Friday, May 13, 2011

Cracks in the media 'Dam'

Today, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released two monthly reports: Consumer Price Index Summary and Real Earnings.    Here's some of the findings:

Compared to last month, consumer prices rose 0.4%.

In terms of yearly gain,  "The energy index has now risen 19.0 percent over the last 12 months, with the gasoline index up 33.1 percent. The food index has risen 3.2 percent while the index for all items less food and energy has increased 1.3 percent"

~ Terrible but true.. the price of gasoline has risen by 33.1% since early May, 2010.

Real average wage earnings declined 0.3% vs the previous month and "Since reaching a recent peak in October 2010, real average weekly earnings have fallen by 1.7 percent."

~ This means you're paying more and earning less

We end this posting with another rare nugget of news honesty we spotted...

From WSJ -- "Global growth in the consumer industry has slowed and talk of recovery in the U.S. and Western Europe is premature, Reckitt Benckiser PLC Chief Executive Bart Becht said... Sales in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe, where rising incomes and socioeconomic improvement have driven higher demand for its products, more than offset weakness in Western Europe and North America...  "

" "In Europe, the situation continues to be very, very weak. In North America, it also continues to be rather weak. It is marginally better than it was maybe a couple of months ago, but it is not good enough in order to call it that we have a recovery. It is way too early for that." (Becht said) "

~ Very slowly the 'Dam' of propaganda is cracking and minute droplets of truth is coming out in the mainstream media..

One droplet at a time...

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