Thursday, June 16, 2011

Political Bluff-- 3 recent examples

~  "I got em' where I want 'em..."

All politicians of all parties of all nations are liars.

And all financial institutions from banks to international lending are liars as well.

Here's some recent and humorous (at least to me) examples of political bluffing:

1)  Yesterday, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou offers to resign in return for the creation of a unity government with the opposition New Democracy party.  It was total theater which no one in Greece bought.  Later he stated on Greek television, he would ask for a vote of confidence and pledged to continue on the same course.  The course to Greece's destruction that is.

2)   The IMF stated repeatedly it would not give Greece any more money without a new rescue plan in place.  They were quite insistent for weeks over this.   Turns out they were full of bleep, or 'bluffing' as some may call it.   Today, the IMF stated "it agreed to pay Greece its €12bn aid tranche next month even if eurozone leaders do not agree on a new €120bn Greek bail-out."- Financial Times about lack of conviction!

3)  Republicans in Congress threaten to let the US default by not voting to raise the debt ceiling, unless they get budgetary cuts which they've been seeking for some time, and yet to get traction on.   This is the ultimate bluff of course. But this charade will go on another month and magically a last-minute deal will be made and everyone can claim victory.  No different than in December when Obama capitulated and allowed the Bush tax cuts to be extended to everyone, no matter how wealthy.

All these people.. politicians, bankers, financiers... they're all liars and cowards; the bluster of a peacock and the courage of mice.

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