Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Greece Must fight for its survival

Some people may think the protests in Greece is specifically about the IMF and ECB coming in and forcing harsh austerity on the Greek people in the way of higher taxes, lower minimum wage, dramatic cuts in pensions and social services, and a dramatic decrease in the quality of life for Grecian people.

This is all true.

But, see the bankers' plan is more insidious than that...

"Greece announced Wednesday (June 1st)  its plans for a big sale of state-owned assets... The government will sell 49 percent of the state railroad, list ports and airports on the stock market, and privatize the country’s casinos... The government will also sell minority stakes in water utilities serving Athens and Thessaloniki, sell 39 percent of the post office, and combine its vast real estate assets into a holding company to be listed on the stock market." -  New York Times, 6/3/11

In simple terms, instead of Greece defaulting on the debts which it SHOULD be doing, its corrupt President has chosen to accept more IMF and ECB loans which it can never repay and in the process has given away its sovereignty, not simply in figurative, flowery terms but in true, hard assets.

Let me repeat this because we're talking about the dissemination of a nation's autonomy forever-- Greece is to be giving up stakes so that foreign banks and foreign nations will be controlling portions of Greece's railroads, ports, airports, casino, lottery, islands, water utilities, post office..  The banks want to own Greece's infrastructure.

The Greek people had better do more than protest if they want to keep any semblance of their nation and national identity intact.

PS--  Psst, Ireland-- you're next

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