Thursday, June 9, 2011

US home equity- where are we currently

For all the chitter-chatter, mumbo-jumbo nonsense of soft patches, dips, blips, bleeps or bloops to push pretend 'recovery' it comes down to two factors-  rising employment and home values.

Politicians, financial 'experts' and media will invent cleverly-complicated terms and phraseology- a verbal version of the classic confidence game known as 'the shell game'- all meant to confuse and distract..

Once again-- two factors to a real recovery:  rising employment and home values.

From AP:  "Falling home prices have shrunk the equity Americans have in their homes to nearly the lowest percentage since World War II.  Average home equity plunged from more than 61 percent at the start of 2001 to 38 percent in the January-March quarter this year...  The average household owes nearly $119,000 on mortgages, credit cards, auto loans and other debt...  There are 74.5 million homeowners in the United States. Nearly 25 percent of those homeowners are "underwater," which means they have negative equity in their homes"

Finance and economics doesn't have to be complicated or boring-- you just have to know how to simplify it, or have someone on your side to do it for you..

Someone like "Ants & Grasshoppers"

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