Saturday, May 7, 2011

Video: Ireland & Austerity

There are many financial problems plaguing the European continent and most if not all those maladies are caused by European and International banks who overreached up until 2008, took massive economic hits when the global economy crashed, then held various nations hostage until their governments agreed to surrender national economic autonomy and allow those financial institutions to pretty much rape and pillage the European populaces through austerity.  

While one could study Greece to get a taste of what happens when banks devastate a nation, I feel a more comprehensive understanding of this Investor-driven plague can be found by studying Ireland, a nation that is similar to Greece in that both nations' economies are Heavily dependent on imports and both have taken IMF loans within the last year.  But whereas Greece holds strikes and protests almost daily, the Irish people are still in a form of shell-shock as to what's hit the nation. 

Below is a very informative video in 2 parts from Max Keiser who when it comes to finance, markets and understanding the global ponzi scheme currently going on, is someone whose opinions I respect. He explains how Ireland's economy was decimated back in 2008, the 'deal with the devil' their government agreed to with the IMF by accepting their loans, and what's ahead for Ireland and her people.

Please watch & understand this is not isolated to the Emerald Isle..  Enjoy~

Ireland- part 1 (10min approx)

Ireland part 2 (10min approx.)

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