But not just Any pensions...

Why, you tax Private pensions!  ~ problem solved

Prime Minister Enda Kenny's has stated his plan to tax private pensions at a 0.6% rate for four years in the hopes of raising about 470 Million euros in each of those four years.  The pension taxes are aimed at keeping government jobs spending from adding to the national debt.

This on top of increased wage taxes, lower minimum wage, lower benefits and overall quality of life..  and if this was in one nation alone, it would be bad enough.  But this is happening in Greece and other Eastern European nations no media takes the time to talk about.. and will be happening to Portugal and Spain... and eventually Britain and France if not already..  and eventually American shores.

~ Bad storms always seems so much safer at a distance, don't they?

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