Saturday, June 18, 2011

"Homers" and winning?

Harry Carey:  Hey Ryne, tell us how Great the Cubs are?
Ryne Sandberg:  Well Harry, we're playing pretty good, and...
Harry Carey:  Nahh, you're playing Great, I tell ya.. just Great!

Yesterday the Dow closed on an up note and the media were quite happy to trumpet this past week as a "winning week" compared to the last 6 weeks where the market has continually dropped from the week prior.

But let's just see how much the markets 'won' by...

On June 10th, the Dow finished the week at 11,951.91

On June 17th, the Dow finished the week at 12,004.36

In one week, the Dow went up 52.45 pts.-- based on nothing mind you..

Oh for some perspective, on Feb 1st the Dow was at 12,040.

Four and a half months later, we're back to Feb 1st numbers

It reminds me of baseball- a team is on very long losing streak then finally wins a game, and the home-town 'homer' announcer would say something like "And the winning streak is at 1"

Of course the difference being in baseball, the 'homer' is lovable and endearing.  In the financial media, its just irritating and annoying.

~ "Cubssss Winnnn!!..  Cubsss Winnnn!!...  Cubbbss Winnnn!!"

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