Monday, June 13, 2011

A Deeply Gloomy 2012 Election Awaits...

It is my personal belief that the Vast majority of those who call align themselves as "Democrats" are good, decent & patriotic people who want what's best for America.   I equally believe the Vast majority of those who align themselves as "Republican" are equally good, decent & patriotic people.  Others may snicker or outright disagree with this assessment.  That is your right.

Now, I do not hold politicians of either party with the same level of respect as I do the populous on the whole.  To be honest, I find with few exceptions, politicians on both sides of the 'aisle' to be abhorrent and morally bankrupt individuals who had to do a lot of soul-selling to get to the positions of prominence and power they obtain presently.

The great divide politically is not the imaginary left-right paradigm which we all tend to get sucked into at one time or another.  The great divide is wealth based-- there are Two Americas;  one representing the Top 2% which hold the power, influence and vast majority of the nation's wealth.  They make the policy.  The other America, the bottom 98%, comprised of everyone from the small-m 'millionaires' to the poorest of the poor, are the ones with little to no real say in the governance of this nation.

Many people currently think we have a President currently in office who is a man of the people; the antithesis of George W. Bush, who was probably one of the worst presidents ever to reside in the White House.  This may anger Obamaites but this is the truth: the current President campaigned as a man of the people; an economic liberal who would put Wall St. in their place.  Instead, economically, we have a President who is an articulate Bush-clone who cozies up to Wall Street as vulgarly as any Republican politician.

The following is from the New York Times today:

Obama Seeks to Win Back Wall St. Cash--  "A few weeks before announcing his re-election campaign, President Obama convened two dozen Wall Street executives, many of them longtime donors... The guests were asked for their thoughts on how to speed the economic recovery, then the president opened the floor for over an hour on hot issues like hedge fund regulation and the deficit...

The event, organized by the Democratic National Committee, kicked off an aggressive push by Mr. Obama to win back the allegiance of one of his most vital sources of campaign cash...

Last month, Mr. Obama’s campaign manager, Jim Messina, traveled to New York for back-to-back meetings with Wall Street donors... And Mr. Obama will return to New York this month to dine with bankers, hedge fund executives and private equity investors..."

McCain:  Tell the boys in Wall St I'm sorry I let them down...
Obama:  It's ok.  Everything is taken care of.

Some will rationalize this with the weak argument of, "Big Deal! All politicians do it, so why pick on Obama?". Others will simply shrug.  They miss the point.  There's an old adage- 'One can not serve two masters'.  The needs and wants of the Wall St. community run in Direct contradiction to the needs of 'Main Street' America.  And it is this Battle which Main Street has lost badly which is a major reason the US economy is dying, town by town.

Wall St. wants dramatic reductions in both the corporate tax rate and personal income, particularly at the top percent.   Main Street wants corporations and super-wealthy to pay their fair share of the tax burden.  Wall St. believes and supports corporations while Main Street generally believe in the local entrepreneur; the start-up company and the creation and growth of small and middle-sized businesses.  Wall St. believes in outsourcing jobs abroad and relocation of companies to other nations to increase profits and dividends.   Main Street believes in building and strengthening communities; Americans employing Americans.

You get the idea...

Wall St is specifically the reason the world is in a global recession.

Let us once and for all Stop this 'blame the victim' nonsense-- its NOT your fault the entire economy is in shambles and you are NOT at fault because you bought a HDTV or iPad on credit or purchased a home with a 'teaser' adjustable rate mortgage.   They are the culprits-- They are the Guilty party.  And every piece of legislation during the last months of Bush and 2+ years of Obama including Fed policies as been aimed at financially benefiting and strengthening criminals and their economic enterprises.

Not a single piece of legislation or Executive Order has been put through with emphasis on job creation by the government or essentially forcing Wall St. to release their combined $2 Trillion in cash reserves to restart hiring.

Not a single piece of legislation of Executive Order has been put through to protect the underwater homeowner such as a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions, or replacing the ARM rates with a standardized interest rate which would allow most to keep making payments.

Those who have reached 99 weeks of unemployment are forever cut off of assistance, and those still not yet at 99 weeks have had to beg and plead with government like dogs for extensions at every opportunity.

The investor cries like a ugly, plump little bully and just like the adage of 'squeaky wheel gets the grease', they receive more and more free taxpayer dollars to expand their portfolios while the bottom 98% remain quiet and stoic...

Prideful yet Poor.

When the masses 'squeak', then the government will provide it some economic 'grease'.. and not a single moment until then.

The Election of 2012 is 16 months away, and at the moment, every single potential candidate of both parties looks Horrible.  All of them are beholden to Wall St.  All of them are completely out of touch with the reality of most people struggling to make ends meet in this 3+ year recession.

I have no clue who to vote for and for many of you, I am sure you feel the same. Because the question is this: Do you pick crap or shit?   One has to believe there is a candidate somewhere who puts the bottom 98% on a higher pedastal than those vile Wall St. cockroaches...  One would Hope...

Going to be one Deeply Gloomy Presidential Election season...

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