Tuesday, June 7, 2011

What the news will be discussing tomorrow

This specific posting is more about making a prediction than taking a position one way or another.  And the prediction is that the following will be a hot-topic for discussion in tomorrow (Wednesday's) financial and cable TV news:

Republican mainstream flirts with brief default  (Reuters)-- "An idea once confined to the fringe of the Republican party is seeping into its mainstream -- that a brief default might be an acceptable price to pay if it forces the White House to deal with runaway spending.  An increasing number of Republicans do not believe the Obama administration's dire predictions of economic "catastrophe" if the debt limit is not increased. They argue a period of technical default can be managed without plunging markets into chaos."

If you want to read the entirety of the article, click below:


So even if A&G is mistaken, and no one talks about this in tomorrow's news cycle, then at least you have a heads-up into the mindset of some in Congress.

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