Thursday, June 16, 2011

Headlines investors like to read

I understand Financial media..  I understand what sociopathic socioeconomic demographics they cater to and I understand that their entire reason for existing is to keep pushing a very Hard-Sell of 'investing'.   In other words, the frantic mindset that no matter the economic reality, you must always be investing..  keep moving your money from A to B to Z-- money must always be making money, keep expanding and diversifying your portfolio, tragedy and suffering are golden investing opportunities, and other mantras.

So anyways, I went on this evening.  The following are all real headlines as of 12:45a EST.. see if you can find the common thread...

--  Questions every investor must ask now

--  11 reasons stocks will storm back soon

--  Stocks to watch Friday:  RIM, Capital One

--  Investing in rentals now in favor

--  New opportunities in Commodities

--  Best places to stash cash

--  Bells ring out at the end of this bull market

Ans:  Never a better time than the present to Invest (suckers)...

Next, based on this next set of headlines, can you tell me MarketWatch's position when it comes to Greece and the suffering of its people?

--  Volatility Index rises with Greek crisis

--  Greece poses $41Bill threat to US banks

--  Greece isn't priced in, nor is Ireland

Ans:  MarketWatch and all other financial media couldn't give a Flying Fig

Lastly, based on this next set of headlines, what is MarketWatch's position on the wealthy paying their fair share of the tax burden?

--  Get a tax break on your next vacation

--  7 Ways to persuade IRS you're right

--  Tax credits you don't want to miss

--  Deductions with Big payouts

Ans:  MarketWatch isn't really too fond of paying taxes

At least now you have a website to visit when wishing to feed your greed.

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