Saturday, May 14, 2011

Just pondering...

This is a bit on the controversial side perhaps but it is something generally speaking I've pondered on occasion and who knows, maybe deep down its a thought you've shared as well...

In two weeks or so, it will be Memorial Day in the US.   And I believe our fighting men and women are noble people who put their lives at risk and defend American freedoms, liberties, and safety; they fight to protect us...

And I admire them for it...

But really, its just so sad..

So Sad that they fight and die to protect these horrible men as well...
 ~ Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke

~ Alan Greenspan, former Fed Chair...   (he's on the left)

~ Ultra-Billionaire and 'Oracle of Omaha' Warren Buffett

 ~ Jamie Dimon, head of JP Morgan Chase

 ~ Kenneth Lay, head of Bank of America

~ Lloyd Blankfein, head of Goldman Sachs

~ Steve Jobs, head of Apple

Certainly the life of an American solider is worth More, yes?

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