Friday, June 3, 2011

So many rationalizations; little honesty

The nation is in recession..  been that way for over three years.

The financial and media power elite say otherwise.. They say 'recovery'.

They're full of um..  poo

And now that all economic data this week points to them as Blatant Liars, the power elite have come up with softer, cutesy ways of spinning the economy as they wipe egg off their egotistical faces..

See, we're not still in recession or in a double dip- No, No.. Its just....

"The economy faces challenges ahead and bumps on the road to recovery" - Obama quoted as saying today..

"We're making headwinds" - another Obama quote today

"These are "rough patches" that were inevitable..."- White House spokesman responding to bleak job figures today

Here's other ways the media and financial spin doctors are phrasing this  (all the following are real quotes found in a multitude of various news articles describing today's jobs report):

"The economy is slowing" - this implies we were having a bustling, ferocious recovery until this moment...

"The economy is hitting a soft patch"- Ironic that the economy can be hitting a 'rough patch' as the White House spokesman said today, and yet also a 'soft' one

"We're experiencing a soft spot for global growth" - yes, quicksand is quite soft to step in

"It's a slowdown to a more anaemic growth pace”  - Gobbletygook

"It's a transitional recovery" - quite intentionally opague

"We're in a BBQ recovery- its long and slow" -  CNN headline

"We're still in a better position than a year ago" - ~cheek slap

"Recovery does not occur in a straight line you know..."   I could have sworn real recovery was supposed to go in some direction beyond straight horizontal

"The recovery is going to be staccato" -  Staccato signifies an unconnected note, which is separated or detached from its neighbours by a silence; the person who snobbily gave this quote assumed you simply knew this

"These figures are just a blip..." - one small 'blip' signifying a bigger Bleep Bleep on the horizon

If I had to believe one rationale, it'd be the one spoken on Thurs on CNBC..

"We're heading for a Great, Great Depression..."

Which do you believe?

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