Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Selfishness masked as Compassion

~ Greek version of 'Monopoly'

Unbelievable..  simply unbelievable...

The US- a nation with a National Debt close to $14.7 Trillion... a nation with 9.1% unemployment (its really over 16% if counted properly),  a 33% loss in home values over 4 years and millions and Millions of Americans suffering as a result of the Failed economic policies of Two F**ked Up Presidents whose policies have been eerily similar.

And the current one wants to send US taxpayer dollars-- money that could and should be used to directly benefit your lives in some productive way...  to Greece

To Greece- a nation who's jobless rate as of March '11 is 16.2% officially

To Greece-- a nation I find beautiful and the people wonderful but politically cowardly for refusing simply default on a debt to loan sharks and banking Mafioso which it will Never Ever be able to repay-- Ever.

"(Obama) pledged U.S. support to help tackle the country's debt crisis (Greece)... we have pledged to cooperate fully in working through these issues, both on a bilateral basis but also through international and financial institutions like the IMF." - Reuters

Interesting isn't it--  some members of Congress are totally OK with the US defaulting on its debts (see previous posting) yet Oh God Forbid Greece do it!  Because investors would lose money and Europe's banks would have to disclose they are truly insolvent.

So let's look at what the IMF is-- America's back-channel tool to send American taxpayer dollars to fund other nation's liquidity problems, then hold those nations hostage as a consortium of US and European banking interests (US provides the majority of the financing but a European always runs it- that's the agreement) come in and run that nation from within, decimating the infrastructure while pretending its there to help.

 A very brief tutorial-- the IMF was founded by the US after WWII-  every nation is a member but has weighted votes and provides financing on a sliding scale.  The US holds a Super-Majority vote in all policy decisions of 86.7% meaning quite simply if every other nation on earth wanted to vote a certain way, and the US wanted the opposite, the US gets its way.  In addition, the US provides the most funding-- 20%.   That means when you hear a nation getting a bailout for say $50Billion US dollars, it means $10 Billion came out of your pocket Mr. & Mrs. American citizen.   And if/when its paid back, it doesn't go back to you.. it stays in the IMF for future loans.

~ You can never be too young to learn how to crush the competition

This is the simplest way I can explain this Farce:   We're all familiar with the game of Monopoly and how it is played, I will assume.   Imagine 4 people are playing and after some time, all four are in weak financial positions, tthough one player in particular is in a Really weak position.  Now that player lands on an expensive property owned by another & owes more than can be repaid.  The player's cash is taken, personal properties mortgaged and/or sold and still not enough.  So the player should simply default and quit the game, yes?

Normally yes but not in this case-- See the other three players want to keep the fourth in the game for their own personal best interests and sadistic reasons-- so even though the other three are in financial straits themselves, they 'lend' money to the fourth person.  Certainly not enough that the other player can ever come back in the game or be a threat--  no, just enough to keep the game going because it serves their interests.  And over time it becomes increasingly pointless for that bankrupt player to stay in the game, and yet for some inexplicable reason, the player continues playing...

And continues getting played while the others laugh.

This is the world we live in-- good people of every nation governed by bad.

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