Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Thoughts on Rep. Presidential Candidate Debate

~ "Wellll, you know.. uh..  I really wasn't that great"

I decided to watch the first "official" Republican Presidential nominee debate on the internet late this evening since I was unable to watch when televised on cable.  Here are some thoughts I scribbled as I watched...

*  There were 7 candidates up on the stage, each of them attacking Obama and regurgitating the same stale, tired messages of the 2008 campaign- lower corporate taxes, lower or eliminate capital gains tax, lower all income taxes, etc..and the economy will magically grow, and millions of jobs will be magically created.. ~Grabs an antacid

* Candidate Minn. Gov. Tim Pawlenty stated if he was President, the US economy would grow at 5%.  Gee, what's that figure based on?  Why, America can do 5% easy because, "We're not the same as Portugal.. we're not the same as Argentina.. If China can have 5% growth.. then the United States of America can..."   Ah, but of course...

* The candidates all have decided that rather than attack one another, they'd attack Obama and his record.  Which is kind of humorous considering Obama's economic policies are quite fiscally conservative and is a major reason the economy is double dipping while Wall St. is swimming in riches.  But I guess if it plays in Peoria, as the old adage goes, then you keep up the show...

*  As I watch this cavalcade of double-speak, I'm reminded of something which a wise person once said to me:  Not every person who runs for President does so with the goal of being President, meaning some have ulterior motives.  As I watch these seven speak, I can tell some are serious contenders with genuine aspirations, and others are standing there, knowing they have zero chance but hoping perhaps they can acquire just enough delegates to manipulate a potential cabinet appointment.  Or possibly to get face time to help sell some books.

*  The candidates spent some time talking about the Health care debate and "Obamacare".  Very dry stuff, so to summarize 15minutes of debate, it seems most "believe" everyone should be covered medically, but its just no one on the stage wishes to actually pay for it, thus making this idea of covering everyone medically really.. not.. too super.

*  The candidates also support Welfare reform which they call an 'entitlement'..  See you unemployed people.. you're just lazy.  You don't want to work.  You're living high off the hog at the government's expense, so you must be Forced to work by cutting the financial lifeline.   And all the well-to-dos in the audience applaud the candidates' comments like silly monkeys.

*  The candidates were also very complimentary of the Tea Party, an organization corrupted and financed by ultra-fiscal conservatives like the Koch Brothers (pronounced Coke) who believe in rolling back the clock on worker benefits to pre-FDR, i.e.  None.  They also believe in Zero government regulations of corporations and the financial markets.  Nice to see the candidates indirectly acknowledge their puppet-masters.

*  They all talk a lot of empty gobbletygook nonsense about how to create jobs-- nothing based in reality.   Want to create jobs?  Here's how..  Congress set aside $400Billion in grants (not a loan) to provide American entrepreneurs, young and old, up to $40k each to start up a business in a physical location (not solely internet based or done at home) to provide products or services for their communities.  The $400 Billion allotment would mean directly helping TEN MILLION businesspeople create something from nothing, while giving empowerment and hope.  And if each owner hired just 1 employee, between them, you've created 20 million jobs!

~ Ugh, Had to turn it off... That that anything a Dem politician says is sincere either but, only so much a mere mortal can take...

Still waiting for a candidate of either party to speak from the heart and provide real, substantive ideas for helping Main Street America, and not Wall St.

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