Sunday, June 19, 2011

Time to default Greece

On Friday, European financing to Greece looked like a fait accompli

Now Monday morning,

"Europe’s finance ministers unexpectedly put off approval early Monday of the next installment of aid to debt-laden Greece, delaying the decision until July and demanding that the Greek Parliament first approve spending cuts and financial reforms that include a large-scale privatization program."  NY Times

Rather than write more and more paragraphs on this topic, I will explain why Greece Needs to default and break free from the EU, simply using headlines from other media:

Growing Doubts on Greece’s Ability to Enforce Austerity -- NY Times

**  If harsh austerity can't be enforced (and really it should not be), then how can any entity continue giving money to a nation not following its conditions for receipt of such funds  (answer that IMF...)

Greece's debt crisis 'could wreck eurozone in 5 years' -- Daily Mail UK

** If one cares about the EU, why put it at risk with this insanity of keeping 'plates' spinning.  Let Greece go its separate way, absorb the losses in short term, and make necessary changes to strengthen those remaining in the Union

Greece's Lingering Problems Augur Slower Erosion for Euro -- WSJ

**  The weaker the euro, the worse for the entire citizenry of Europe.  Of course European businesses think like American ones..the weaker their currency, the more profit from exporting so to European companies, the weaker the merrier...

National Debt: Is the US like Greece? --  CNN Money

**  No because the US economy is Worse.   Biggest differences are we export far more and we print money.  The US should really default as well if not for this John Wayne-like antiquated 'honor' towards cockroach investors. Both nations are looking at a bleak future until both shed the heavy debt burden, and austerity and budget cuts only go so far...

Greek Default Would Spell ‘Havoc’ for Banks -- Bloomberg

**  Banks are evil-- they caused the 2008 Crisis; they've yet to take their financial punishment.  If Greece can be the catalyst, so be it..

Greece expected to default even after a second IMF/EU bailout - Independent, UK

** Technically all these entities are throwing money down the drain which they will never get back..  so what is the point, really?

Greece-- You Gotta Be Brave..

Iceland defaulted two years ago- they're now getting bank loans again, And at better interest rates than you are!

Save your nation my Greek friends-  push for Default.

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