Sunday, June 12, 2011

3/11 to 6/10: What floated & sank most?

In a posting yesterday, we showed you that in 3 full months or 68 trading days, both the Dow Jones average, as well as the vast majority of stocks were virtually unchanged, meaning little to no return on the investment of the money you were risking.

But of course there's no such thing as absolutes, and there were certain stocks that had you invested on March 11th, you would have a nice, tidy little profit by June 10th.  Of course there's other stocks that had you been holding onto, you'd be bound to have pains in the pit of your stomach.   That's just how the market works..   For fun, let's look at a few Ups & Downs:

Some Successes:

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of DollarTree on March 11th, you would have bought 381 shares at $52.36 per share.  As of June 10th, DollarTree ended the trading day at $61.75 per share.

In three months, the stock went up $9.39 per share.  

The profit on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $3,577.59

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of NetFlix on March 11th, you would have bought 99 shares at $200.02 per share.  As of June 10th, NetFlix ended the trading day at $258.62 per share.

In three months, the stock went up $58.60 per share.

The profit on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $5,801.40

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of Domino's on March 11th, you would have bought 1142 shares at $17.50 per share.  As of June 10th, Domino's ended the trading day at $23.12 per share.

In three months, the stock went up $5.62 per share.

The profit on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $6,418.00

Some Failures:

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of GoldmanSachs on March 11th, you would have bought 124 shares at $160.27 per share.  As of June 10th, GoldmanSachs ended the trading day at $135.92 per share.

In three months, the stock lost $24.35 per share.

The Total Loss on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $3,019.40

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of Citigroup on March 11th, you would have bought 440 shares at $45.40 per share.  As of June 10th, Citigroup ended the trading day at $37.92 per share.

In three months, the stock lost $7.48 per share. 

The Total Loss on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $3,291.20

Did ya know:  If you invested $20k into shares of Sony on March 11th, you would have bought 583 shares at $34.26 per share.  As of June 10th, Sony ended the trading day at $25.01 per share.

In three months, the stock lost $9.25 per share.  

The Total Loss on your 3 month investment of $20k would have been $5,392.75

Moral of the story:  For every stock that dramatically goes up or down, at least 100 meander at the same place within a 3 month period.  The profit or loss you take from the majority of stocks over a 3 month period is so minimal, that its really not worth the risk of investing unless you're in for the Very long haul or are a Day-trader, in which case, I hope you have nerves of steel and keep sharp objects locked away.

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