Thursday, May 5, 2011

Its never too early for a Pres. Debate

~ Fair & Balanced- a Pro Rep & Anti-Rep logo

Was flipping through the channels and noticed an amazing thing before my remote control batteries gave out..

The first Republican Presidential candidate debate...

A Full 17 months before the 2012 Presidential elections.

So as I watch (and hunt for batteries), some brief observations:

--  It is FAR too early to be having Presidential debates and no matter what was said tonight, it will be instantly forgotten within 15 min of the end of the debate.  

--  There were five potential candidates on the stage.  It reminds me of five brothers competing w one another as to who will get the honor of cleaning the toilets.   Not just referring to the fact that the US economy is a complete mess, but like in the example where all the brothers, no matter how they fight for the honor, ultimately belong to the same family, all the Republican And Democrats who pretend to lock horns, ultimately belong to the same special interests 'family', and yes that includes Obama.

-- All five candidates were asked about Afghanistan and whether or not the US should leave.  And each argued their position and no one had the courage or desire to mention why our troops are there...  oil.  More specifically, to protect the oil pipelines that go through the nation from the Persian Gulf into Europe and Asia.

-- One of the candidates talked about abolishing the IRS and establishing a "flat tax" of 28%.. Hmm, didn't  Steve Forbes try floating that idiocy 12 yrs ago in the 2000 Rep. primaries?   The Reps in the audience seemed to like it.. many applauded.    Of course a flat tax is a tax on the poor.  If someone struggling to survive while working 2 jobs is paying 18% taxes and a Wall St. investor making $10mill.yr is paying 47% taxes, how is it fair to make a new flat tax of 28%??

-- Congressman Ron Paul seems to be getting the most applause overall when he speaks.  Before you read too much into this, its fair to mention he also received the most applause overall during the 2008 primaries as well and we saw who was their eventual nominee.

I'd write more but like i said, its the first Presidential debate with many, many more to come and I finally found my TV remote control batteries...

~ Clickkkk ~

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