Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Video: Greece-When politicians don't listen

Investors pretended that Greece was a reason the market dropped today.   It wasn't.  You could tell by all the talking meat-sticks on CNBC 'Closing Bell' hard-pushing stocks and offering non-stop investment advice; convincing people this market is a correction or 'adjustment' or the cutesy name 'summer selloff'-  

Ugh, what parasites.. anything to force the Fed's hand into QE3...

If they paid attention to Greece and truly cared to understand what was going on, the sell off today would have been double.

So what happens when banks and financiers try to take over a nation?  When elected officials side with those entities against the wishes and needs of its populace?

The video is 4min, 30sec long.. gives you a little taste as to the level of frustration and victimization the Greek people feel towards their government.   The US and Europe thought this expression of democracy was wonderful in Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt and Libya.   Why is it not equally wonderful Now?

Oh yes.. because the IMF and ECB directly caused this...

And notice how little if any of this you've seen today on corporate cable news.

This is coming to Ireland.. to Portugal.. maybe UK.. maybe USA...

It can still be averted but it would take a fundamental shift in global economic policy and really the likelihood of that is small when the financial elite have so much invested in maintaining status quo.

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