Thursday, June 9, 2011

How to toss away $2mill/day on nothing

Robert Gates, outgoing Secretary of Defense stated yesterday that US military operations in Libya are on course to cost hundreds of millions of dollars more than what was estimated originally by the Pentagon.

Originally the pentagon figured the financial expense to institute regime change was to be $750 million to cover the 2011 fiscal year.   But in only 4-6 weeks of operations, a Pentagon memo stated that the cost by mid-May had been $664 million and growing.  Currently, operations are costing at mimimum $2 million/day.

Remember this is just Libya.. we're still fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, and according to the New York Times, the Us military has been engaged in an operation of secret airstrikes in Yemen.

All of this cost $$$--  taxpayer money...  money not used to create jobs.

And think about it this way.. $664 million thus far spent on military operations that congress never gave any form of approval for.. no public vote on the House and Senate floors... no debate prior to engagement.

All this $$ spent under the guise of taking outt a bad man (Gaddafi) who hurts his people.    Where has that rationale been used before?   Hmm.. let me think...  thinking.. thinking...  Oh yes... President Bush saying Saddam Hussein used weapons of mass destruction on his people as one of the secondary rationales for invasion.

So glad we don't have a President anymore who topples dictators of oil-rich nations who do not do business on our terms

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