Friday, June 17, 2011

Quote of the Day- 6/17/11

Concerning Greece:

“The problem you have is that it’s extremely unlikely the political system will work (in a way that solves Greece’s crisis). The chances of Greece not defaulting are very small... (Greek default is) so high that you almost have to say there’s no way out."

-  Former Fed Chair Alan Greenspan on "The Charlie Rose Show"

Greece will eventually default. Like an individual swamped with debt and who can Never repay, it needs to default in order to survive.  It should have done so in 2010- it would have meant it was one year closer to real economic recovery.   All the ECB and IMF chicanery.. the corrupt Greek leadership..  the incessant doubletalk from finance 'experts' isn't going to stop it.

The only questions are when and how much of a financial hit will insolvent banks throughout Europe and the US take?  Its really no different than a sinking ship.. it Will sink.. you just do all you can to delay it so you can save as many people as possible before it happens.

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