Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From grains of sand, come a beach...

Markets are up 116pts at 12,069 as of 3:45pm...

Hmm, something really amazing must have happened to boost the economy...

Or some game changer where Investors feel Confident in America's future..

"Stocks rose sharply, aided by a reading on US retail sales that wasn't as bad as economists had expected..." (WSJ)

Are you kidding me?

Well at least Reuters called it right-- "Many analysts said the rally was likely a one-day wonder. Though still weak, the retail sales data was not as bad as most had expected, which provided an excuse to buy after the market had neared its most oversold conditions in a year."

Economists, in light of the disaster of last week's job creation figures, purposely re-adjusted its predictions to a drop in retail sales of 0.6%.  It did this so that it wouldn't be embarrassed again after predicting 144k jobs would be created in May and finding only 54k were.  So needing any excuse possible to pour back into the market, the cockroach investors looked at the official US retail sales figures of a 0.2% drop last month as a "positive".

I never sugarcoat things-- it is just evil that Investors are allowed to manipulate every piece of real statistical data for their own profit-seeking purposes.  Almost as evil as the fact that nation after nation bend over backwards to appease and protect investors instead of curtailing them.

The most worthless group of individuals to live and breath--Investors, who create nothing, build nothing, improve nothing and all the while, profit off everything.

Here in the US, we're filled with Fear.. constant Fear that horrible things will occur if we don't raise the debt ceiling.  Why do we wish to raise it?   So foreign investors, particularly China won't get hurt on their investments even though we're currently at $14.6 trillion with no ability to ever pay it off.   How is raising it to $15.6 or $17 trillion going to make it better?  It won't-- just kicks the can until the next debt-ceiling debate after the election.  Ah yes-- elections.   And no politician has the guts, will, or desire to raise taxes, Especially on the wealthy and on dividends & investments.  They just want to cut essential services and entitlements to the bone.

And in Greece- what a disgrace.  I feel so terrible for their people.   The outright, overt selling out of its sovereignty and independence by its leaders is deeply scary.  And why is this happening, besides that many politicians are corrupt to the core?   Because the only thing that matters to Greece's government is that foreign banks and investors do not take a haircut on their investment on Greek bonds. And like some disgusting "Everything Must Go" liquidation sale, the government is selling off or privatizing Everything from its islands to railroads, ports & airports, etc..  (Ireland and Portugal, you best believe you're next...)

And no one knows what to do?

Most people do not want to see their nation and other nations destroyed this way.  Most do not want to see these (insert adjective here) investors make a penny (or euro) of profit while the economic world is crumbling.   We try to block it out of our minds- all this horribleness, so we can enjoy each day as best we can, and not over-stress those we love and care about (even though at times their outright Refusal to engage in discussion on the topic can be quite Maddening).

But how can this Evil be stopped?  How can one person make any difference?

There's an old adage- 'A beach begins with a grain of sand.'

As Individuals, we can be is Legally civilly disobedient. This rebellion begins and ends with your money.  Is your personal wealth important to you?  Then don't let other entities profit off your money, or off you.  And don't toss it away on frivolity.

Don't keep your money in banks where they can lend it to others at 10x the amount (fractional reserve banking) at higher interest rates than you're receiving to keep it there.  Don't let investors profit from your financial holdings by having your savings boost bank stock prices.  Don't use credit cards for small purchases so banks and credit card companies can collect 2-3% transaction fees.

Don't go to college and get into tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollar of debt unless you are Sure there's a good paying job for you at the end of the academic 'tunnel'.  Don't take out loans to buy new cars if you can afford to buy an equal quality pre-owned in full.  Don't acquire any debt for non-essentials, and if you are, pay it off as quick as reasonable so no entity can profit off you.

The global economy feeds on debt.  We're a cash-based society with nothing real backing the currencies of the world, so the money in our pockets are nothing more than pretty pictures what we believe holds value. Without people and nations acquiring more and more debt, the global economy would collapse completely on itself.  Yes, believe it or not-- if everyone paid off all their debts to one another, the banks and investors could not make profits and would be forced to feed on each other- like rats.

And That is how you get revenge on the investors and bankers of the world.  Take control and Make a difference in your life.  Become financially disciplined...

Grains of sand Do eventually become a beach...

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